Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 256 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway/Good News Publishers
- Publication Date: February 2016
How to Be an Atheist: Why Many Skeptics Aren't Skeptical Enough
Westminster Bookstore Review
“I liked this book so much I read it cover to cover. The Science section is the best short introduction to issues in science, philosophy, and God I have read: it clearly and simply makes its case, while incorporating the insights of Kuhn and Plantinga.
The section on Morality is weaker. While I agree with the conclusion that morality is personal, the author does a poor job of responding to the insights of atheist moral realists. It might be enough to respond to Richard Dawkins, but I think Phillipa Foot would be more difficult. The biggest problem is that Stokes seizes one horn of the Euthyphro Dilemma and doubles down. He is willing to say that God's commands are in some way arbitrary. But I am with Alexander Comrie: God couldn't create a world where idolatry would be ethical, and I think starting with this insight would lead to a better account.
Here’s what I love about this book: Stokes is up to date on all the latest work in science and philosophy, and he marshals all this knowledge in a defense against atheism that is very well-argued. What’s more, he is clear. He won’t over–simplify, but you can understand him. He is skeptical about science, but in the reasonable sort of way that does not hate science. He shows how one can love science and love God. Read this book, and talk about it with your atheist neighbor.”
– Jamie Duguid, WTS Books Staff, 2015
Atheists talk a lot about the importance of skepticism. But the truth is, they're not nearly skeptical enough.
While they champion the importance of a critical stance toward religion, they often fail to take that same stance toward their own beliefs. This double standard results in grandiose claims about the certainty of unbelief. However, their confidence in the rational strength of their own position is logically inconsistent at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Turning atheists' skepticism around on their own naturalist worldview, philosopher Mitch Stokes critically examines two things that such skeptics hold dear—science and morality—revealing deep inconsistencies among atheists' most cherished beliefs, inconsistencies that threaten to undo atheism itself.
Mitch Stokes (PhD, Notre Dame) is a senior fellow of philosophy at New St. Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho. In addition to studying philosophy under world-renowned philosopher Alvin Plantinga, Stokes holds degrees in religion and mechanical engineering, and holds five patents in aeroderivative gas turbine technology.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“In this superbly executed book, Mitch Stokes makes a solid and creative case for why many atheists aren’t skeptical enough. If they were consistent sober skeptics,’ he argues, their view of the world would be radically reimagined. For those—whether believer, agnostic, or atheist—who are not afraid to follow the truth, wherever it may lead, this book is a must–read.”– Chad V. Meister, Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Bethel College; author, Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed
“Mitch Stokes takes the so–called new atheists out to the intellectual woodshed. His clear and powerful double whammy against atheism—it is difficult to ground morality in science, and it is difficult to ground science on atheism—shows just how much faith it takes to be an atheist.”– Kelly Clark, Senior Research Fellow, Kaufman Interfaith Institute; The Honors Program, Brooks College
“Opponents of Christianity have often claimed that science disproves the God of the Bible. But actual scientists and philosophers of science have been far more modest, expressing serious reservations about the use of science to prove anything about the origin and ultimate nature of the world. In this book, Stokes expresses a deep respect for science, but like the best scientists themselves, is carefully skeptical about the idea that science is our final gateway to truth. He also argues that despite all recent claims to the contrary, morality does not make sense without God. The book deals with some highly technical matters in a learned way, but with wit and clarity. I profited from it very much.”– John M. Frame, J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
Chad V. Meister
Professor of Philosophy and Theology, Bethel College; author, Evil: A Guide for the Perplexed
“How to Be an Atheist is both readable and well documented, both incisive and wide–ranging. It is a wise book that exposes the dead–end reasoning and ultimately antihuman positions of modern skepticism. If you’re looking for an accessible book to take you through the host of such skeptical arguments against belief in God, this is it!”– Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
Kelly Clark
Senior Research Fellow, Kaufman Interfaith Institute; The Honors Program, Brooks College
“I’ve been saying for years that professional skeptics are not skeptical enough, that they are selective in their skepticism, and that if they ever turned their skeptical faculties on their own skepticism and the materialist worldview that almost invariably comes attached to it, they would see the house of cards they’ve built collapse of its own internal inadequacies. Mitch Stokes, in this incisive book, does a wonderful job filling in the details to this charge against skepticism.”– William A. Dembski, Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute; author, Being as Communion
