Judges and Ruth: God in Chaos (Preaching the Word)
Webb, Barry G.
The book of Judges powerfully demonstrates the chaos that can arise when sin reigns in people's hearts. In contrast, the book of Ruth offers a message of redemption and hope following disorder. Set in a time when everyone "did what was right in his own eyes," both books work together to highlight God's faithfulness in the midst of Israel's disobedience.
Exploring the stories of figures such as Gideon, Samson, Naomi, and Ruth, this accessible commentary emphasizes the countless ways God protected and preserved his people in the Bible. Experienced preacher Barry Webb explores important connections between Judges and Ruth, reminding us of God's promises to his people and offering practical applications for daily life--pointing us toward the hope of the coming King of kings, Jesus Christ.

Judges and Ruth: God in Chaos (Preaching the Word)
Cover TypeHardcover
Page Count304
PublisherCrossway/Good News Publishers
Publication DateNovember 2015
Books of the BibleJudges, Ruth
Endorsements (15)
“Im delighted to endorse the philosophy behind this series. Here sounds out the voice not of the scholar in the study but of the scholar in the pulpit. The authors are all able teachers who regularly expound Gods living Word to his people. May this rich material give us patterns of preaching that will not only feed the flock, but, by Gods grace, change the church.”
See AllR. C. Lucas
Retired Rector, St. Helen's Church, Bishopsgate, London, England
“The Preaching the Word commentary series is one of my favorites. The focus upon explaining a text while preaching it as the goal makes the series resonate with the priorities of the pulpit. No academic aloofness here, but down-to-earth, preacher-to-preacher meat for Gods people.”
See AllBryan Chapell
President, Covenant Theological Seminary
“For this outstanding series of expository commentaries, Kent Hughes has assembled a team of unusually gifted scholar-preachers. The series will be widely used and much sought after.”
See AllEric J. Alexander
Retired Senior Minister, St. George's-Tron Parish Church, Glasgow, Scotland
“It is a pleasure to commend this series of homiletical commentaries. They fill an enormous vacuum that exists between the practical needs of the pastor/teacher and the critical exegetical depth of most commentaries. With this series, evangelicalism may now claim its own William Barclay. While remaining true to the text and its original meaning, Dr. Hughes helps us face the personal, ethical, theological, and practical questions that the text wants us to answer in the presence of the living God and his illuminating Holy Spirit.”
See AllWalter C. Kaiser
Jr., President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Old Testament and Ethics, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
“The single best resource for faithful biblical exposition available today. A great boon for genuine reformation!”
See AllTimothy George
Founding Dean, Beeson Divinity School; Chairman of the Board, Colson Center for Christian Worldview
“Throughout the Christian centuries, from Chrysostom and Augustine through Luther, Calvin, and Matthew Henry, to Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Ray Stedman, working pastors have been proving themselves to be the best of all Bible expositors. Kent Hughes stands in this great tradition, and his exciting expositions uphold it worthily.”
See AllJ. I. Packer
Board of Governors' Professor of Theology, Regent College; author, Knowing God
“There is a long history of informed, edifying biblical expositions that have been mightily used of God to shape and strengthen the church. These volumes admirably fit this tradition.”
See AllD. A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“Barry Webbs teaching and preaching have been a gift to the churches. Barry preaches the Word with a gentle clarity that shows he deeply understands both the text and the people to whom he is preaching. This expository commentary on Judges and Ruth bears all the hallmarks of Barrys scholarship and much-loved preaching. Those preparing to preach on these two wonderful books will benefit greatly from Barrys expositions as well as all who read them. This is the kind of preaching that nourishes faith as we advance in the knowledge of God and of the Savior he has provided.”
See AllMark D. Thompson
Principal, Moore Theological College
“In this careful reading of the text within the immediate context of Judges and Ruth, the wider Old Testament message, and ultimately the whole story of the Bible, Barry Webb gives us what we need most from a commentarya gospel driven encouragement to love and serve our Lord more deeply.”
See AllPeter Sholl
Director, MOCLAM, Monterrey, Mexico
“What happens when a society turns its back on God? Judges and Ruth opens up the era of Israels judges in a way that resonates in so many ways with the social, religious, and moral crises of our own age. This is a book worth recommending to anyone interested in leadership. Many commentaries are good for reference, but difficult to read. Barry Webb has given us one that you will find difficult to put down. Making Christian sense of Ehud, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, and the rest of the Judges and bringing them alive so that they still speak is a task beautifully executed by one who looks back over a life-time of study of the Bible, experience of life, and observation of the world. It is a seamless blend of scholarship, devotion, life-wisdom, and understanding of modern society.”
See AllDavid Seccombe
Former Principal, George Whitefield College, Capetown
“Barry Webb has a special skill for a comprehensive interpretation of Scripture: solid exegetical scholarship is combined with deep theological insights and relevant pastoral wisdom applied to our present day situation. The narrative style of the commentary makes it easy to read. Webbs prudent work clarifies in an astonishing manner the theological meaning of Judges and Ruth as a part of the entire Biblical canon testifying to Gods work of creation and redemption, to his sovereign grace and faithfulness. This is Biblical theology at its best and very helpful for preachers and all believers.”
See AllMikka Ruokanen
Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Helsinki; Guest Professor, Nanjing Union Theological Seminary and Fudan University, Shanghai
“In his homiletical commentary, Professor Webbs sermons lead us through the chaotic waters of Judges until we arrive at the end of Ruth where the storm finally settles with the birth of a baby in Bethlehem. In this exegetically accurate, highly engaging, and masterfully accessible commentary, a seasoned scholar with a pastors heart captains us to the only surety of our soulsthe great redeemer, Jesus Christ.”
See AllDouglas Sean O'Donnell
Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Practical Theology, Queensland Theological College; author, The Beginning and End of Wisdom
“These are insightful, stimulating, often challenging expositions from the pen of a great exegete and preacher.”
See AllJames Hutchinson
Director, Institut Biblique Belge, Brussels
“Expository preaching involves much more than defining Hebrew and Greek words, or cool and collected explanations of obscure issues raised by biblical texts. It involves grasping both the theological message of the Scriptures and letting that message grasp us who preach week in and week out. Barry Webb is not only the finest interpreter of the book of Judges; he is also the books finest expositor. His presentation of the principle enduring theological points of each literary unit in Judges and Ruth is clear, practical, and passionate. This book is a great gift first to preachers, but ultimately to Gods people who will hear from them the living and life-giving Word of the Lord from these books.”
See AllDaniel I. Block
Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College
“I have been instructed and often moved by these scholarly and pastorally perceptive expositions. Barry Webb opens up the texts carefully and accessibly, and does so with the sensitivity of an experienced pastor. Such pastoral scholarship is powerful and edifying.”
See AllChristopher Ash
Former Director of the PT Cornhill Training Course, The Proclamation Trust; author, The Priority of Preaching
About the Author
Barry G. Webb (PhD, University of Sheffield) is the senior research fellow emeritus in Old Testament at Moore Theological College in Sydney, Australia. He is the author of numerous scholarly articles and books, including The Book of Judges and The Message of Isaiah. His work has been published in eight different languages.