How to See Life: A Guide in 3 2 1 - Scrivener, Glen - 9781915705495
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Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • 192 Pages
  • Publisher: 10Publishing
  • Publication Date: January 2024

How to See Life: A Guide in 3 2 1

Scrivener, Glen

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$12.99 MSRP

Perspective is everything. So how do you see life?

This book is your chance to slow down, get your bearings, and look again at life according to Jesus. How To See Life stands alone as an introduction to the deepest Christian truths. It also works brilliantly with 321, a free interactive course:

Glen Scrivener is an ordained Church of England minister and evangelist who preaches Christ through writing, speaking, and online media. He directs the evangelistic ministry Speak Life. Glen is originally from Australia and now he and his wife, Emma, live with their two children in England. They belong to All Souls Eastbourne. He is the author of several books, including The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality ( and 3-2-1: The Story of God, the World, and You .
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Perspective is everything. So how do you see life?

This book is your chance to slow down, get your bearings, and look again at life according to Jesus. How To See Life stands alone as an introduction to the deepest Christian truths. It also works brilliantly with 321, a free interactive course:

Glen Scrivener is an ordained Church of England minister and evangelist who preaches Christ through writing, speaking, and online media. He directs the evangelistic ministry Speak Life. Glen is originally from Australia and now he and his wife, Emma, live with their two children in England. They belong to All Souls Eastbourne. He is the author of several books, including The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality ( and 3-2-1: The Story of God, the World, and You .
  • Cover Type:
  • 192 Pages
  • Publisher: 10Publishing
  • Publication Date: January 2024