[Online] OT 211: OT History and Theology 1
Textbook Notice: Please, always first consult your syllabus to verify which books are required by the professor for the particular course. At the Bookstore, we try to provide all books that require 50 or more pages of reading. In the event we decide not to carry the title or cannot obtain the title, then we will try to provide a convenient link to either a place where it can be purchased or referenced in the WTS Library.
Titles available at the WTS Library that may be required by your professor:
- Studies in Genesis One by Edward J. Young
Titles available at Amazon that may be required by your professor:
- The Genesis Flood by John C. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris
- Creation and Change by Douglas F. Kelly
- The World and the Word by Merrill, et al
Poythress, Vern S.; Carson, D. A.
$25.45 27% OFF
Beale, G. K.
$56.72 13% OFF
Vos, Geerhardus
$30.54 24% OFF
Pratt, Richard L
$25.19 24% OFF