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Unshakable: Standing Firm in a Shifting Culture

Mays, Rod; Oliphint, K. Scott

$9.92 $12.99
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How firm is their foundation? In an age when tolerance is king and ancient truths are forced to play the part of court jester, we and our children need books to help us find our bearings. We need books that help us understand the difference between a passing fad and lasting truth: here is a book to teach the next generation things that cannot be shaken.""

Publisher's Description

How do we love those who are suffering or speak to the overwhelmed? Do we show tenderness and compassion to others? We have a hope to hold on to and to hold out to others—how do we explain it?

In today's society, many teeter on the shaky ground of relativistic postmodernism. In contrast, Christians stand firmly on objective truth, clinging to a lasting treasure that cannot fade or disappoint. Rod Mays and K. Scott Oliphint delve into John Newton's great hymn "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken"and into the gospel truth of Scripture behind it showing how it brings timeless, biblical answers to issues that daily press us in our Christian walk. Includes discussion questions. Previously published by Crossway as Things That Cannot Be Shaken.

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  • Publisher
    P&R Publishing Company
  • Publication Date
    May 2016
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About the Author

K. Scott Oliphint (MAR, ThM, PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary is professor of apologetics and systematic theology at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia. He has written numerous journal articles in the field of apologetics and is a world authority on the works of Cornelius Van Til. Among his many books are The Battle Belongs to the Lord and Reasons for Faith.

Rod Mays is Executive Pastor at Mitchell Road Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC; Director of Greenville Fellows; and Adjunct Professor of Practical Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte.

P and R Publishing Company

Unshakable: Standing Firm in a Shifting Culture

From $9.92 $12.99

Publisher's Description

How do we love those who are suffering or speak to the overwhelmed? Do we show tenderness and compassion to others? We have a hope to hold on to and to hold out to others—how do we explain it?

In today's society, many teeter on the shaky ground of relativistic postmodernism. In contrast, Christians stand firmly on objective truth, clinging to a lasting treasure that cannot fade or disappoint. Rod Mays and K. Scott Oliphint delve into John Newton's great hymn "Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken"and into the gospel truth of Scripture behind it showing how it brings timeless, biblical answers to issues that daily press us in our Christian walk. Includes discussion questions. Previously published by Crossway as Things That Cannot Be Shaken.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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