Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 224 Pages
- Publisher: Zondervan
- Publication Date: December 2015
Beating the College Debt Trap: Getting a Degree Without Going Broke
Publisher's Description
Beating the College Debt Trap presents students with a better way to do college. The radically counter-cultural truth is that students don t have to be totally dependent on Mom, Dad, or Uncle Sam to get the most out of college. Graduation on a solid financial foundation is possible. But it will require intentionality, creativity, hard work, and a willingness to delay gratification.
Chediak gets into the nitty-gritty of how to pay less for college, get meaningful work during college (while setting yourself up for success after college), pay off any loans quickly, spend less, save more, and stay out of debt for good. He also unpacks how to transition from college into career, honor God while achieving financial independence, and use your finances to make a positive, eternally-significant difference in the lives of others.
As a young engineering professor with an aptitude for finances and money management, Chediak has become particularly concerned with the financial health of students, especially in light of the ever increasing costs of college. In Beating the College Debt Trap he helps do something about this problem. He engages, in a friendly manner, the real world financial issues that 17-25 year olds face, with clarity, practical help, lots of illustrations, and a little humor, while conveying a distinctly Christian perspective.
About the Author
Alex Chediak is an author, speaker, and a professor at California Baptist University. He's the author of the bestselling Thriving at College and Preparing Your Teens for College. Alex completed his MS and PhD in engineering from the University of California–Berkeley. He has a passion for helping students (and their parents) prepare for college and writes and speaks on that topic. Originally from the Chicago area, Alex and his wife, Marni, and their three children now reside in Riverside, California.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“A college education with little or no debt: the seemingly impossible dream for today's students. Here's how to make it happen.”
Dr. Peter W. Wood
“After writing for college students (Thriving at College) and for parents of prospective college students (Preparing Your Teens for College), Alex Chediak has now written a book that all of us need: Beating the College Debt Trap. Readers can trust Alex. He knows the college world inside out (both as a student and as a professor) and he is able to cut through the confusion, break down what you need to know, and present the results in a wise and accessible way. Learning the information in this book is an exercise in stewardship. Ignore it at your own risk!”
Justin Taylor
Blogger and managing editor, The ESV Study Bible
“Follow Alex Chediak's sound advice and graduate from college with minimal debt.”
Marvin Olasky
Editor-in-chief, WORLD
“As a college student, I never had to think about debt. For most students, those days are over. Fortunately, Alex Chediak has given us an easy-to-follow roadmap on avoiding the college debt trap that is both insightful and fun to read. You will come away from this book both equipped and inspired. Best of all, he shows how the ultimate aim of minimizing debt is not to maximize our own wealth, but to maximize our freedom to serve others in creative ways without hindrance.”
Matt Perman
Author, What's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done
“Alex Chediak's book warns prospective college students about the many pitfalls and traps associated with borrowing to pay for a college education.”
Mark Kantrowitz
Senior VP and Publisher,
“Worried that college may no longer be worth the cost? These days, with student debt topping $1 trillion, lots of parents and students are. So let's just put that worry to rest: Yes, college is worth it, and it's not even close. A four-year degree has possibly never been more valuable. But going headlong into debilitating debt to get that degree is not worth it. So what's the solution? Read Beating the College Debt Trap before you spend one more second thinking about it. It's the best thing I've read on this subject. Sparing no punches, Alex Chediak comes at the subject both as a student and college professor. He knows his stuff. If there's just one book you read about how to navigate the murky waters of paying for a college education, this should be it. I promise a motivating and inspiring read. Parents, give it to your kids. Kids, leave a copy on the kitchen table--maybe your parents will pick it up and learn something.”
Mary Hunt
Author and Founder, Debt-Proof Living
“A college education is one of life's most important decisions, and one of its most costly. But many of us lose our critical faculties when it comes to paying for college. With the cost of higher education going up far faster than the rate of inflation for the past three decades, it's easy for a student to take on crippling debt for no good reason. Alex Chediak has done the detailed research, thought long and hard about this problem, and provides an accessible and trustworthy guide for getting the most bang for the buck. If you are a current or future college student, or a parent of such a student, you owe it to yourself, and to your wallet, to read this book. I'm one such parent, and I'm planning to take his advice.”
Jay Richards
New York Times Best-Selling Author
“Far too many high school graduates take out college loans before realizing that they have unwittingly subjected themselves to years of crippling debt. Alex Chediak feels their pain, and he has written a practical primer for helping to avoid the college debt trap. Before you head to college--before you even decide whether or not to attend college--you need to read this book!”
Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
“Debt is one of the greatest enemies of the Great Commission. Alex Chediak knows the danger full well, and offers a wealth of wisdom in this timely book.”
Dr. R. Albert Mohler
Jr., President, Southern Seminary
“Alex Chediak's latest book is much better than mine. Easy to read, immensely practical, and deeply empowering, it cuts through the fog of how paying for college works, how you can get the most value for your money, and how you can land on your feet after graduation. If you don't want to waste a decade languishing in student debt, this is the book.”
