Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 272 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway
- Publication Date: May 2022
Blessed: Experiencing the Promise of the Book of Revelation
An Understandable and Reliable Guide to Revelation
Blessed, by best-selling author and speaker Nancy Guthrie, provides individuals and small groups a friendly yet theologically robust guide to understanding the book of Revelation.
Over 12 chapters, Blessed covers the full text of the book of Revelation, exploring its call to patient endurance as God's sovereign plans for judgment and salvation are worked out in the world. In this book, Guthrie shows how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.
With a friendly and engaging tone, Blessed takes the fear, intimidation, and confusion away from studying Revelation, providing a solid and accessible resource that individuals and small groups can use to study this important yet often avoided book.
- Understand the Book of Revelation: Helps readers make sense of Revelation's unique apocalyptic symbolism, visual imagery, and Old Testament allusions
- Transformative Personal Application: Every chapter asks and answers the question, What does it mean to hear and keep this part of Revelation and thereby experience its promised blessing?
- A Focus on What Is Clear and Uncontroversial: Highlights Revelation's call for a costly allegiance to Christ and a refusal to compromise with the world rather than focusing on interpretive approaches and disputes
See Also: Introducing the Blessed Podcast with Nancy Guthrie (Crossway)
Personal and Group Study Guides available from
Nancy Guthrie teaches the Bible at her church, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and at conferences worldwide. She and her husband are the cohosts of the GriefShare video series used in more than 10,000 churches and also host Respite Retreats for couples who have experienced the death of a child. She is the host of Help Me Teach the Bible, a podcast of TGC.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“This guide through the book of Revelation is exactly what is needed for individuals and groups who want to study Revelation without being intimidated. It is solidly researched and sound but written with a wide audience of readers in mind. It is engaging and winsome, with attention to personal applications. Guthrie commendably stands with readers in admitting when there are challenges and difficulties. But she encourages people not to stop when confronting challenges, but to continue to learn from what is clear in the message of Revelation. As the title indicates, the book shows us the blessings to be found in Christ.”
Vern S. Poythress
Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Biblical Interpretation, and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“What I often mean by the word ‘blessed’ is not even close to what Christ secured for us. If you want to know how much better, read this book.”
Michael Horton
J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California
“Nancy Guthrie reminds us that Saint John wrote about dragons, eagles, and beasts—not to fuel twenty-first-century speculation about their precise, physical referent, but to motivate the church towards godliness in the midst of a pagan culture. Revelation invites the church to gather around the throne of the holy God, Lamb, and Spirit and worship in every aspect of life. We need more books such as this on the capstone of the Bible’s storyline, and I’m eager to see how God will use this volume for his glory!”
Benjamin L. Gladd
Associate Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Some Christians avoid the book of Revelation, thinking it is only for the brilliant or the paranoid. In this clear and engaging book, Nancy Guthrie walks us through the meaning of this crucial book of the Bible, showing us how it is about blessing. This book wouldn't fit in a conspiracy theorist’s underground bunker, but it is needed for people who wonder how the fears and worries and regrets of our lives can be transformed by what Jesus showed John on the island of Patmos two thousand years ago. After reading Blessed, you will never again skip past Revelation in your Bible reading but will turn there with wonder and confidence, expecting to see Jesus. It will leave you informed, pondering, and, yes, blessed.”
Russell Moore
Public Theologian, Christianity Today; Director, Christianity Today's Public Theology Project
“The book of Revelation is daunting and even discouraging for some believers, and we have a tendency to ignore it. Nancy Guthrie has written a wonderfully clear, accessible, and faithful interpretation of the book. The theological vision of the book is captured in her exposition, but the book doesn't stop there. Guthrie explains in a remarkable way how the book of Revelation applies to us today. Laypeople, students, and anyone who wants to understand the book of Revelation will profit from reading and studying this book.”
Thomas R. Schreiner
ames Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“The only thing more frightening than the book of Revelation is Christian books about the book of Revelation—the deluge of cross-references, the eye-wateringly complex predictions about the future, the various millennialisms. Not so with this book. Nancy believes that, like all of Scripture, Revelation is intended to make sense to ordinary Christians. Its meaning is well within reach to anyone who is willing to read—prayerfully and carefully in context—the words on the page. Nancy makes it seem so simple, vivid, heart-warming, and practical—surely that’s what God intended when he gave the prophecy to his servant John as a blessing for all who read it and take to heart what’s written in it.”
Andrew Sach
Pastor, Grace Greenwich Church, United Kingdom; coauthor, Pierced for Our Transgressions and Dig Deeper
“I was helped tremendously by this book. Nancy carries us through Revelation with anticipation and wonder. While some readers will not agree with all of Nancy’s conclusions, we will all stand with her in awe of a great God. We will leave with a renewed sense of endurance to flee evil and to cling to Christ until we reach the end.”
Colleen J. McFadden
Director of Women's Workshops, The Charles Simeon Trust
Product Description
An Understandable and Reliable Guide to Revelation
Blessed, by best-selling author and speaker Nancy Guthrie, provides individuals and small groups a friendly yet theologically robust guide to understanding the book of Revelation.
Over 12 chapters, Blessed covers the full text of the book of Revelation, exploring its call to patient endurance as God's sovereign plans for judgment and salvation are worked out in the world. In this book, Guthrie shows how Revelation is less about when Jesus will return and more about who we are to be, what we are to do, and what we can expect to endure as we wait for Jesus to return to establish his kingdom in the new creation.
With a friendly and engaging tone, Blessed takes the fear, intimidation, and confusion away from studying Revelation, providing a solid and accessible resource that individuals and small groups can use to study this important yet often avoided book.
- Understand the Book of Revelation: Helps readers make sense of Revelation's unique apocalyptic symbolism, visual imagery, and Old Testament allusions
- Transformative Personal Application: Every chapter asks and answers the question, What does it mean to hear and keep this part of Revelation and thereby experience its promised blessing?
- A Focus on What Is Clear and Uncontroversial: Highlights Revelation's call for a costly allegiance to Christ and a refusal to compromise with the world rather than focusing on interpretive approaches and disputes
See Also: Introducing the Blessed Podcast with Nancy Guthrie (Crossway)
Personal and Group Study Guides available from
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 272 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway
- Publication Date: May 2022