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Good News: The Story of Acts

Ammen, Chris; Snead, Maggie

$16.35 $17.99
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After 10 years as a children's pastor, Chris Ammen noticed a trend. His kids loved "little kid" Bibles like the The Jesus Storybook Bible until around 1st-2nd grade. Then, they were usually ready for more. The next best thing to give them was a "Children's Bible" which is usually the NIV or ESV text with colorful pictures around it. The problem is that the NIV and ESV are written at a high school level. So, his kids got frustrated with the Bible and grow out of the habit of reading it.

Out of this revelation, Kaleidoscope was borne. We are trying to change the game by giving elementary and middle school kids quality resources to bridge the gap. We are producing single-volumes for every book of the Bible, written at an elementary level.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
  • Publication Date
    May 2020
  • Ages
    4-7, 8-12
  • Special Considerations
    No Images of Christ
    Clear Gospel Presentation
    Children with Disabilities Represented
  • Books of the Bible
Good News: The Story of Acts - Ammen, Chris; Snead, Maggie - 9781922405449

Good News: The Story of Acts

$16.35 $17.99

After 10 years as a children's pastor, Chris Ammen noticed a trend. His kids loved "little kid" Bibles like the The Jesus Storybook Bible until around 1st-2nd grade. Then, they were usually ready for more. The next best thing to give them was a "Children's Bible" which is usually the NIV or ESV text with colorful pictures around it. The problem is that the NIV and ESV are written at a high school level. So, his kids got frustrated with the Bible and grow out of the habit of reading it.

Out of this revelation, Kaleidoscope was borne. We are trying to change the game by giving elementary and middle school kids quality resources to bridge the gap. We are producing single-volumes for every book of the Bible, written at an elementary level.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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