Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 304 Pages
- Publisher: Baker Books
- Publication Date: March 2019
None Greater: The Undomesticated Attributes of God
For too long, Christians have domesticated God, bringing him down to our level as if he is a God who can be tamed. But he is a God who is high and lifted up, the Creator rather than the creature, someone than whom none greater can be conceived. If God is the most perfect, supreme being, infinite and incomprehensible, then certain perfect-making attributes must be true of him. Perfections like aseity, simplicity, immutability, impassibility, and eternity shield God from being crippled by creaturely limitations. At the same time, this all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise God accommodates himself, exhibiting perfect holiness, mercy, and love as he makes known who he is and how he will save us.
The attributes of God show us exactly why God is worthy of worship: there is none like him. Join Matthew Barrett as he rediscovers these divine perfections and finds himself surprised by the God he thought he knew.
About the Author
Matthew Barrett is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of God's Word Alone and Reformation Theology. He is also the executive editor of Credo magazine and the host of the Credo podcast.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Matthew Barrett leads us to marvel at both how much and how little we know of God.”
Tim Challies
blogger at; author of Visual Theology
“Perhaps not since R. C. Sproul has there been a treatment of such deep theology with such careful devotion and accessibility. Read this book. And stagger.”
Jared Wilson
director of content strategy, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; managing editor, For the Church; author of The Gospel-Driven Church
“The knowledge of God is the soil in which Christian piety flourishes. I am grateful for the publication of None Greater and pray it will be a source of growth in godliness among those captivated by its vision of God's supremacy.”
Scott Swain
president and James Woodrow Hassell Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando; author of Reformed Catholicity
Product Description
For too long, Christians have domesticated God, bringing him down to our level as if he is a God who can be tamed. But he is a God who is high and lifted up, the Creator rather than the creature, someone than whom none greater can be conceived. If God is the most perfect, supreme being, infinite and incomprehensible, then certain perfect-making attributes must be true of him. Perfections like aseity, simplicity, immutability, impassibility, and eternity shield God from being crippled by creaturely limitations. At the same time, this all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-wise God accommodates himself, exhibiting perfect holiness, mercy, and love as he makes known who he is and how he will save us.
The attributes of God show us exactly why God is worthy of worship: there is none like him. Join Matthew Barrett as he rediscovers these divine perfections and finds himself surprised by the God he thought he knew.
About the Author
Matthew Barrett is associate professor of Christian theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of God's Word Alone and Reformation Theology. He is also the executive editor of Credo magazine and the host of the Credo podcast.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 304 Pages
- Publisher: Baker Books
- Publication Date: March 2019