WTS Textbooks

      Textbook Notice: Please, always first consult your syllabus or Course at a Glance to verify which books are required by the professor for the particular course. At the Bookstore, we try to provide all required books. However, in some cases we do not carry all of the required titles.

      If a particular class shows "No Products are available" you may click "View All" to see links to Amazon or the Westminster Library where the books may be found.


      Updated for Fall 2024

      AP 101: Introduction to Apologetics, Oliphint

      View All
      Christianity and Liberalism (Revised Edition)
      Christianity and Liberalism (Revised Edition)

      Machen, J. Gresham

      $14.52 15% OFF

      Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics
      Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics

      Oliphint, K. Scott; Lane G. Tipton

      $19.08 24% OFF

      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition
      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition

      Van Til, Cornelius;Oliphint, K. Scott;

      $22.90 24% OFF

      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)
      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)

      Oliphint, K Scott; Edgar, William (foreword by)

      $21.81 27% OFF

      [Online] AP 101: Introduction to Apologetics

      View All
      Christian Apologetics, 2nd ed.
      Christian Apologetics, 2nd ed.

      Van Til, Cornelius

      $13.74 24% OFF

      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)
      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)

      Oliphint, K Scott; Edgar, William (foreword by)

      $21.81 27% OFF

      AP 213: Principles of Christian Apologetics, Oliphint

      View All
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis

      Bahnsen, Greg L.

      $35.12 24% OFF

      Common Grace and the Gospel
      Common Grace and the Gospel

      Van Til, Cornelius

      $19.08 24% OFF

      Christian Theistic Evidences (2nd Edition)
      Christian Theistic Evidences (2nd Edition)

      Van Til, Cornelius

      $19.08 24% OFF

      [Online] AP 213: Principles of Christian Apologetics

      View All
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis

      Bahnsen, Greg L.

      $35.12 24% OFF

      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition
      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition

      Van Til, Cornelius;Oliphint, K. Scott;

      $22.90 24% OFF

      [Online] AP 671: Science and Faith

      View All
      Redeeming Science: God-Centered Approach
      Redeeming Science: God-Centered Approach

      Poythress, Vern S.

      $21.82 27% OFF

      Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy
      Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy

      Pearcey, Nancy; Thaxton, Charles

      $18.17 27% OFF

      AP 721: The Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til

      View All
      Natural Theology
      Natural Theology

      Vos, Geerhardus; Gootjes, Albert (translator); Fesko, J V (introduction by); Muller, Richard A (foreword by)

      $22.73 9% OFF

      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis

      Bahnsen, Greg L.

      $35.12 24% OFF

      Common Grace and the Gospel
      Common Grace and the Gospel

      Van Til, Cornelius

      $19.08 24% OFF

      AP 989: Readings in Apologetics

      View All
      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)
      Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of Our Faith (Updated Edition)

      Oliphint, K Scott; Edgar, William (foreword by)

      $21.81 27% OFF

      The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction
      The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction

      McGrath, Alister E (editor); Forrest, Benjamin K (editor); Chatraw, Josh (editor)

      $43.63 27% OFF

      Warranted Christian Belief
      Warranted Christian Belief

      Plantinga, Alvin


      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis
      Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis

      Bahnsen, Greg L.

      $35.12 24% OFF

      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition
      The Defense of the Faith, 4th Edition

      Van Til, Cornelius;Oliphint, K. Scott;

      $22.90 24% OFF

      [Online] BT 173: Principles of Biblical Interpretation

      View All

      [Online] CH 141: History of Christianity 1

      View All
      Early Church
      Early Church

      Chadwick, Henry

      $16.36 9% OFF

      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages
      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages

      Southern, R. W.