John M. Frame
J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“How many times has atheistic naturalism appeared to be a charade, like a shell game where you never seem to see all the steps of the process? Or how frequently have you been told that atheists are too soft—that they must be even more rigorously skeptical? But then when they do follow their own system, there is nothing left with which to build their worldview! Get ready—you’re embarking on a challenging journey here. In this volume, Mitch Stokes uncovers issue after issue where atheistic naturalism looks more like the king who wore no clothes, and Stokes is the one to give him the message! This is must reading—I recommend it highly!”– Gary R. Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair, Philosophy Department, Liberty University
Paul Copan
Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
“How to Be an Atheist is the best popular discussion of the (alleged) conflict between science and religion that I have ever read. The book is well written, well organized, and philosophically sophisticated. Moreover, the author’s knowledge of science, the history of science, and the history of the conflict between science and religion’ is admirably suited to his purpose. Above all, the book is accessible. No reader who is interested in questions about the relation between science and religion will have any difficulty in following the author’s arguments.”– Peter van Iwagen, John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
William A. Dembski
Senior Fellow, Center for Science and Culture, Discovery Institute; author, Being as Communion
Here’s what I love about this book: Stokes is up to date on all the latest work in science and philosophy, and he marshals all this knowledge in a defense against atheism that is very well-argued. What’s more, he is clear. He won’t over–simplify, but you can understand him. He is skeptical about science, but in the reasonable sort of way that does not hate science. He shows how one can love science and love God. Read this book, and talk about it with your atheist neighbor.”– Jamie Duguid, WTS Books Staff, 2015
Gary R. Habermas
Distinguished Research Professor and Chair, Philosophy Department, Liberty University
The section on Morality is weaker. While I agree with the conclusion that morality is personal, the author does a poor job of responding to the insights of atheist moral realists. It might be enough to respond to Richard Dawkins, but I think Phillipa Foot would be more difficult. The biggest problem is that Stokes seizes one horn of the Euthyphro Dilemma and doubles down. He is willing to say that God's commands are in some way arbitrary. But I am with Alexander Comrie: God couldn't create a world where idolatry would be ethical, and I think starting with this insight would lead to a better account.
Peter van Iwagen
John Cardinal O’Hara Professor of Philosophy, University of Notre Dame
“I liked this book so much I read it cover to cover. The Science section is the best short introduction to issues in science, philosophy, and God I have read: it clearly and simply makes its case, while incorporating the insights of Kuhn and Plantinga.
Jamie Duguid
WTS Books Staff, 2015
Product Description
Westminster Bookstore Review
“I liked this book so much I read it cover to cover. The Science section is the best short introduction to issues in science, philosophy, and God I have read: it clearly and simply makes its case, while incorporating the insights of Kuhn and Plantinga.
The section on Morality is weaker. While I agree with the conclusion that morality is personal, the author does a poor job of responding to the insights of atheist moral realists. It might be enough to respond to Richard Dawkins, but I think Phillipa Foot would be more difficult. The biggest problem is that Stokes seizes one horn of the Euthyphro Dilemma and doubles down. He is willing to say that God's commands are in some way arbitrary. But I am with Alexander Comrie: God couldn't create a world where idolatry would be ethical, and I think starting with this insight would lead to a better account.
Here’s what I love about this book: Stokes is up to date on all the latest work in science and philosophy, and he marshals all this knowledge in a defense against atheism that is very well-argued. What’s more, he is clear. He won’t over–simplify, but you can understand him. He is skeptical about science, but in the reasonable sort of way that does not hate science. He shows how one can love science and love God. Read this book, and talk about it with your atheist neighbor.”
– Jamie Duguid, WTS Books Staff, 2015
Atheists talk a lot about the importance of skepticism. But the truth is, they're not nearly skeptical enough.
While they champion the importance of a critical stance toward religion, they often fail to take that same stance toward their own beliefs. This double standard results in grandiose claims about the certainty of unbelief. However, their confidence in the rational strength of their own position is logically inconsistent at best and intellectually dishonest at worst. Turning atheists' skepticism around on their own naturalist worldview, philosopher Mitch Stokes critically examines two things that such skeptics hold dear—science and morality—revealing deep inconsistencies among atheists' most cherished beliefs, inconsistencies that threaten to undo atheism itself.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 256 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway/Good News Publishers
- Publication Date: February 2016