Theology for Ministry: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice
Dixhoorn, Chad Van (volume editor); Edwards, William R (volume editor)

Theology for Ministry: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice
Cover TypeHardcover
Page Count680
PublisherP & R Publishing
Publication DateApril 2022
Endorsements (21)
“Some people think that systematic theology is impractical for ministry and irrelevant to the spiritual life. Yet God shows us through the example of Sinclair Ferguson that, by the grace of Christ, doctrine sanctifies life and energizes joyful service. This book, written by more than two dozen theologians influenced by Dr. Ferguson, shows how every point of theology can make God’s servants more helpful, holy, and happy.”
See AllJoel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“Some competent and well-ordered theological writing is intellectually nourishing and instructive, but does little to nurture the heart. Other theological writing rushes so quickly to elicit emotional responses that a suspicion arises that the work is not really about God, truth, and grace, nor primarily about the self-disclosure of our triune God, but about us and how we feel about him. One of the marks of Sinclair Ferguson’s great contribution is that over his long years of ministry he has eschewed both poles and given us theology that is, on the one hand, profound and precise and, on the other, wonderfully edifying across the gamut of life and service, calling up responses of both mind and heart. So it is entirely appropriate that this book of essays honoring his life and work takes as its task the same mature synthesis. This book is important not only for what it says, but for what it models.”
See AllD. A. Carson
Emeritus Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“This collection of essays—learned, theological, pastoral, and doxological—serves as a fitting tribute to a friend and mentor (to me and many others) who has embodied and championed these very qualities. Theology for Ministry repays careful reading, not only as a celebration of Sinclair’s life and ministry, but as an exploration of the biblical and confessional truths that should inspire and anchor all our lives.”
See AllKevin DeYoung
Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC; Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte
“Sinclair Ferguson embodies the very best of confessional Reformed pastoral theology and ministry in his life, teaching, preaching, and writing. I, like so many others, owe him a spiritual debt that I can never repay. He has nurtured my faith for decades through his ministry, and adorned my life as a friend and counselor. How appropriate that a book on Theology for Ministry should be produced in his honor. I am delighted to be able both to contribute to and to endorse this volume, not just because of my love and regard for Sinclair (and his beloved wife, Dorothy!), but because of the sound and edifying contents of this Festschrift. The subtitle tells you what the authors are trying to do, chapter by chapter: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice. The reader will quickly note that the subjects of the chapters cover the theological ground and order of the Westminster Confession of Faith, and the substance of each chapter expounds and applies the doctrine pastorally, just as Sinclair has done throughout the whole course of his ministry. I have learned something from every contributor in every contribution, and I think you will, too (especially those of you called to minister to others). May you find here welcome encouragement from the truth of God’s Word for the faithful practice of God’s ministry to God’s people.”
See AllLigon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Theology for Ministry is a fitting tribute to a saint whose heart and mind have blessed the church through his teaching and writing over a lifetime. This impressive collection of essays aptly reflects the emphases of Sinclair Ferguson’s instruction—a theologically informed pastoral piety and ministry deep-rooted in the teaching of Scripture. Through a survey of key biblical doctrines, the authors as experienced theologians and practitioners seek to offer solid answers to the question of why theology matters. Each chapter is robust in Scripture, tradition, and practical guidance. In a time when pragmatism too often drives the church, I am delighted that this fine resource will be available to encourage theological reflection on what it means to be godly and effective Christian leaders.”
See AllS. Donald Fortson
Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology, Director, DMin Program, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte
“It has always seemed to me that a Festschrift is one of the most appropriate ways to celebrate the ministry of a Christian scholar. And while Festschrifts require a huge commitment from publishers, I love them: the range of articles that are permeated with a certain celebratory spirit, the biographical sketch of the scholar being honored, and the facility of each piece to be read in a small compass of time. But this is no ordinary Festschrift: here we have a pastoral theology in miniature as each essay investigates how a specific Christian doctrine intersects with Christian praxis and pastoral life. Together this collection of essays captures the heart of the one whose ministry they celebrate, for Sinclair Ferguson has ever stressed that the coals of Christian doctrine are vital for the flame of godly living and pastoral ministry. So it is a joy to highly recommend this book, both for the high esteem in which I hold Professor Ferguson and for the superb essays that it contains.”
