Wielding the Sword: Preachers and Teachers of God's Word (Defenders of the Faith)

Finlayson, Linda

$8.72 $9.99
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Publisher's Description

Wielding the Sword is a great introduction to the men who preached and the women who taught God's Word from the early church and throughout history. They stood up to heresy and oppression to show the Gospel to the world in a way that we can look up to today.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus
  • Publication Date
    March 2014
  • Ages
  • Special Considerations
    No Images of Christ

About the Author

Linda Finlayson is a Canadian living in the Philadelphia area of the USA. She has enjoyed working with children in schools, churches and children's clubs. Bringing together her love of books, children and history has given her the opportunity to write the adventure stories of real people. Linda is married and has one son.

Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

Wielding the Sword: Preachers and Teachers of God's Word (Defenders of the Faith)

From $8.72 $9.99

Publisher's Description

Wielding the Sword is a great introduction to the men who preached and the women who taught God's Word from the early church and throughout history. They stood up to heresy and oppression to show the Gospel to the world in a way that we can look up to today.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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