Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 176 Pages
- Publisher: Good Book Company
- Publication Date: March 2019
Humble Calvinism: And If I Know the Five Points, But Have Not Love ...
Humble Calvinism is both a helpful summary of what Calvinism is, and a helpful challenge to those who are convinced Calvinists. It calls us to hold Calvinism in our hearts, not just in our heads, so that we are humble and gracious as well as zealous for the truth, to the praise and glory of Christ and his church.
Author Jeff Medders admits that he is quick to defend Calvinism, but often slow to humbly love Christians who take a different view. His warm-hearted, challenging (and surprisingly witty) book takes readers through the the five points of Calvinism, revealing that a true understanding has a humbling effect on our hearts, fueling a love of Christ and his people that builds others up, rather than tearing them down.
- Foreword by Ray Ortlund
- The Problem With Calvinism
- A Short Interlude About Jargon and History
- Humble Calvinism is Not an Oxymoron
- Total Dependency
- The Prequel to Your Faith
- The Cross, the Church, and the Cosmos
- Drawn In and Sent Out
- He Holds Our Hands
- Humble and Happy (and Calvinist)
- Afterword by C.H. Spurgeon
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“If you’re not a Calvinist, this book is for you; and if you are a Calvinist, this book is for you. Jeff Medders explains simply, winsomely, and humbly from a Calvinistic perspective what the Bible teaches about five key doctrines. And he demonstrates throughout that no one truly understands the “doctrines of grace” unless they themselves are gracious and humble. Down-to-earth, often funny, and with a keen knack for illustration, Medders makes plain what biblical Calvinism—Humble Calvinism—looks like in everyday life.”
Donald S. Whitney
Author, Praying the Bible; Professor of Biblical Spirituality and Associate Dean, SBTS, Louisville
“Maybe in another generation the term "humble Calvinism" won't seem like such an oxymoron. If so, this encouraging and challenging book will have been used by God to help us live up to what we believe.”
Collin Hansen
Editorial Director, The Gospel Coalition; author, Young, Restless, and Reformed and Blind Spots
“Reformed culture seems to be known for its harshness and lack of grace. Yet Reformed soteriology should create a joyful heart and a deep, glad humility that overflows into compassionate evangelism and graciousness to all. I hope Jeff's book will be used by God to renew a spirit of gentleness and humility among us, and will encourage those who have rejected these beautiful beliefs to consider them anew.”
Matt Chandler
Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas; President, Acts 29; author, Take Heart
“The words Humble and Calvinism probably feel at odds to many of us. Jeff Medders speaks straight to the elephant in the echo chamber, showing himself to be the chief of prideful Calvinists and charting his subsequent journey toward humble Calvinism. For years I've watched Jeff take a low road, aware of his own desire to achieve but instead choosing humble faithfulness. He is the right person to write this book and he has handled it in humility, with beautiful writing and rich theology.”
Lore Ferguson Wilbert
Author, Handle With Care
“Too often, we allow our personal theological perspectives to divide us when God calls for unity. I'm thankful for this call for empathy, understanding, and humility. Regardless if your theology is Reformed or not, I hope you'll process the principles from this book and put them into action.”
Caleb Kaltenbach
Author, Messy Grace and God of Tomorrow
“Medders writes laugh-out-loud Reformed theology. Humble Calvinism is far as it can be from the dour stereotype of the Genevan Reformer’s legacy. The book is a tract for our sectarian times, a delightful cornucopia of sprightly prose, fresh insights, and heartfelt self-examination. At times I found myself guffawing through the funny-bone pain of his all-too-accurate descriptions of the company of the Reformed. The humor serves a serious purpose: intellectual Calvinism puffs up; humble Calvinism builds people up in Christ. May the tribe of humble Calvinists increase!”
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Read this if you are a Calvinist. Read it if you don't understand Calvinism. Read it if you dislike Calvinism! I am certain you'll be encouraged, and you might even be pleasantly surprised. Both timely and helpful, from the first page to the last this refreshing book encouraged me to delight in Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Jeff dives into some heady theology with wit and clarity, but above all with gospel-centered lightness by constantly extolling our Savior.”
Steve Timmis
CEO, Acts 29
“Experience isn’t the best teacher. Someone else’s experience is. You learn the same lesson without paying the same price. I’m grateful for Jeff’s book for this reason. He charts a course through the land mines of Calvinism with the shrewdness (and sympathy) of someone who’s recklessly walked the path and lost a few limbs in the process. He doesn’t stop with explanations but leads us to the desired end of any expression of Calvinism (or Christianity, for that matter)—a deep love and humility.”
John Onwuchekwa
Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Atlanta; author, Prayer: How Praying Together Shapes the Church
“I am a truer Calvinist and a happier Christian having read this book. Like a trained physician, Jeff carefully diagnosed pride in areas of my heart that I did not know existed. As a skilled pastor, he then prescribed the the only thing that can cure me—the glorious gospel of grace.”
Matt Boswell
Hymn-writer; Pastor, The Trails Church, Celina, Texas
“I knew the ins and outs of Calvinism well before I understood the ins and outs of God’s grace, which is an insane thing to write—but also why Jeff’s book is so valuable. I likely would’ve been too arrogant to appreciate it then, but looking back it is exactly the message I desperately needed as a young Reformed guy. Medders’ message of Jesus-centric, humble, grateful life and theology is what I was missing, and I was a theological wrecking ball because of it, leaving bruised and broken people in my wake. I’m so grateful this book is available now and I pray it will save some other cocksure Calvinist from himself.”
Barnabas Piper
Author and podcaster
“It has been said that sound doctrine is to faith as the skeleton is to a body. The skeleton is foundational to strength and health, but if it is the most visible thing about the body, then the body is either malnourished or dead. Jeff's wonderful book, Humble Calvinism, serves as a wake-up call for that part of us that tends to be more doctrinaire than doctrinal, with a knowledge that puffs up instead of a love that builds up. If you want to add flesh and bones to your faith, you'll find in this book an excellent—not to mention refreshing—way forward.”
Scott Sauls
Senior Pastor, Christ Presbyterian Church, Nashville; author, Befriend
“A great book on how to be robustly Reformed and savor the doctrines of grace without being a jerk about it. I wish I had read this book when I was in seminary. This book is about how theological knowledge and Christlike love go together, and if they don’t, then you’re doing it wrong.”
Dr. Michael F. Bird
Lecturer in Theology, Ridley College, Melbourne, Australia
“Calvinists should be humble and happy. It’s sadly not always the case, and Young, Restless and Reformed has too often become Proud, Aggressive and Tiresome. The trouble is we’ve misunderstood and misapplied Calvinism. J.A. Medders has done us all—and me in particular—a very great service in providing some helpful and necessary correction. I was both convicted and encouraged by his exhortation, and you will be too.”
Adrian Reynolds
Associate National Director, FIEC UK; pastor; author of And so to Bed
Product Description
Humble Calvinism is both a helpful summary of what Calvinism is, and a helpful challenge to those who are convinced Calvinists. It calls us to hold Calvinism in our hearts, not just in our heads, so that we are humble and gracious as well as zealous for the truth, to the praise and glory of Christ and his church.
Author Jeff Medders admits that he is quick to defend Calvinism, but often slow to humbly love Christians who take a different view. His warm-hearted, challenging (and surprisingly witty) book takes readers through the the five points of Calvinism, revealing that a true understanding has a humbling effect on our hearts, fueling a love of Christ and his people that builds others up, rather than tearing them down.
- Foreword by Ray Ortlund
- The Problem With Calvinism
- A Short Interlude About Jargon and History
- Humble Calvinism is Not an Oxymoron
- Total Dependency
- The Prequel to Your Faith
- The Cross, the Church, and the Cosmos
- Drawn In and Sent Out
- He Holds Our Hands
- Humble and Happy (and Calvinist)
- Afterword by C.H. Spurgeon
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 176 Pages
- Publisher: Good Book Company
- Publication Date: March 2019