Q: Are Westminster Bookstore audiobooks compatible with my device(s)?
A: Yes! Our audiobooks are available in MP3 format. They are DRM- free, which means they can be used across different devices and apps. There are a number of free and paid apps for iOS, MacOS, Android, and Windows devices available for playing DRM-free audiobooks.
Q: How do I download Westminster Bookstore audiobooks on my device(s)?
A: After placing your order, download your audiobook on your download page.
1. Access the download page any of the following 3 ways:
You will receive an email with a link to download your digital file a few minutes after your order confirmation email. Please note: This email may arrive a few minutes after your order confirmation email. If you don't see it in your inbox, check your "Spam" or "Promotions" folder.

Q: Can I import audiobooks purchased directly from Westminster Bookstore into my Apple Books library on my laptop or desktop computer?
A: Yes.*
In order to import audiobooks purchased directly from Westminster Bookstore into Apple Books on your laptop or desktop computer:
- Follow the steps above to download your audiobook.
- Click on the zipped file in your downloads folder to unzip it.
- A new, unzipped folder will appear. Double-click to open the new folder.
- Highlight all of the chapters/individual files and right click selection. Choose "Open With," then "Books."
- Your audiobook will be imported into Apple Books and you can listen there.

Q: How can I listen to my audiobook on my iPhone or iPad?
A: In order to listen to an audiobook on your iPhone or iPad:
- Import your audiobook into Apple Books on your laptop or desktop computer using the instructions above.
- Follow Apple’s instructions here for syncing audiobooks between your Mac and iPhone or iPad.
Q: Can I import audiobooks purchased directly from Westminster Bookstore into my Audible library?
A: No, it is not currently possible to import audiobooks purchased directly from Westminster Bookstore into Audible.
Q: What if my question isn't answered here?
A: We'd be happy to help! Just click on this link to reach out via email, phone, or chats: Contact Us.