Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society
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Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 280 Pages
  • Publisher: P & R Publishing
  • Publication Date: September 2019

Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society

Miller, Rachel G

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$17.99 MSRP

Note from the Bookstore: We believe that this book contributes to a larger, much needed, conversation about the roles of men and women as taught by Scripture and held throughout church history. Our goal in featuring and carrying books on any given topic is to offer varied resources that are biblically faithful and helpful in forming a well-rounded perspective. While the discussion on complimentarianism has yet to be finalized, and many have offered varying perspectives on the topic, we consider this book a helpful critique of the ways in which complimentarianism has been portrayed in the past as well as helpful in prompting discussion for the future.

Publisher Description

The world needs Christians to speak out about Scripture's teaching on the matters of sex and gender. That means we need to make sure we have it right ourselves. Have we borrowed cultural beliefs from other times and societies? Have we overcorrected and added to God's Word? Is there a better way than the competing rules and guidelines we see in the church today?


Rachel Green Miller argues that what the Bible teaches about women, men, and gender is both simpler and more difficult than we're often told. Although modern discussions have focused on authority and submission, there is much more to the biblical picture. Examining common beliefs in the light of Scripture, she draws out important biblical themes that will strengthen our relationship as co-laborers in the kingdom of God and for the good of this world.



Rachel Green Miller is a researcher and popular blogger who is passionate about elevating the dignity of women, improving the cultural conversation about gender relations, and defending orthodox Christianity. A member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, she lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Matt, and their three sons.
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Note from the Bookstore: We believe that this book contributes to a larger, much needed, conversation about the roles of men and women as taught by Scripture and held throughout church history. Our goal in featuring and carrying books on any given topic is to offer varied resources that are biblically faithful and helpful in forming a well-rounded perspective. While the discussion on complimentarianism has yet to be finalized, and many have offered varying perspectives on the topic, we consider this book a helpful critique of the ways in which complimentarianism has been portrayed in the past as well as helpful in prompting discussion for the future.

Publisher Description

The world needs Christians to speak out about Scripture's teaching on the matters of sex and gender. That means we need to make sure we have it right ourselves. Have we borrowed cultural beliefs from other times and societies? Have we overcorrected and added to God's Word? Is there a better way than the competing rules and guidelines we see in the church today?


Rachel Green Miller argues that what the Bible teaches about women, men, and gender is both simpler and more difficult than we're often told. Although modern discussions have focused on authority and submission, there is much more to the biblical picture. Examining common beliefs in the light of Scripture, she draws out important biblical themes that will strengthen our relationship as co-laborers in the kingdom of God and for the good of this world.



Rachel Green Miller is a researcher and popular blogger who is passionate about elevating the dignity of women, improving the cultural conversation about gender relations, and defending orthodox Christianity. A member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, she lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Matt, and their three sons.
  • Cover Type:
  • 280 Pages
  • Publisher: P & R Publishing
  • Publication Date: September 2019