Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 480 Pages
- Publisher: Baker Academic
- Publication Date: September 2020
Bavinck: A Critical Biography
Listen to Author James Eglinton discuss his book with Kevin DeYoung on the Life and Books and Everything podcast
Dutch Calvinist theologian Herman Bavinck, a significant voice in the development of Protestant theology, remains relevant many years after his death. His four-volume Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important theological works of the twentieth century.
James Eglinton is widely considered to be at the forefront of contemporary interest in Bavinck's life and thought. After spending considerable time in the Netherlands researching Bavinck, Eglinton brings to light a wealth of new insights and previously unpublished documents to offer a definitive biography of this renowned Reformed thinker.
The book follows the course of Bavinck's life in a period of dramatic social change, identifying him as an orthodox Calvinist challenged with finding his feet in late modern culture. Based on extensive archival research, this critical biography presents numerous significant and previously ignored or unknown aspects of Bavinck's person and life story. A black-and-white photo insert is included.
This volume complements other Baker Academic offerings on Bavinck's theology and ethics, which together have sold 90,000 copies.
James Eglinton (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland. He previously served as senior researcher in systematic and historical theology at the Theologische Universiteit Kampen. Eglinton is the author or editor of several books, including Herman Bavinck on Preaching and Preachers. He also serves as associate editor of the Journal of Reformed Theology.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“When it comes to theologians that contemporary church leaders should be reading, I don't know of a more important one than Herman Bavinck. Because so much of his corpus has only recently been translated, we in the English-speaking world have not yet had the full benefit of Bavinck's rich thought, which seems unique in how it stays fully biblical while taking into account the history of the church, of philosophy, and of social currents. But no one can grasp the theology of an Augustine or Aquinas, a Calvin or Luther, without knowing their life and context. James Eglinton has provided this in his new critical biography of the greatest Reformed theologian of the twentieth century. It is a very important yet highly readable volume.”
Timothy Keller
pastor emeritus, Redeemer Presbyterian Church of New York City
“Impeccably researched and thoroughly readable, James Eglinton's biography of Herman Bavinck deserves a wide readership. Of obvious interest to those concerned with Reformed and neo-Calvinist traditions, this probing biography also speaks to the enduring questions of 'Christ and culture' as it explores how one Christian inhabited his orthodox faith in a complex and changing world. Indeed, the range of timeless topics that Bavinck explored with wisdom and prescience is staggering. As Eglinton invites us into Bavinck's faithful and creative engagement with pluralism, psychology, Nietzsche, education for women, evangelism, missions, racism in America, and politics, we see that we still have much to learn from this member of the great cloud of witnesses.”
Kristen Deede Johnson
dean and vice president of academic affairs, professor of theology and Christian formation, Western Theological Seminary
“In 1910, a Scottish theologian who had recently visited the Netherlands referred in a lecture to Herman Bavinck as 'Dr. Kuyper's loyal and learned henchman.' Now, a hundred and ten years later, another Scottish scholar sets the record straight. James Eglinton demonstrates that Bavinck was no one's 'henchman,' but a brilliant, creative theologian in his own right. For those who are discovering that brilliance in Bavinck's writings newly translated into English, we now have the gift of a wonderfully readable and informative narrative of Bavinck's spiritual and theological journey. This important book confirms what many of us have been convinced of for some time now: Bavinck's time has come as a world-class theologian for our own day.”
Richard Mouw
president emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary
“James Eglinton is the modern biographer Herman Bavinck deserves. Eglinton is a theologian who is inspired by Bavinck's search for an orthodox engagement with the modern world, knows this world and Bavinck's works well, reads them in Dutch, has researched Bavinck's papers meticulously as a historian, and composes and writes smoothly, as Bavinck himself did. What a treat that Bavinck has this kindred spirit as biographer.”
George Harinck
historian, The Neo-Calvinism Research Institute, TU Kampen
“In James Eglinton, Herman Bavinck has the biographer he so richly deserves, his own Scottish James Boswell. Using fresh archival sources, Eglinton provides new insights into the man, the churchman, and the thinker who was, alongside Abraham Kuyper, the most important figure in the revival of Dutch Calvinism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Especially illuminating is the additional material on Herman's father, Jan Bavinck; the young Herman; Herman's wife, Johanna Schippers-Bavinck; and the legacy of their daughter and grandsons, all noteworthy on their own. Through careful historical research Eglinton places Bavinck in his broader intellectual and spiritual context as a modern person and effectively challenges some of the oft-repeated myths about him and his secession Christian Reformed community. This will be the definitive Bavinck biography for generations.”
John Bolt
Jean and Kenneth Baker Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology, Calvin Theological Seminary
“Here is an elegantly written and intimate portrait of a theological giant in the Reformed tradition, based on a thorough reading of all of Bavinck's published and unpublished writings. James Eglinton superbly documents Bavinck's intense personal, spiritual, and intellectual wanderings and wonderings that ultimately led him to the creation of his four-volume masterwork on Christian dogma. This book is destined to be the standard biographical introduction to Herman Bavinck for years to come.”
John Witte Jr.
Emory University
“Doctrine is forged on the anvil of life, and thus any attempt to understand a theologian's works must factor in the foundry of personal history. Devotees of Herman Bavinck can celebrate that they now have a biography that serves this task. James Eglinton has written an exceptionally well-researched account for anyone seeking to understand Bavinck and the modern Reformed tradition. Eglinton pairs in-depth research with insightful analysis. Readers will not be disappointed with the fruit of his outstanding labors.”
J. V. Fesko
professor of systematic and historical theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
“James Eglinton's critical biography of Herman Bavinck is the first that gives an in-depth account of the unity-in-diversity and diversity-in-unity of the theologian's thought and life. I can hardly express how grateful I am for this publication. For too long, Bavinck studies has operated on the assumption that he was often at odds with his confessionally orthodox self in his alleged adulteration of Christianity with modern thought and culture. Eglinton's narrative critically debunks assumptions of this sort and convincingly portrays Bavinck's multifaceted life as a testimony to his eclectic theology, which concertedly endeavored to remain committed to Christ at every single point of creaturely existence. I cannot wait to see how Eglinton's biography reshapes our understanding of Bavinck's life, as well as our conceptions of Christian scholarship in particular and Christian calling in general.”
Shao Kai Tseng
research professor, Institute of Religious Studies, Zhejiang University, China
Product Description
Listen to Author James Eglinton discuss his book with Kevin DeYoung on the Life and Books and Everything podcast
Dutch Calvinist theologian Herman Bavinck, a significant voice in the development of Protestant theology, remains relevant many years after his death. His four-volume Reformed Dogmatics is one of the most important theological works of the twentieth century.
James Eglinton is widely considered to be at the forefront of contemporary interest in Bavinck's life and thought. After spending considerable time in the Netherlands researching Bavinck, Eglinton brings to light a wealth of new insights and previously unpublished documents to offer a definitive biography of this renowned Reformed thinker.
The book follows the course of Bavinck's life in a period of dramatic social change, identifying him as an orthodox Calvinist challenged with finding his feet in late modern culture. Based on extensive archival research, this critical biography presents numerous significant and previously ignored or unknown aspects of Bavinck's person and life story. A black-and-white photo insert is included.
This volume complements other Baker Academic offerings on Bavinck's theology and ethics, which together have sold 90,000 copies.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 480 Pages
- Publisher: Baker Academic
- Publication Date: September 2020