Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 128 Pages
- Publisher: Good Book Co
- Publication Date: April 2021
Extraordinary Hospitality (for Ordinary People): Seven Ways to Welcome Like Jesus
Generous hospitality is a significant way in which God works through our lives to bring life to others, yet many of us feel ill-equipped and overwhelmed at the prospect, especially if we don't have big houses and we are not wonderful cooks!
Carolyn Lacey encourages us to focus on the goal of hospitality, which is to reflect God's welcoming heart, and shows us how we can all do that, regardless of our bank balance or living situation.
She explores seven ways in which we can reflect God's character in the way we welcome others into our homes and into our lives, and so point people ultimately to Christ.
This practical and realistic book explores how to make generous hospitality part of everyday life without becoming exhausted and overburdened.
Carolyn Lacey is a writer, speaker and pastor’s wife. She serves alongside her husband, Richard, in Worcester, UK, where they live with their two teenage children. She teaches the Bible regularly at women's events and conferences, and loves looking for ways to apply God’s grace to the mundane moments of ordinary life.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Set aside any previous notions of hospitality which may require a four- course meal or beautifully manicured home. Not only will this book encourage you to see tangible and everyday ways that you can be a blessing to those in your sphere of influence; it will also open your eyes to see what a gift, privilege, and joy it is to reflect the hospitality of our Savior. ”
Sarah Walton
Author, Together Through the Storms
“The thought of hospitality makes some break out in hives and others start dusting off the serving dishes. Whichever you are, you will walk away from this book encouraged, convicted, and with practical insight into how to live out a life of welcome. ”
Courtney Reissig
Author, Teach Me to Feel
“Extraordinary Hospitality (For Ordinary People) fueled my desire to welcome others as Christ so richly welcomes us. Through her display of the greatest act of hospitality, the cross of Christ, Carolyn Lacey winsomely challenges us to humbly sacrifice not only our homes but also our efforts, skills, and time to the One who gave us his very life. ”
Hunter Beless
Founder, Journeywomen
“I loved this book. I was expecting a guilt-fueled, task-list-populating, exhaustion-inducing exhortation to be the-host-with-the-most. What I got was a heart-warming, rich and motivating conversation with Carolyn as we dug into the Bible and gloried in the gospel together. Rather than cajole you into dutiful hospitality, this book inspires you to joy-inducing, gospel-rich hospitality. The fruit will be seen in extraordinary hospitality being demonstrated across the church family to the glory of God. ”
Jonathan Gemmell
Director of Conferences and Resources, The Proclamation Trust
“Carolyn’s view is wide, as she encourages us to look beyond our friends to see those in need. Her ideas are creative—I am looking forward to inviting more people here to cook for me! But her goal is so simple: to help us love others humbly and practically, for the glory of God. How liberating! ”
Helen Thorne
Director of Training and Resources, Biblical Counselling UK
“Deeply theological and refreshingly practical, this book paints the picture of an overflowingly generous God, and seeks to help us be transformed more into his likeness. By taking a wide-angle view of hospitality, this book shows how we can all use our time, energy, home, possessions, talents and words to bless others as God has first blessed us. It is inspiring, challenging, beautifully written and full of grace. ”
Matt Searles
Author, Tumbling Sky
“Carolyn Lacey lets in the light of how wonderfully generous God is to us, and so she inspired me to be like him. If you would love to be a cheerful giver, rather than a reluctant one, then read here and in the Bible what God had in mind when he told us to “practise hospitality”. ”
Liz Cox
Minister for Women and Community, St Giles' Derby, UK
“In this inspiring book, Christian hospitality is beautifully defined and illustrated as the practical expression of God’s generosity to us in Christ. Carolyn helps us see that it is not about perfect homes or fancy cooking but an attitude of the heart that any Christian can put into practice. ”
Julian Hardyman
Senior Pastor, Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, UK
“Hospitability reveals our trust in and confidence upon the grace of God in Christ. In this fantastic book, Carolyn Lacey covers biblical teaching of hospitality in helpful and practical ways that will leave you amazed at the grace of God and equipped to engage in hospitality to others. ”
Dave Jenkins
Executive Director, Servants of Grace Ministries
“What will inspire you to bother with hospitality? Turns out it isn’t getting a new cookbook. We need instead to raise our gaze and explore the wonders of how God has welcomed us in the gospel. This thought-pro- voking book will help you do just that—and then give you lots of creative ideas of how you might begin to reflect God’s “hospitality” in your own. ”
Julia Marsden
Author, Forgiveness
“A gentle and biblical encouragement to show the same generous and indiscriminate welcome to others as God shows to us. Using passages from throughout the Bible, Carolyn Lacey moves us beyond guilt-inducing images of “entertaining” to a gospel-focussed, other-centered ministry of love. ”
Clare Heath-Whyte
Author, Old Wives' Tales
“A warm and insightful book on a vital biblical theme. We worship an amazingly generous God and as we practise hospitality we reflect his character. In this pastorally sensitive and biblically balanced book, Carolyn Lacey gives us both a challenge and an encouragement. She anticipates and answers many of the questions that come to mind when we think about hospitality. Soaked in Scripture and full of practical advice, it is highly recommended. ”
Paul Mallard
Pastor, Widcombe Baptist Church, Bath, UK
“Such a warm, challenging and encouraging book - lunch breaks, Sunday seating, washing up and dinner tables interwoven with glorious gospel truths, all pointing to the ultimate host. A very handy little book! ”
Gabby Samuel
Women's Ministry Development Worker, FIEC
Product Description
Generous hospitality is a significant way in which God works through our lives to bring life to others, yet many of us feel ill-equipped and overwhelmed at the prospect, especially if we don't have big houses and we are not wonderful cooks!
Carolyn Lacey encourages us to focus on the goal of hospitality, which is to reflect God's welcoming heart, and shows us how we can all do that, regardless of our bank balance or living situation.
She explores seven ways in which we can reflect God's character in the way we welcome others into our homes and into our lives, and so point people ultimately to Christ.
This practical and realistic book explores how to make generous hospitality part of everyday life without becoming exhausted and overburdened.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 128 Pages
- Publisher: Good Book Co
- Publication Date: April 2021