      $17.27 9% OFF

      [Online] CH 151: History of Christianity 2

      View All
      Christianity & Liberalism: 100th Anniversary Edition
      Christianity & Liberalism: 100th Anniversary Edition

      Machen, J Gresham; DeYoung, Kevin (foreword by)

      $14.99 40% OFF

      World History of Christianity
      World History of Christianity

      Hastings, Adrian

      $44.01 15% OFF

      The European Reformations (3rd Edition)
      The European Reformations (3rd Edition)

      Lindberg, Carter

      $40.91 9% OFF

      CH 211: The Ancient Church, Rester

      View All
      Early Church
      Early Church

      Chadwick, Henry

      $16.36 9% OFF

      Emergence of the Catholic Tradition: 100-600
      Emergence of the Catholic Tradition: 100-600

      Pelikan, Jaroslav

      $22.73 9% OFF

      [Online] CH 211: Ancient Church, Rester

      View All
      Early Church
      Early Church

      Chadwick, Henry

      $16.36 9% OFF

      Emergence of the Catholic Tradition: 100-600
      Emergence of the Catholic Tradition: 100-600

      Pelikan, Jaroslav

      $22.73 9% OFF

      CH 223: The Medieval Church, Rester

      View All
      Growth of Medieval Theology: 600-1300
      Growth of Medieval Theology: 600-1300

      Pelikan, Jaroslav

      $20.91 9% OFF

      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages
      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages

      Southern, R. W.

      $17.27 9% OFF

      Scholastic Miscellany
      Scholastic Miscellany

      Fairweather, Eugene R.


      Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years
      Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years

      MacCulloch, Diarmaid

      $27.27 9% OFF

      [Online] CH 223: Medieval Church

      View All
      Growth of Medieval Theology: 600-1300
      Growth of Medieval Theology: 600-1300

      Pelikan, Jaroslav

      $20.91 9% OFF

      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages
      Western Society and Church in the Middle Ages

      Southern, R. W.

      $17.27 9% OFF

      CH 311: The Reformation, Van Dixhoorn

      View All
      The European Reformations (3rd Edition)
      The European Reformations (3rd Edition)

      Lindberg, Carter

      $40.91 9% OFF

      [Online] CH 311: Reformation History

      View All
      Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms: A Reader's Edition
      Creeds, Confessions, and Catechisms: A Reader's Edition

      Van Dixhoorn, Chad (editor)

      $21.81 27% OFF

      Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary
      Reformation Theology: A Systematic Summary

      Barrett, Matthew

      $32.73 27% OFF

      CH 321: Church in the Modern Age, Van Dixhoorn

      View All
      Christianity and Liberalism (Revised Edition)
      Christianity and Liberalism (Revised Edition)

      Machen, J. Gresham

      $14.52 15% OFF

      World History of Christianity
      World History of Christianity

      Hastings, Adrian

      $44.01 15% OFF

      [Online] CH 321: Church in the Modern Age

      View All

      CH 442/742: Scripture from the Medieval Period to the Enlightenment, Rester

      View All

      No Products are available.

      CH 473/773: Christianity and the Plague, Rester

      View All

      No Products are available.

      CH 401/701: Prolegomena in the Early-Modern Period

      View All

      No Products are available.

      CH 500/800: Latin I

      View All

      No Products are available.

      CH 501/801: Latin 2, Rester

      View All

      No Products are available.

      OT 011: Biblical Hebrew 1

      View All

      [Online] OT 011: Hebrew 1

      View All

      OT 012: Biblical Hebrew 2

      View All

      [Online] OT 012: Hebrew 2

      View All
      Williams' Hebrew Syntax (3rd Edition)
      Williams' Hebrew Syntax (3rd Edition)

      Williams, Ronald J.; Beckman, John C.

      $30.86 9% OFF

      OT 013: Hebrew 3, Simon (Gibson)

      View All
      Williams' Hebrew Syntax (3rd Edition)
      Williams' Hebrew Syntax (3rd Edition)

      Williams, Ronald J.; Beckman, John C.

      $30.86 9% OFF

      [Online] OT 013: Hebrew 3

      View All

      [Online] OT 113: OT Introduction

      View All
      Crossway ESV Bible Atlas
      Crossway ESV Bible Atlas

      Currid, John D.; Barret, David P.