See AllMichael A. G. Haykin
Chair and Professor of Church History, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“This is an extraordinary Festschrift because—while honoring the remarkable life and ministry of Dr. Sinclair Ferguson—it will energize and elevate the life of the church for years to come. The reasons are, first, the editors’ careful selection and ordering of the twenty-five creedal themes that demonstrate the ineluctable connection between a preacher’s doctrine and practice and, second, the superb quality of those chapters—all written by pastoral-hearted academics. Preachers like me, laboring amid the often-mundane duties of ministry, will learn to recharge their divine callings from the deep doctrinal wells of their (soon-to-be-treasured!) copies of Theology for Ministry. This magnificent volume is a must for every seminary student’s and pastor’s library.”
See AllR. Kent Hughes
Senior Pastor Emeritus of College Church, Wheaton; former Professor of Pastoral Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Because Theology for Ministry fulfills the promise of its title, it is a fitting tribute to the diverse and Christ-exalting ministries of exegete/theologian/preacher/pastor/author Sinclair Ferguson. Here is robust biblical and systematic theology, drawn deeply from God’s Word written, articulated confidently in light of the Reformed confessions, and driven pastorally toward the salvation and sanctification of Jesus’ beloved bride. The editors and contributors have collaborated to offer to ministers, ministerial candidates, and their mentors a unified handbook that shows how the ‘whole counsel of God,’ focused on God’s grace in Jesus Christ, must mold the practice of ministry in the church. This integration of theology with ministerial practice makes Theology for Ministry ‘required reading’ for all seminarians, and the ideal textbook for interdisciplinary courses—either initial or capstone—in programs of pastoral preparation.”
See AllDennis E. Johnson
Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
“Romans 12:2 warns us not to be ‘conformed to this world,’ but so much contemporary ministry practice is shaped by modern secular pragmatism rather than by sustained reflection on biblical truth and theology. Ironically, the pragmatic approach—doing whatever ‘works’—leads us away from innovation. I’m old enough to have seen wave after wave of ministry fads that most ministers applied woodenly without much thinking or adaptation to their local contexts. There is no greater need than to help ministers think out the implications of historic scriptural doctrines for life and practice in their own time and place. We have enough ‘how-to’ manuals that tend to stifle the theologically informed, practical creativity that Theology for Ministry provides.”
See AllTim Keller
Pastor Emeritus, Redeemer Presbyterian Churches of New York City
“Sinclair Ferguson has had an illustrious career with a worldwide reach. By sermon, lecture, and book, he has blended theological acuteness with an ability to speak to a wide audience, from scholars and ministers to regular church members and others. All the contributors to this volume are immensely appreciative of his ministry and regard it as a privilege to participate. These essays are a fitting tribute to Sinclair in gratitude for his work and in expectation of more to come.”
See AllRobert Letham
Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology
“This splendid anthology teams professors and pastors—friends and even family—to engage the range of the Reformed theological loci. Theology for Ministry combines biblical treasures and trenchant theological thought. This Festschrift is well named and well honors, for Sinclair B. Ferguson is among this era’s superlative pastoral theologians whose fruitful ministries will grace the church for generations to come.”
See AllPeter A. Lillback
President, Westminster Theological Seminary
“Anyone who is familiar with the writing and teaching of Sinclair Ferguson knows what he has stood for: the faithful, skillful exposition of biblical truth without compromising its depth, and the application of such truth within the church. This superb volume, a collection of essays written by some of the most able-minded scholars and pastors in today’s Reformed church, will stand firmly within that same legacy. It is thus not only a fitting tribute to Dr. Ferguson, but an important resource that will be treasured by students and expositors for years to come.”
See AllIver Martin
Principal, Edinburgh Theological Seminary
“From the lectern, from the pulpit, and from his pen, Dr. Sinclair Ferguson has served the church as a theologian—one who teaches about God and who leads others to worship God in reverence and awe. For five decades, he has faithfully executed the office of minister as a true pastor-teacher. Warm, winsome, and encouraging, he is a gift to the church. This book by a stellar cast of his students, colleagues, and brothers-in-arms is also a gift to the church. These essays herald the truth that ministry needs theology, and they offer a generous and vibrant vision that the church today urgently needs.”
