Contiguous U.S.
To 48 Contiguous StatesShipping Rates FAQ
Alaska, Hawaii, APO, FPO, U.S. Territories
*Dropship items will ship from the publisher to our warehouse before shipping to delivery address and may result in a delay of 1-2 weeks.
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(Mon–Fri, 12–4 Eastern Time)
*Shipping times are estimates. Please contact us if your order doesn’t arrive within this timeframe.
**Out-of-stock items will be backordered and your entire order will be held until all titles are in stock. If this happens we will notify you by email.
Please Note:
- Orders shipping to Canada will not have tracking information
- Final delivery to the destination is made by Canada Post
- Dropship items will ship from the publisher to our warehouse before shipping to delivery address and may result in a delay of 1-2 weeks
International Shipping
In order to maintain low prices, fast order processing, and quick delivery, we currently only ship to addresses in the US and Canada.
We are currently exploring options to allow us to ship to more countries. In the meantime, international customers who can supply a U.S. address of a friend or relative to whom we can ship may order by phone (888–WTSBOOK or 215–886–0999). International customers may also want to consider using a parcel forwarding service. These services provide a U.S. address to ship to, and then forward the package to an international address for a fee. You can see several parcel forwarding services here.
The Westminster Bookstore is not responsible for packages once they arrive at the shipping address given on the order.