Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: Frontline Missions International
- Publication Date: October 2019
- ISBN: F___________LUKESDISPATCHESEPISO888295947930
Luke's Dispatches, Episodes 1-3 (DVD Set)
Overview of Luke’s Dispatches series
Dispatches from the Front goes to the Middle East, where Luke wrote of Gospel advance in the first century—stories which continue to unfold in our day. Each episode opens in the book of Acts and then fast-forwards to tell of God’s work in the same regions today in order to underscore that what Jesus began, He continues, and He will complete! His Kingdom spans not only continents but also centuries, and the Gospel that was powerful in Luke’s day is still at work in our day! In this package are the first three episodes of the six-episode Luke’s Dispatches series.
Description of each episode:
“Just As Day Was Breaking”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The first episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to the place where it all began: Jerusalem. “Just As Day Was Breaking” highlights the great themes that resonate throughout the Story of the Church: resurrection, commission, persecution. Journey to Jerusalem—from Golgotha and the Empty Tomb to the Temple steps and Stephen’s Gate—where the Gospel was first proclaimed and the Church was born. Rejoice with believers here today whose lives were transformed by the same Message because the Church then is the same as the Church now—one Lord, one Gospel, one blood-bought family! (Running time 31 minutes)
“A Kingdom Without Borders”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The second episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to Caesarea, where “there was a man named Cornelius.” In Acts 10 Luke tells of a pivotal event in the history of the Church, a story which underscores that the Gospel of the Risen Christ is to be a worldwide message and that God’s people will be gathered from “every tribe and language and people and nation.” In “A Kingdom Without Borders,” journey to Caesarea, where the Gospel gates were first flung open. And then travel up the coast to Tyre, where a modern-day Cornelius is proclaiming this same Gospel among the mosques and black flags of militant Islam. See the reach of God’s grace as Jesus does the unexpected and saves the unlikely. (Running time 35 minutes)
“City On A Hill”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The third episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to Turkey. In the earliest days of the early Church, God called the first missionaries to this region. Gospel opposition and Gospel opportunity would go hand in hand as churches were established amid paganism and persecution. Jesus’ servants continue to come here—a new generation of Pauls and Timothys, Aquilas and Priscillas. Walk with these believers as they give the Gospel, show mercy to the poor and hurting, and extend God’s gracious offer of life to all who will receive it. (Running time 47 minutes)
Tim Keesee is the founder and executive director of Frontline Missions International, which has served to advance the gospel in some of the world’s most difficult places for over twenty-five years. He has traveled to more than eighty countries, reporting on the church from the former Iron Curtain countries to war-torn Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Keesee is the executive producer of the DVD documentary series Dispatches from the Front. Learn more at
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Noel and I have watched all of Tim Keesee's "Dispatches from the Front" with joy and with inspiration for Christ's global glory. Now we just finished the new "Luke's Dispatches." I commend them with the prayer that many will be stirred to go.”
John Piper
Founder, Desiring God
“Dispatches from the Front is a thoughtful, moving, understated, and ultimately convicting series of videos depicting the work of the gospel in some of the most challenging corners of the world. Here are brothers and sisters in Christ who in Gods grace display faithfulness and transcendent joy, unflagging zeal to share the gospel, and an unfettered allegiance to King Jesus. To watch the kingdom advance in the teeth of these challenges is to learn humility and rekindle contrition, faith, and intercessory prayer.”
D. A. Carson
research professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“This series of presentations gives us a non–hyped view of amazing faithfulnesses—amazing faithfulness of cross–cultural Christian workers, of pastors and, most of all, of God. They are exciting, humbling, faith-building, and prayer–encouraging.”
Mark Dever
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
“These videos have been quite powerful for the cause of world missions. I would greatly encourage you to get your hands on them if you seek to instill a culture of evangelism and mission in your family or church. They are very well done and give you a great on the ground’ view of how different people are seeking to take the Gospel to places where there is currently no access to it.”
Zach Nielsen
Pastor, The Vine Church, Madison, WI
“Dispatches is like watching a reality television show. You feel like you are there, and you sense the emotions and crises of the people you meet on the screen; but it is not entertainment. It opens the vistas of spiritual reality, and after it is over you can’t just turn it off and walk away. You have to pray and say, Lord, what would you have me do?”
Mark Vowels
Director of Missions, Bob Jones University
“Dispatches shows the Church forming organically and supernaturally like a modern-day book of Actsand the form of the video mirrors this. It is travelogue-ish: a meditative, reflective journey. It goes beyond the pragmatic and pedestrian use of video to create something more like a parable which invites the viewer in and creates space for God the Holy Spirit to work.”