Zac Bissonnette
Debt-Free U, New York Times Best-Selling Author
“Reducing the cost of attendance should be a top priority for every university. Reading this book and following its solid advice should be a top priority for every potential college student.”
Mitchell E. Daniels
President, Purdue University, Former Governor of Indiana “Alex Chediak's latest book is much better than mine. Easy to read, immensely practical, and deeply empowering, it cuts through the fog of how paying for college works, how you can get the most value for your money, and how you can land on your feet after graduation. If you don't want to waste a decade languishing in student debt, this is the book.”– Zac Bissonnette, Debt-Free U, New York Times Best-Selling Author “Debt is one of the greatest enemies of the Great Commission. Alex Chediak knows the danger full well, and offers a wealth of wisdom in this timely book.”– Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President, Southern Seminary “Far too many high school graduates take out college loans before realizing that they have unwittingly subjected themselves to years of crippling debt. Alex Chediak feels their pain, and he has written a practical primer for helping to avoid the college debt trap. Before you head to college--before you even decide whether or not to attend college--you need to read this book!”– Jim Daly, President, Focus on the Family “A college education is one of life's most important decisions, and one of its most costly. But many of us lose our critical faculties when it comes to paying for college. With the cost of higher education going up far faster than the rate of inflation for the past three decades, it's easy for a student to take on crippling debt for no good reason. Alex Chediak has done the detailed research, thought long and hard about this problem, and provides an accessible and trustworthy guide for getting the most bang for the buck. If you are a current or future college student, or a parent of such a student, you owe it to yourself, and to your wallet, to read this book. I'm one such parent, and I'm planning to take his advice.”– Jay Richards, New York Times Best-Selling Author “Worried that college may no longer be worth the cost? These days, with student debt topping $1 trillion, lots of parents and students are. So let's just put that worry to rest: Yes, college is worth it, and it's not even close. A four-year degree has possibly never been more valuable. But going headlong into debilitating debt to get that degree is not worth it. So what's the solution? Read Beating the College Debt Trap before you spend one more second thinking about it. It's the best thing I've read on this subject. Sparing no punches, Alex Chediak comes at the subject both as a student and college professor. He knows his stuff. If there's just one book you read about how to navigate the murky waters of paying for a college education, this should be it. I promise a motivating and inspiring read. Parents, give it to your kids. Kids, leave a copy on the kitchen table--maybe your parents will pick it up and learn something.”– Mary Hunt, Author and Founder, Debt-Proof Living “Alex Chediak's book warns prospective college students about the many pitfalls and traps associated with borrowing to pay for a college education.”– Mark Kantrowitz, Senior VP and Publisher, “As a college student, I never had to think about debt. For most students, those days are over. Fortunately, Alex Chediak has given us an easy-to-follow roadmap on avoiding the college debt trap that is both insightful and fun to read. You will come away from this book both equipped and inspired. Best of all, he shows how the ultimate aim of minimizing debt is not to maximize our own wealth, but to maximize our freedom to serve others in creative ways without hindrance.”– Matt Perman, Author, What's Best Next: How the Gospel Transforms the Way You Get Things Done “Follow Alex Chediak's sound advice and graduate from college with minimal debt.”– Marvin Olasky, Editor-in-chief, WORLD “After writing for college students (Thriving at College) and for parents of prospective college students (Preparing Your Teens for College), Alex Chediak has now written a book that all of us need: Beating the College Debt Trap. Readers can trust Alex. He knows the college world inside out (both as a student and as a professor) and he is able to cut through the confusion, break down what you need to know, and present the results in a wise and accessible way. Learning the information in this book is an exercise in stewardship. Ignore it at your own risk!”– Justin Taylor, Blogger and managing editor, The ESV Study Bible “A college education with little or no debt: the seemingly impossible dream for today's students. Here's how to make it happen.”– Dr. Peter W. Wood, President, National Association of Scholars
Product Description
Publisher's Description
Beating the College Debt Trap presents students with a better way to do college. The radically counter-cultural truth is that students don t have to be totally dependent on Mom, Dad, or Uncle Sam to get the most out of college. Graduation on a solid financial foundation is possible. But it will require intentionality, creativity, hard work, and a willingness to delay gratification.
Chediak gets into the nitty-gritty of how to pay less for college, get meaningful work during college (while setting yourself up for success after college), pay off any loans quickly, spend less, save more, and stay out of debt for good. He also unpacks how to transition from college into career, honor God while achieving financial independence, and use your finances to make a positive, eternally-significant difference in the lives of others.
As a young engineering professor with an aptitude for finances and money management, Chediak has become particularly concerned with the financial health of students, especially in light of the ever increasing costs of college. In Beating the College Debt Trap he helps do something about this problem. He engages, in a friendly manner, the real world financial issues that 17-25 year olds face, with clarity, practical help, lots of illustrations, and a little humor, while conveying a distinctly Christian perspective.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 224 Pages
- Publisher: Zondervan
- Publication Date: December 2015