Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 544 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2023
Concise Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief
This concise, practical and devotional introduction to Reformed systematics now features study questions, memory verses, and additional resources to help readers develop a thoroughly biblical framework for understanding and applying Christian doctrine.
- 24 Key Doctrines
- Robust Glossary of Terms
- Study Questions for Each Chapter
- Memory Verses for Each Doctrine
- QR Codes Link to Free Online Lectures
Revised and enhanced edition of John Frame's Salvation Belongs to the Lord.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“There’s no one I trust more as a teacher of theology than John Frame. His unwavering commitment to the authority, clarity, and sufficiency of Scripture is coupled with a brilliant intellect, not to mention an enviable ability to communicate profound truths in ways that impact both mind and heart. I have enthusiastically recommended the original edition of this book on many occasions. With the enhancements in the new edition, Concise Systematic Theology will continue to be my first recommendation as an introduction to Christian doctrine.”
James N. Anderson
Carl W. McMurray Professor of Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte
“Throughout history, exceptional theologians have enriched the church by writing not only extensive, academic tomes for scholars, but also concise, accessible books for church leaders and members. Examples of such concise works are Augustine’s Enchiridion, Bavinck’s Magnificent Works of God, and Berkhof’s Manual of Christian Doctrine and Summary of Christian Doctrine. John Frame’s Concise Systematic Theology continues this rich tradition today. With an illustrious career spanning over half a century as a prolific author and esteemed seminary professor of systematic theology and philosophy, Frame has garnered recognition for his notable multivolume series Theology of Lordship. Yet it is equally noteworthy that Frame has also written Concise Systematic Theology, in which he skillfully presents succinct, lucid explanations and practical applications of biblical doctrines that deeply resonate with real-life experiences. This remarkably clear and concise introduction to all the major doctrines of the Bible will greatly benefit both beginning students of theology and seasoned church leaders. Frame’s approach, mirroring his Lordship series, is firmly grounded in Bible-centered exegesis, winsome Reformed theology, and a permeating focus on the centrality of the gospel as the good news of who God is and what God does as triune Lord in his magnificent works of creation, redemption, and the restoration of all things in Jesus Christ. In Concise Systematic Theology, Frame’s thesis is on full display: Theology is the practical application of God’s Word to all areas of life. This neither elevates the practical over the doctrinal nor elevates the doctrinal over the practical. Instead, it sees the Bible as authorizing the dynamic harmony of doctrine and practice, applying the whole Bible to the whole of human life to meet real human needs. Be prepared to be inspired and equipped as Frame takes you on a captivating journey through all the essential beliefs of the Christian faith. ”
Steven L. Childers
President & CEO, Pathway Learning; Former Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“John Frame is that rare theologian who is creative and orthodox, deep and clear. His writing is drenched in Scripture, yet well versed in the trends of Christian and secular thought. His work is both erudite and pious, so one can read him for knowledge and for devotion. In this book, Frame offers a summary of theology that covers the essentials and bursts with ideas. Still, it breathes because it doesn’t try to cover every topic. Deep enough to delight a theologian, clear and warm enough to benefit any willing reader, John Frame’s Concise Systematic Theology would grace the bookshelf of any home.”
Daniel M. Doriani
Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Vice President of Strategic Academic Initiatives, Covenant Theological Seminary
“It is a joy to see John Frame’s classic work of systematic theology being retitled and re-presented to a new audience. Concise Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief has already been helpful to thousands in its previous edition. With all the new additions, this volume will undoubtedly serve all who yearn for a deeper understanding of God and his precious word.”
Richard C. Gamble
Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
“This is an excellent introduction, an appetizer for further reading and feasting on the riches of Scripture. Frame’s writing is always stimulating and accessible. I hope that many will be encouraged to read theology, think about it, and develop a lasting taste for disciplined theological study, properly understood as focused exploration of the Christian faith.”