Jeff Arthurs
Professor of Preaching, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“Dispatches offers a potent reminder that in the darkest places, the gospel shines brightest. It should come with a warning label. Danger: Graphic scenes of mission reality that will disrupt your comfort and ignite your heart for God’s work on the frontlines. Pray, watch and act!”
Dave Harvey
Sovereign Grace Ministries, Church Planting & Missiology
“Are you afraid to open your eyes and see death and destruction in the world? Dispatches from the Front will open your eyes to the great needs of the lost, enflame your heart to go to the nations, and give you the courage to carry on the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. This is a bold call to action.”
Burk Parsons
pastor, author, and editor of Tabletalk magazine
“Who knows what might happen if churches and small groups and families were to watch these videos together, open to God’s leading for going and sending? It is a risk to watch them. But the motivation is Gospel grace, not guilt. I cannot recommend too highly these DVDs.”
Justin Taylor
Between Two Worlds
“Dispatches from the Front is a fascinating look at how the gospel is penetrating some of the world’s neediest places. These are regions where all the worst agonies of human life are multiplied and magnified relentlessly by war, extreme poverty, sex trafficking, drug dealing, false religion, and disease. . . . But your spirit will be encouraged by the triumphant power of Christ.”
Phil Johnson
Executive Director, Grace to You
“Beware of watching these Dispatches if you don't like being moved and inspired and shaken out of the ruts of your life. My wife and I were riveted in watching the frontline reports of God's work recorded in the Dispatches from the Front. This is the sort of information that builds faith in the present providence of God over his mission, and stirs up action for the sake of lost and hurting people near and far. I would love to see thousands of people mobilized as senders and goers for the sake of the glory of Christ and the relief of suffering on the frontiers, especially eternal suffering.”
John Piper
author of Desiring God; Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, MN
"Dispatches from the Front is a series of DVDs that I absolutely loveThey sent me a preview DVD and Ive already watched it twice!"
Tim Challies
Product Description
Overview of Luke’s Dispatches series
Dispatches from the Front goes to the Middle East, where Luke wrote of Gospel advance in the first century—stories which continue to unfold in our day. Each episode opens in the book of Acts and then fast-forwards to tell of God’s work in the same regions today in order to underscore that what Jesus began, He continues, and He will complete! His Kingdom spans not only continents but also centuries, and the Gospel that was powerful in Luke’s day is still at work in our day! In this package are the first three episodes of the six-episode Luke’s Dispatches series.
Description of each episode:
“Just As Day Was Breaking”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The first episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to the place where it all began: Jerusalem. “Just As Day Was Breaking” highlights the great themes that resonate throughout the Story of the Church: resurrection, commission, persecution. Journey to Jerusalem—from Golgotha and the Empty Tomb to the Temple steps and Stephen’s Gate—where the Gospel was first proclaimed and the Church was born. Rejoice with believers here today whose lives were transformed by the same Message because the Church then is the same as the Church now—one Lord, one Gospel, one blood-bought family! (Running time 31 minutes)
“A Kingdom Without Borders”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The second episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to Caesarea, where “there was a man named Cornelius.” In Acts 10 Luke tells of a pivotal event in the history of the Church, a story which underscores that the Gospel of the Risen Christ is to be a worldwide message and that God’s people will be gathered from “every tribe and language and people and nation.” In “A Kingdom Without Borders,” journey to Caesarea, where the Gospel gates were first flung open. And then travel up the coast to Tyre, where a modern-day Cornelius is proclaiming this same Gospel among the mosques and black flags of militant Islam. See the reach of God’s grace as Jesus does the unexpected and saves the unlikely. (Running time 35 minutes)
“City On A Hill”
Click here to watch trailer or purchase the digital copy
The third episode in the Luke’s Dispatches film series goes to Turkey. In the earliest days of the early Church, God called the first missionaries to this region. Gospel opposition and Gospel opportunity would go hand in hand as churches were established amid paganism and persecution. Jesus’ servants continue to come here—a new generation of Pauls and Timothys, Aquilas and Priscillas. Walk with these believers as they give the Gospel, show mercy to the poor and hurting, and extend God’s gracious offer of life to all who will receive it. (Running time 47 minutes)
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: Frontline Missions International
- Publication Date: October 2019
- ISBN: F___________LUKESDISPATCHESEPISO888295947930