Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 240 Pages
- Publisher: Westminster Seminary Press
- Publication Date: March 2023
The Church Between Temple and Mosque: A Study of the Relationship between Christianity and Other Religions
J.H. Bavinck (1895–1964) was an internationally admired pastor, missionary, theologian, and apologist. A nephew of famed dogmatician Herman Bavinck, he studied at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam and then in Gießen and Erlangen, Germany before ministering in the Netherlands and in Indonesia. He went on to serve as professor at the Vrije Universiteit then at Kampen. He wrote widely on the theology of missions and elenctics.
Daniel Strange (PhD, University of Bristol) is Director of Crosslands Forum and Vice President of the Southgate Fellowship. His award-winning books include Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock, Plugged In, and Making Faith Magnetic.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Anything from the pen of J.H. Bavinck is important to read. This work is even more valuable for the western church than it was when written, for the great religions of the world are now present in Europe and North America in numbers that could not have been imagined in the mid-20th century. Beyond that, the ‘magnetic points’ are crucial for helping us speak to the religious and non-religious as well. Read this little gem of a book!”
Tim Keller
Redeemer City to City
“J. H. Bavinck is a sublime but neglected thinker. Through his psychological insights, global focus, and rich biblical theology, his works offer the reader a uniquely Reformed perspective on Christianity (and the Western culture it produced) in relation to other faiths, and the cultures most deeply shaped by them. This book provides a sterling example of that. The Church Between Temple and Mosque is essential reading for Christians looking to understand other faiths, as well as the uniqueness of their own.”
James Eglinton
Meldrum Senior Lecturer in Reformed Theology, University of Edinburgh
“This book, which in spite of its modest size is a masterpiece, brings together all the theological and psychological lines that Bavinck traced in the course of his working life in the light of Scripture. His drive to interpret the uniqueness of the gospel broadly, especially in missionary contexts, motivated him to try to fully grasp the essence of non-Christian religions theologically and psychologically. His aim was to bring the insights he had gained into dialogue with the core of the Gospel and to show in a convincing way that all religious striving of people asks for the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The very results of his research confirmed Bavinck in his conviction that this remains the redeeming turning point in the (religious) history of this world.”
Paul J. Visser
Author, Heart for the Gospel, Heart for the World: The Life and Thought of a Reformed Pioneer Missiologist, Johan Herman Bavinck, 1895-1964
“I was first introduced to J.H. Bavinck’s work in my missions class during seminary. His classic, An Introduction to the Science of Missions was foundational to my understanding of missions. Equally helpful is this reproduction of his The Church Between Temple and Mosque. Bavinck masterfully identifies the five questions that various world religions seek to answer and then interacts with them from a Christian worldview. For those who are eager to engage with those from other religions, this book is a wonderful resource. Very grateful for this republication!”
Lloyd Kim
Coordinator, Mission to the World
“With the rage and lure of contemporary ‘religious fantasies’, and the swelling demands for unqualified acceptance of all faiths, philosophies, and moral paradigms, the republication of this book comes as a welcome gift to the Church. Like an expert world art historian, J. H. Bavinck explains the common features of world religions as they have been crafted throughout the centuries, yet punctuates their distinct religious colors and contours. He then, with both insight and compassion, distinguishes Christianity from all other religions, and compellingly affirms why the Christ of Scripture delivers what other faiths simply cannot. No fabrication of human idolatry, Christ alone is the true Logos, the true Savior, the true Hope. This seasoned missionary-scholar writes not as a remote academic, but as a man among religious men, pressed by their assertions, but finally and blessedly impressed only by the Christ of Scripture. Even as your nagging religious questions receive compelling answers, you will find yourself more deeply amazed and touched afresh by the gospel of God in his Son.”
David B. Garner
Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“After evaluating various theories of how to categorize religions Bavinck concludes that ‘universal religious consciousness’ is mysterious and continuous, demonstrating a fundamental unity. This religious consciousness is broken down into five magnetic points, of questions to which all people are drawn. The answers one comes to in responding to these questions determine one’s conduct and attitude to life. For instance, all religions to some extent are concerned with the problem of redemption. Bavinck analyses the major religions, skillfully describing the deeper aspects of the faith in regard to each of the magnetic points. But the particularly insightful points made are how these religions relate to common themes addressed by the Christian Scriptures. This is first brought out through an exposition of Romans 1, followed by the unique distinctives of the Bible from other religions, including the meaning and direction of history toward the inauguration of his Kingdom. Bavinck ends with an insightful biblical response to each of the five magnetic points he previously described in the other major religions. In interacting with other religions, he maintains the primacy of God’s sovereignty and the proclamation of his transforming Word.”
Bruce McDowell
President of Santiago Theological Seminary, Dominican Republic
“There isn’t a place on earth that is not a mission field for the Reformed Christian, making Reformed missiology, religious studies, and cultural reflection imperatives for faithful service to the church today, and this little gem from Johan Bavinck is a great place to start. The rich but supple theological heritage of neo-Calvinism bolsters Bavinck’s remarkable cross-cultural and inter-religious sensibilities, making this text as much a tour of a great man’s heart, mind, and experience as it is a dazzling lesson in missiological instinct and principle. Cheers to Westminster Seminary Press, and may it be widely read.”
Nathan D. Shannon
General Editor, The Great Thinkers Series
Product Description
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 240 Pages
- Publisher: Westminster Seminary Press
- Publication Date: March 2023