How to Live an 'in Christ' Life: 100 Devotional Readings on Union with Christ

Berding, Kenneth

$13.08 $14.99
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Everywhere we look in the letters of Paul we encounter 'in Christ.' But how many of us know why the Apostle Paul uses this expression--or ones like it--over and over again in his letters? What is so important about being in Christ? Is it possible that when Paul talks about inChristness, he is handing us a set of keys that will open up his letters and reveal what is most essential to living the Christian life? In these 100 devotionals, we discover why inChristness is so important and how to live an in-Christ life.

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  • Publisher
    Christian Focus Publications
  • Publication Date
    September 2020

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About the Author

Kenneth Berding, Ph.D., is professor of New Testament at Talbot School of Theology at Biola University and author of numerous books and articles. He regularly blogs at, is editor of The Good Book Blog, and director of Bible Fluency: Sing it, See it, Study it.

How to Live an 'in Christ' Life: 100 Devotional Readings on Union with Christ - Berding, Kenneth - 9781527105591
Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

How to Live an 'in Christ' Life: 100 Devotional Readings on Union with Christ

$13.08 $14.99

Everywhere we look in the letters of Paul we encounter 'in Christ.' But how many of us know why the Apostle Paul uses this expression--or ones like it--over and over again in his letters? What is so important about being in Christ? Is it possible that when Paul talks about inChristness, he is handing us a set of keys that will open up his letters and reveal what is most essential to living the Christian life? In these 100 devotionals, we discover why inChristness is so important and how to live an in-Christ life.


  • Paperback


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