      $40.00 27% OFF

      [Online] OT 141: Old Testament Theology for Application

      View All

      [Online] OT 211: OT History and Theology 1

      View All

      OT 311: Prophets, Duguid

      View All

      [Online] OT 311: Prophets

      View All
      The Christ of the Prophets (Abridged)
      The Christ of the Prophets (Abridged)

      Robertson, O. Palmer

      $19.08 24% OFF

      OT 323: Poetry & Wisdom, Duguid

      View All

      OT 411/711: The Post-Exilic Theology of Ezra-Nehemiah, Fix

      View All

      OT 461/761: Aramaic, Coleman

      View All

      No Products are available.

      OT 623/923: Lamentations, Gibson

      View All
      Basics of Hebrew Discourse: A Guide to Working with Hebrew Prose and Poetry
      Basics of Hebrew Discourse: A Guide to Working with Hebrew Prose and Poetry

      Patton, Matthew Howard; Putnam, Frederic Clarke; Van Pelt, Miles V (editor)

      $21.81 27% OFF

      OT 903: Critical Methodologies, Duguid

      View All
      To Each Its Own Meaning
      To Each Its Own Meaning

      McKenzie, Steven L.


      OT 981: Readings in Old Testament Intro & Theology, Coleman

      View All

      NT 001: New Testament Greek

      View All
      A Primer of Biblical Greek
      A Primer of Biblical Greek

      Croy, Clayton

      $25.64 15% OFF

      Novum Testamentum Graece with Dictionary (NA28)
      Novum Testamentum Graece with Dictionary (NA28)

      Institute for New Testament Textual Research


      [Online] NT 001/002: Greek 1, 2

      View All
      A Primer of Biblical Greek
      A Primer of Biblical Greek

      Croy, Clayton

      $25.64 15% OFF

      Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
      Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics

      Wallace, Daniel B.

      $39.99 27% OFF

      NT 002: New Testament Greek 2

      View All
      A Primer of Biblical Greek
      A Primer of Biblical Greek

      Croy, Clayton

      $25.64 15% OFF

      Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics
      Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics

      Wallace, Daniel B.

      $39.99 27% OFF

      Novum Testamentum Graece with Dictionary (NA28)
      Novum Testamentum Graece with Dictionary (NA28)

      Institute for New Testament Textual Research


      NT 003: Greek 3, Briones/Crowe

      View All

      [Online] NT 003: Greek 3

      View All

      NT 123: Biblical Hermeneutics: Old & New Testament, Poythress

      View All

      [Online] NT 123: Hermeneutics

      View All

      NT 211: Gospels, Crowe

      View All
      Coming of the Kingdom
      Coming of the Kingdom

      Ridderbos, Herman N.

      $25.19 24% OFF

      Introduction to the New Testament (2nd ed.)
      Introduction to the New Testament (2nd ed.)

      Carson, D. A.; Moo, Douglas

      $36.36 27% OFF

      Modern Search for the Real Jesus
      Modern Search for the Real Jesus

      Strimple, Robert B.

      $12.97 24% OFF

      Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (Second Edition) (IVP Bible Dictionary)
      Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (Second Edition) (IVP Bible Dictionary)

      Green, Joel B.; Brown, Jeannine K; Perrin, Nicholas


      NT 641/941: Inner-Biblical Interpretation, Gibson

      View All

      NT 643/943: Christology of the NT and Early Church, Crowe

      View All

      NT 655/955: Typology, Poythress

      View All

      No Products are available.

      NT 664: Pauline Theology of Grace in Philemon, Briones

      View All
      Paul and the Power of Grace
      Paul and the Power of Grace

      Barclay, John M G

      $18.80 15% OFF

      NT 763: Acts of the Apostles, Crowe

      View All

      NT 791/793: Readings in the Literature of Post-Biblical Judaism, Coleman

      View All

      NT 921: Readings in NT Intro and Theology, Crowe

      View All
      Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments
      Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments

      Vos, Geerhardus

      $27.00 10% OFF

      Pauline Eschatology
      Pauline Eschatology

      Vos, Geerhardus

      $19.08 24% OFF

      Paul: An Outline of His Theology
      Paul: An Outline of His Theology

      Ridderbos, Herman N.

      $33.33 15% OFF

      Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures
      Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures

      Ridderbos, Herman N.

