Confronting Kingdom Challenges: A Call to Global Christians to Carry the Burden Together

Logan, Samuel T. (ed.)

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It takes only one look at today's news page or one listen to the news shows to understand that, clearly, there is no shortage of kingdom challenges for the twenty-first-century church at large, for Christian organizations and agencies, or for us as individuals. In the face of such enormous problems as the rise of pagan world religions, AIDS, sexual abuse and trafficking, urban poverty, and ethnic and religious conflict, what can you and your fellow Christians do?

According to the diverse group of contributors in this book, you can choose to get involved, sharing not only the kingdom burdens but the kingdom opportunities with other brothers and sisters in Christ so that no Christian, no church, no ministry, no nation has to confront these challenges alone. But how can you join in doing the work you are called to do? The superb analysis, biblical solutions, and reality-tested ideas put forth in this book by some of the leaders of the global Reformed and evangelical church will show you.

Coming from the fields of religion, education, medicine, broadcasting, psychology, urban ministry, and missions, these fellow Christians are encountering the challenges daily. Their suggestions will give you a grasp of not only what is necessary to be a global evangelical Christian today but how to respond to the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of others around the world—and perhaps in your own backyard.

Contributors: Samuel T. Logan Jr. (Editor), Peter Jensen, Ric Cannada, In Whan Kim, Charles Clayton, Diane Langberg, Peter R. Jones, Yusufu Turaki, David R. Haburchak, John Nicholls, Manuel Ortiz, Victor Cole, Wilson Chow, Jimmy Lin, and Ron Scates

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  • Publisher
    Crossway/Good News Publishers
  • Publication Date
    August 2007

Endorsements (6)

About the Author

Samuel T. Logan Jr., is Emeritus President and Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary.

Crossway/Good News Publishers

Confronting Kingdom Challenges: A Call to Global Christians to Carry the Burden Together

$18.18 $25.00

It takes only one look at today's news page or one listen to the news shows to understand that, clearly, there is no shortage of kingdom challenges for the twenty-first-century church at large, for Christian organizations and agencies, or for us as individuals. In the face of such enormous problems as the rise of pagan world religions, AIDS, sexual abuse and trafficking, urban poverty, and ethnic and religious conflict, what can you and your fellow Christians do?

According to the diverse group of contributors in this book, you can choose to get involved, sharing not only the kingdom burdens but the kingdom opportunities with other brothers and sisters in Christ so that no Christian, no church, no ministry, no nation has to confront these challenges alone. But how can you join in doing the work you are called to do? The superb analysis, biblical solutions, and reality-tested ideas put forth in this book by some of the leaders of the global Reformed and evangelical church will show you.

Coming from the fields of religion, education, medicine, broadcasting, psychology, urban ministry, and missions, these fellow Christians are encountering the challenges daily. Their suggestions will give you a grasp of not only what is necessary to be a global evangelical Christian today but how to respond to the physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of others around the world—and perhaps in your own backyard.

Contributors: Samuel T. Logan Jr. (Editor), Peter Jensen, Ric Cannada, In Whan Kim, Charles Clayton, Diane Langberg, Peter R. Jones, Yusufu Turaki, David R. Haburchak, John Nicholls, Manuel Ortiz, Victor Cole, Wilson Chow, Jimmy Lin, and Ron Scates


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