Summer Reading List 2024
Whether it's a family road trip, beach day, or an overdue season of unplugging from our ubiquitous screens, a good book is an essential ingredient for a relaxing summer. Below we’ve put together a list of recommendations for every reading level. Some are old, some are new; some will challenge, some will encourage–all are worth your time. Don’t ever feel bad for not finishing a book, but there are no excuses for not starting one, especially in the summer.
McKelvey, Douglas Kaine; Bustard, Ned (illustrator)
$31.82 9% OFF
Graham, Michael; Davis, Jim; Burge, Ryan P
$21.81 27% OFF
Harris, Anna Meade
$14.54 27% OFF
Henderson, Roger D (editor); Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, Marleen (editor)
Heard, Andrew
$17.99 10% OFF
Woodbridge, John D.
$17.99 10% OFF
Freeman, Austin M
$22.08 18% OFF
Williams, Peter J
$10.90 27% OFF
Dodds, Abigail
$21.81 27% OFF
Chesterton, G K; Wax, Trevin
$16.35 9% OFF
Reinke, Tony; Piper, John (foreword by)
$25.45 27% OFF
Butterfield, Rosaria; DeYoung, Kevin (foreword by)
$21.81 27% OFF
Ferguson, Sinclair B (foreword by); Gibson, David
$14.54 27% OFF
Chang, Faith
$13.90 18% OFF
Ten Boom, Corrie; Sherrill, Elizabeth; Sherrill, John; Castro, Ismael (illustrator)
$20.94 13% OFF
Keesee, Tim; Tada, Joni Eareckson (foreword by)
$14.83 13% OFF
Leiloglou, Carolyn; To, Vivienne (illustrator)
$12.72 9% OFF