Robert Letham
Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology, Union School of Theology, Wales
“This book has the typical strengths of John Frame’s writing —i t is clear, unassuming, and logical (and filled with threes). It also has an unusual feature — it is concise! Frame does not care about impressing his peers and proving that he is scholarly (although he could). In this book he aims to build up thoughtful Christians with sound, straightforward theology.”
Andrew David Naselli
Professor of Systematic Theology and New Testament, Bethlehem College and Seminary; pastor, The North Church, Minneapolis
“Because John Frame relates theological truths directly to their basis in the teaching of the Bible, and because of the clarity of his writing and the biblical foundations of his convictions, he is uniquely able to offer a concise volume of systematic theology that is simultaneously accessible to beginners and accurate in its explanations of truth. Highly recommended.”
Vern S. Poythress
Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Biblical Interpretation, and Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary
“In our day, more people in more places profess to follow Christ than ever before. While we rejoice in this work of God’s Spirit, it is also true that vast numbers of Christians languish in confusion because they have little understanding of the fundamental truths of Christian theology. John Frame’s Concise Systematic Theology addresses this need with clear and simple explanations of Christian teachings that all followers of Christ should understand. It takes a masterful theologian to simplify without compromise the crucial themes of Christian doctrine. Frame has such mastery. He has provided us with a summary of the core of Christian theology that every believer should read.”
Richard L. Pratt Jr.
President, Third Millennium Ministries
“John Frame is the most creative conservative evangelical theologian of his generation, and I am delighted to recommend to another generation this excellent summary of what Christians believe. Here is the perfect combination of biblical fidelity, pedagogical utility, prose clarity, doctrinal profundity, and spiritual fecundity. Five out of five stars!”
Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“I am delighted to see John Frame’s Concise Systematic Theology in print. The deep wisdom of his four-volume Theology of Lordship series has been immensely rich and formative for me over the years, but even the most willing reader will have to admit that the tetralogy takes a long time to chew through and digest. What a joy, then, to see so many of the very best insights from that longer series in this gem of a book. But CST is not just a summary. It is written in a warm, conversational style that will make you feel as though Frame is talking to you over a coffee, and more than a few times I found myself smiling at his dry wit. This book stands out in two ways. First of all, it is distinctively biblical: readers will learn about key confessions and creeds, about Athanasius and Gregory of Nyssa, Luther and Calvin, Schleiermacher and Machen — but the book’s heartbeat, and the source of Frame’s energy and excitement, is very clearly the Bible itself. Second, it is unmistakably a work by John Frame: his incredibly helpful multiperspectival approach is woven throughout, providing a thoroughly biblical framework for understanding and applying Christian doctrine, and he has a brilliant way of crafting memorable phrases to sum up key ideas. One of the things I appreciate most about this book is its humility before God’s Word. Frame is careful not to go beyond what is written: if the Bible does not directly address a particular issue, if a verse or passage is mysterious, or if Bible-believing Christians differ in their interpretation of a point of doctrine, he represents each position fairly and then offers reasons for his own interpretation. This is also — and it might sound strange to say this of a systematic theology — a very practical and devotional book. Theology, Frame argues, is about applying truth to life, and he keeps a constant eye on the difference that biblical truths make to Christians’ thinking and living. It is also a richly devotional book, and I found myself breaking out into praise again and again as I was served up a rich feast of God’s character and actions. “Read this to grow in wisdom; read it to cut through all the cultural noise about Christianity and get right to the heart of the Bible’s message; and perhaps most importantly of all, read it to cultivate a deeper love for our extraordinary God. ”
Christopher Watkin
Senior Lecturer in French Studies, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; author, Biblical Critical Theory
Product Description
This concise, practical and devotional introduction to Reformed systematics now features study questions, memory verses, and additional resources to help readers develop a thoroughly biblical framework for understanding and applying Christian doctrine.
- 24 Key Doctrines
- Robust Glossary of Terms
- Study Questions for Each Chapter
- Memory Verses for Each Doctrine
- QR Codes Link to Free Online Lectures
Revised and enhanced edition of John Frame's Salvation Belongs to the Lord.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 544 Pages
- Publisher: P & R Publishing
- Publication Date: November 2023