See AllStephen J. Nichols
President, Reformation Bible College; Chief Academic Officer, Ligonier Ministries
“This collection of profoundly biblical, helpfully applicable, and surprisingly compact studies of doctrinal topics is an outstanding contribution to the life of any Christian, but especially to a pastor. Its premise: God revealed or ‘expressed’ biblical truth to help his people ‘embody’ that same truth in their manner of life and ministry. Those whose lives are shaped by biblical beauty rightly glorify the Lord. “This is a worthy tribute to Dr. Ferguson, for he not only faithfully ministers so as to express biblical truth in as much of its beauty as he possibly can, but also embodies that peerless beauty in his manner of life. One cannot be with Dr. Ferguson for long without either sensing or actually saying to oneself, ‘This man has been with Jesus.’ “This masterful collection of treasured insights may well help the reader to draw much closer to the pattern of our King in ministry and truth. I stand the thankful debtor to every contributing author and to the careful editorial work that compiled this collection. Relish the richness of these outstanding contributions to true pastoral ministry. ”
See AllJoseph V. Novenson
Pastor to Senior Adults, Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church
“This book obeys Philippians 2:29–30, which directs those who discharge the work of Christ to ‘honor such men.’ Sinclair Ferguson is worthy of the honor that this book ascribes to him because what is true for me is true for thousands of other pastors worldwide: Sinclair Ferguson has taught me how the truths of the gospel shape and sustain pastoral ministry. I owe him more than I know and love him more than he would believe.”
See AllDane Ortlund
Senior Pastor, Naperville Presbyterian Church
“This book is a significant contribution to a neglected issue: systematic theology is of great value in pastoral ministry. This value is often not understood or appreciated. Accordingly, the book has chapters that deal one by one with all the major headings of systematic theology, including those whose relation to pastoral ministry is less obvious and therefore all the more important to notice and trace out. The book is especially welcome because it is dedicated to Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, himself a blessing to pastoral ministry, an embodiment of gifts and service in both theology and pastoral ministry.”
See AllVern Poythress
Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Biblical Interpretation, and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“When requested to consider providing an endorsement for Theology for Ministry in honor of the life and ministry of my professor, friend, and colleague Dr. Sinclair Ferguson, I took only seconds to say yes—for two reasons. First, in a day when the church desperately needs models and mentors for the next generation of pastors to lead Christ’s church in fulfilling the Great Commission, with God-glorifying, Christ-exalting, Spirit-filled, gospel-saturated ministries, I can think of no one better to set before them in this present age. Then to also have a majestic distillation of his ministry—‘how doctrine affects pastoral life and practice’—is glorious. Second, this volume, written with a richness that causes the reader to anticipate the turning of every page, celebrates and propagates the glorious truths of God’s Word to be preached and embraced in the life and ministry of a pastor-preacher. Enjoy and give thanks to the Lord for his choice servant Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and the gospel breadth and depth he proclaims and embraces in his life and ministry.”
See AllHarry L. Reeder III
Senior Pastor, Briarwood Presbyterian Church, Birmingham, Alabama
“Sinclair Ferguson has been my mentor, teacher, pastor, and friend in some form or another for almost half a century. It is eminently fitting that pastor-theologians should honor him with this superb volume of essays. Individually, each chapter is a treasure in itself, but collectively, they form a coherent and rich source of material, addressing the very nature of what a pastor-theologian is and does. A treasure store of biblical wisdom that honors one of our finest and that is sure to enrich the church of today and tomorrow.”
See AllDerek W. H. Thomas
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC; Chancellor’s Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
“Reformed theology is sometimes pilloried for an imbalance of theoretical overload and practical lightness. Anyone who knows the work of Sinclair Ferguson will realize that this myth is not worth a ripe tomato. He stands in line with the great ‘linkers’ of theology and practice in the Reformed tradition, a worthy successor in the spirit of the Heidelberg Catechism, John Owen and the Puritan divines, Wilhelmus à Brakel, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, Rabbi Duncan, and of course John Calvin himself. The value of this volume is found in its reflecting on the implications of the various loci of theology in a way that honors Dr. Ferguson’s calling and work. And should perchance an alien from another planet wish to know him better, presentations of his qualities as teacher, pastor, preacher, author, and friend round off this essential reading.”
See AllPaul Wells
Editor in Chief, Unio cum Christo; Emeritus Professor, Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence, France
“Dr. Sinclair Ferguson is the quintessential pastor-theologian, appropriately recognized in this valuable collection of articles that should have long-term usefulness.”
See AllLuder Whitlock
President Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary
“I will be adding Theology for Ministry to my required-reading list for seminary students. Twenty-six pastor-theologians, touching on every major area of ministry, winsomely demonstrate how theology gives shape to a godly pastorate. That this book honors Sinclair Ferguson is especially appropriate—his books, lectures, and sermons mine God’s Word and Reformation theology, and set their riches before God’s beloved church. I can think of no better model of ministerial work.”
See AllCharles M. Wingard
Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Dean of Students, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson