Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 224 Pages
- Publisher: Zondervan Academic
- Publication Date: February 2022
The Faithful Apologist: Rethinking the Role of Persuasion in Apologetics
As Christians, we're called to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ. But too often, this task can feel like we're doing PR work for God, limiting our apologetic work to a series of strategies and tactics. In The Faithful Apologist, Scott Oliphint shows that this doesn't have to be the case. He provides a cross-centered foundation for Christians to explain their faith in a welcoming and winsome manner that avoids any burden to sell Christianity to non-Christians.
Drawing from the rich tradition of Reformed apologetics, Oliphint proposes a marriage between wisdom and persuasion in faith conversations. He shows that, when our faith is grounded in the Triune God and his sovereignty, our attempts to defend it will grow more confident and convincing. Accessible and thoroughly rooted in Scripture, this book takes the anxiety out of apologetics by revealing that success is not measured in the number of minds we change, but in our faithfulness to God, the Divine Persuader.
K. Scott Oliphint is Professor of Apologetics and Systematics at Westminster Theological Seminary and ordained in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He is a regular contributor to He received his MAR, ThM, and PhD from Westminster Theological Seminary. He has written numerous journal articles in the field of apologetics and has written several books on the topic.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“The Faithful Apologist is a very welcome addition to the cadre of voices who are urging that apologetics involves both connection and confrontation. The book's strength comes from Scott's wonderfully rich exposition of biblical texts which time and again dig out some beautiful and surprising exegetical gems. Above all I finished the book encouraged, encouraged that it is first and foremost the Lord Jesus Himself who is the Faithful Apologist. The battle belongs to Him which should give every Christian the courage to contend for Him. Warmly recommended.”
Dan Strange
Director of Crosslands Forum, and author of Plugged In and Making Faith Magnetic
“The Faithful Apologist comes from the biblically infused thought and heart of the careful Reformed theologian Scott Oliphint, and as such it provides meticulous theological reflection on how persuasion takes place by and through God’s word and the measured use of classical rhetorical realities. The result is a theologian’s compelling cri de coeur to follow the graced scriptural path to gospel persuasion—as commended by St. Paul—“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Col 4:5–6). This is a foundational book, an indispensable prolegomenon to persuasion, and will serve the church well, not only in personal evangelism but in the preaching of the gospel to a lost world.”
R. Kent Hughes
Senior Pastor Emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, Illinois
“Dr. Scott Oliphint is well-known as an academic theologian and apologist who has devoted himself to matters of the intellect, but he has also been a pastor who has devoted himself to people. In The Faithful Apologist he helps us understand the importance of both devotions—not only in terms of the way we think, or even the people we address, but in terms of who we—the apologists—are. Some readers will be intrigued or even surprised at first sight by his skilful (but very welcome!) borrowing from Aristotle’s insistence on the triad of logos, ethos, and pathos in all good communication. But in doing so, Oliphint touches on principles embedded in the biblical doctrine of the image of God and that are constantly exhibited and illustrated in Scripture but often overlooked by Christians. The Faithful Apologist carries an important message for us all, reminiscent of the opening words of E. M. Bounds’s famous book on prayer (“The church is looking for better methods, God is looking for better men”). Scott Oliphint reminds us that while the church is looking for better apologetics, God himself is looking for better apologists”
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
Ligonier teaching fellow and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Christian apologetics has come a long way since being gagged by the “crisis theology” of Karl Barth. The defense of the faith is once more a legitimate endeavor. Yet there is a view abroad that all we need to do is amass evidence until rational people yield and admit the Christian faith is true. Unfortunately, reasonable people are becoming rare. Now is the time for persuasion. Very little work has been done on the biblical basis for persuasion. Dr. Oliphint’s contribution is invaluable. His working definition is “the discerning and initiating of a connection between two or more persons.” If that sounds abstract, Oliphint points us to the entire Bible, and especially to Jesus Christ, whose mission was “a design of divine persuasion.” The reason? God’s great love, which issues in his “condescension.” In keeping with that, Oliphint has remarkable pages on certain passages, such as Romans 1, Acts 17, and 1 Peter 3, worth the price of the book. This book should be read and enjoyed by all Christians wanting to recover the art of persuasion.”
William Edgar
professor of apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Product Description
As Christians, we're called to give an answer for the hope we have in Christ. But too often, this task can feel like we're doing PR work for God, limiting our apologetic work to a series of strategies and tactics. In The Faithful Apologist, Scott Oliphint shows that this doesn't have to be the case. He provides a cross-centered foundation for Christians to explain their faith in a welcoming and winsome manner that avoids any burden to sell Christianity to non-Christians.
Drawing from the rich tradition of Reformed apologetics, Oliphint proposes a marriage between wisdom and persuasion in faith conversations. He shows that, when our faith is grounded in the Triune God and his sovereignty, our attempts to defend it will grow more confident and convincing. Accessible and thoroughly rooted in Scripture, this book takes the anxiety out of apologetics by revealing that success is not measured in the number of minds we change, but in our faithfulness to God, the Divine Persuader.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 224 Pages
- Publisher: Zondervan Academic
- Publication Date: February 2022