      $9.16 24% OFF

      PT 111: Introduction to Pastoral Theology and Ministry, Currie

      View All
      Institutes of the Christian Religion (Battles Translation) (2 Volumes)
      Institutes of the Christian Religion (Battles Translation) (2 Volumes)

      McNeill, John T. (Editor); Calvin, John


      Called to the Ministry
      Called to the Ministry

      Clowney, Edmund P.

      $7.63 24% OFF

      The Reformed Pastor (Puritan Paperbacks)
      The Reformed Pastor (Puritan Paperbacks)

      Baxter, Richard

      $9.00 10% OFF

      Ministry in the New Realm: A Theology of 2 Corinthians (New Testament Theology)
      Ministry in the New Realm: A Theology of 2 Corinthians (New Testament Theology)

      Ortlund, Dane C; Schreiner, Thomas R (editor); Rosner, Brian S (editor)

      $15.99 27% OFF

      The Work of the Pastor (Revised)
      The Work of the Pastor (Revised)

      Still, William

      $8.72 13% OFF

      [Online] PT 111: Intro to Pastoral Ministry and Theology

      View All
      Called to the Ministry
      Called to the Ministry

      Clowney, Edmund P.

      $7.63 24% OFF

      Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal (Expanded)
      Dynamics of Spiritual Life: An Evangelical Theology of Renewal (Expanded)

      Lovelace, Richard F; Keller, Timothy (foreword by)


      Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity
      Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity

      Peterson, Eugene H.

      $17.09 15% OFF

      PT 121: Theology and Practice of Preaching, Currie

      View All
      Preaching and Biblical Theology
      Preaching and Biblical Theology

      Clowney, Edmund P.

      $9.92 24% OFF

      The Preacher and Preaching: Reviving the Art
      The Preacher and Preaching: Reviving the Art

      Logan, Samuel T. (Editor)

      $22.90 24% OFF

      [Online] PT 121: Theology and Practice of Preaching

      View All

      [Online] PT 123: Gospel Communication

      View All

      PT 163: Church Growth and Church Planting, Edwards

      View All
      Outgrowing the Ingrown Church
      Outgrowing the Ingrown Church

      Miller, C. John

      $9.45 27% OFF

      PT 221: Expository Preaching from the New Testament, Sallade

      View All

      [Online] PT 221: Expository Preaching from the New Testament

      View All

      PT 231: Expository Preaching from the Old Testament, Poirier

      View All

      [Online] PT 231: Expository Preaching from the Old Testament

      View All

      PT 333: Practices of Leadership in the Local Church, Witmer

      View All

      PT 343: Theology of Evangelism and Missions, Edwards

      View All

      [Online] PT 343: Theology of Evangelism & Missions

      View All

      PT 352: Evangelism and Missions in the Local Church, Edwards

      View All

      [Online] PT 352: Evangelism and Missions in the Local Church

      View All

      No Products are available.

      PT 353: Exposition and Sermon Delivery in Pastoral Context, Edwards

      View All

      PT 372: Worship, Carson

      View All
      Worship: Reformed According to Scripture
      Worship: Reformed According to Scripture

      Old, Hughes Oliphant


      Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship, Celebrating the Legacy of James Montgomery Boice
      Give Praise to God: A Vision for Reforming Worship, Celebrating the Legacy of James Montgomery Boice

      Ryken, Phillip Graham (Editor); Thomas, Derek W. H. (Editor); Duncan, J. Ligon III

      $22.90 24% OFF

      Worship: Adoration and Action
      Worship: Adoration and Action

      Carson, D. A.


      PT 421: Theological Biblio & Research Methods, Finlayson

      View All

      No Products are available.

      PT 509: Christianity and Film

      View All

      PT 612: Church Revitalization, Currie and Reeder

      View All

      PC 111: Introduction to Pastoral Care & Counseling, Poirier

      View All

      PC 251: Marriage Counseling in the Local Church, Poirier

      View All

      [Online] PC 251: Marriage Counseling

      View All

      [Online] PC 411: Selected Topics in Congregational Care

      View All

      No Products are available.

      [Online] PTC 151: Dynamics of Biblical Change

      View All
      Untangling Emotions
      Untangling Emotions

      Groves, J. Alasdair; Smith, Winston T.

      $12.36 27% OFF

      [Online] PTC 243: Theology and Secular Psychology

      View All

      No Products are available.

      [Online] PTC 251: Marriage Counseling

      View All

      [Online] PTC 261: Applied Theology of the Person

      View All

      [Online] PTC 301: Everyday Problems in Counseling

      View All

      [Online] PTC 358: Counseling Children and Adolescents

      View All

      [Online] PTC 372a Counseling Observation A

      View All
      Biblical Counseling Process
      Biblical Counseling Process

      Whitman, Lauren

      $13.90 18% OFF

      [Online] PTC 511: Protecting the Vulnerable

      View All

      [Online] PTC 523: Counseling in the Local Church

      View All

      [Online] PTC 533: Counseling Abusive Marriages

      View All

      [Online] PTC 621: Ethics in Biblical Counseling

      View All

      [Online] PTC 691: Culminating Seminar

      View All

      No Products are available.

      ST 101: Introduction to Systematic Theology, Garner

      View All

      [Online] ST 101: Introduction to Systematic Theology

      View All

      ST 113: Doctrine of God, Garcia

      View All

      ST 211: Doctrine of Man, Garcia

      View All

      [Online] ST 211: Doctrine of Man

      View All
      No Adam, No Gospel: Adam and the History of Redemption
      No Adam, No Gospel: Adam and the History of Redemption

      Gaffin, Richard B. Jr.

      $4.57 24% OFF

      Imputation of Adam's Sin
      Imputation of Adam's Sin

      Murray, John

      $9.16 24% OFF

      The Gospel & Sexual Orientation
      The Gospel & Sexual Orientation

      Michael Lefebvre


      Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2: God and Creation
      Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 2: God and Creation

      Bavinck, Herman

      $56.72 13% OFF

      [Online] ST 223: Doctrine of Christ

      View All

      ST 231: Christian Ethics, Lillback & Edwards

      View All

      [Online] ST 231: Christian Ethics

      View All

      ST 313: Doctrine of Salvation, Garcia

      View All

      [Online] ST 313: Doctrine of Salvation

      View All
      The Wonderful Works of God
      The Wonderful Works of God

      Bavinck, Herman

      $29.99 40% OFF

      Redemption Accomplished and Applied
      Redemption Accomplished and Applied

      Murray, John

      $14.52 15% OFF

      ST 343: Doctrine of Church, Garcia

      View All

      [Online] ST 343: Doctrine of the Church

      View All

      ST 532/932: The Westminster Standards, Van Dixhoorn

      View All

      ST 605/905: Systematic Theology, Biblical Theology, and Theological Method, Gamble

      View All

      [Online] ST 611: Union with Christ

      View All
      The Wonderful Works of God
      The Wonderful Works of God

      Bavinck, Herman

      $29.99 40% OFF

      Redemption Accomplished and Applied
      Redemption Accomplished and Applied

      Murray, John

      $14.52 15% OFF

      Institutes of the Christian Religion (Battles Translation) (2 Volumes)
      Institutes of the Christian Religion (Battles Translation) (2 Volumes)

      McNeill, John T. (Editor); Calvin, John


      ST 705: Christian Theistic Ethics

      View All

      ST 989: Readings in Systematic Theology

      View All

      ST 654/954: Doctrine of Divine Foreknowledge

      View All

      No Products are available.

      TE 3: Advanced Theological Writing 1, Hibbs

      View All
      A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)
      A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

      Colomb, Gregory G (revised by); Bizup, Joseph (revised by); Fitzgerald, William T (revised by); Turabian, Kate L; Booth, Wayne C (revised by); Williams, Joseph M (revised by); The University of Chicago Press Editorial Staff (revised by)

      $16.36 9% OFF

      [Online] TE 3: Advanced Theological Writing I

      View All

      No Products are available.

      TE 4: Advanced Theological Writing 2, Altena

      View All

      No Products are available.

      [Online] TE 4: Advanced Theological Writing II

      View All

      No Products are available.

      TE 5: Advanced Theological Writing 3, Altena

      View All

      No Products are available.

      [Online] TE 6: Excellence in Theological Writing

      View All

      No Products are available.