Westminter Bookstore Newsletter Subscription

On the Christian Life (2-4 emails/month)

On our “Christian Life” newsletter, you’ll receive exclusive promotions on the best books for group study, discipleship, growing in holiness, as well as resources for counseling, devotions, family worship, marriage, parenting, and more.

For Pastors & Teachers (1-2 emails/month)

For Pastors, seminarians, and students of theology. These are deep, rigorous, intellectually challenging books, rewarding readers with thoughtful engagement in God’s Word. On our “For Pastors & Teachers” newsletter, we’ll curate and promote the best available resources for biblical ministry to help you in your role as a servant of Christ.

WTS Kids (1-2 emails/month)

We believe books for children should be simple but not simplistic, boiled down without being watered down, and held to the same rigorous theological standards as all our other books. On our “WTS Kids” Newsletter, you’ll receive exclusive, promotions on our favorite Children’s books ages 0 to 16. Some of the most important books we carry can be found right here.

Bibles (1-2 emails/month)

The Bible is our most important book. There are many helpful books on our shelves, but the Bible is the only one that needs no caveat. On “Bibles” Newsletter, you’ll receive exclusive, deeply discounted promotions on the best new editions, study bibles, journaling bibles, bibles for outreach & evangelism, and more. P.S. you'll find some great gift ideas here.

For Churches, Schools & Ministries (1-2 emails/month)

Our “For Churches & Ministries” Newsletter features special bulk discounts on Bibles, curriculum, and books for group study. Whether you’re looking to replace your banged up Pew Bibles, want to start a church book stall or library, or need to purchase large quantities of a book for Sunday school, small groups, and outreach programs, you’ll find the resources you need to supply your ministry.