Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 476 Pages
- Publisher: Tolle Lege Press
- Publication Date: April 2013
1 Corinthians (Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament)
Related Media
Source: Christ Reformed Church
Publisher's Description
The city of ancient Corinth in its day was like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and New York all rolled into one. Sexual immorality, pagan idolatry, materialism, superficiality, and individualism marked the Corinthian culture and plagued the Corinthian church. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to address these issues to teach Corinthian Christians how to live undefiled lives, in harmony with one another, in order to impact a fallen and depraved culture for Christ.
The same controversies, temptations, and divisions that rocked the Corinthian church are no less prevalent in the daily life of our modern Christian churches today. Yet there are very few contemporary commentaries on 1 Corinthians.
That is why The Lectio Continua Commentary on 1 Corinthians by Kim Riddlebarger is so timely.About the Author
Kim Riddlebarger (PhD Fuller Theological Seminary) is senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, California (URCNA), co-host of the popular internet-radio broadcast, White Horse Inn, and author of A Case for Amillennialism and The Man of Sin. He is a regular contributor to Modern Reformation and Tabletalk magazines, and has also served as visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary California.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
As the history of preaching is unfolded, it becomes clear how important the orderly, systematic preaching through the scriptures has been a favorite system of preaching over the centuries. One is surprised to discover how many of historys great preachers made a regular practice of preaching through one book of the Bible after another. Origen, the first Christian preacher from whom we have any sizable collection of sermons, preached most of his sermons on the lectio continua. We find the same with John Chrysostom who is usually referred to as the greatest Christian preacher. We find the same true of Augustine as well. At the time of the Protestant Reformation Zwingli, Calvin, Bucer and John Knox followed this system regularly, and they passed it on to the Puritans. Today we see a real revival of lectio continua preaching. The Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament represents a wonderful opportunity for the Church to recover a truly expository pulpit.
Hughes Oliphant Old
John H. Leith Professor of Reformed Theology and Worship, Erskine Theological Seminary
Those of us who have promoted and practiced lectio continua expository preaching through the years eagerly await the volumes Tolle Lege Press has announced in its Lectio Continua Expository Commentary on the New Testament. We are equally eager to read such a series written by pastors who have practiced the method in their churches. The international and interdenominational character of the series will only add to the richness of its insights.
Dr. T. David Gordon
Professor of Religion and Greek, Grove City College; author, Why Johnny Can’t Preach
Kim Riddlebarger, a trusted pastor-scholar, and one of the premier exegetes and expositors of our day, has given the Church a gift with this excellent commentary on First Corinthians. In these fine expositions we not only learn about the thorny and complex challenges that faced the church at Corinth, we are also taught the Spirit-inspired diagnoses and remedies dispensed by the Apostle Paul powerful, Christ-centered truth that applies as much today as it did in first century Corinth. I commend this volume to the Church with pastoral urgency and absolute confidence."
Michael A. Milton
PhD, Chancellor/CEO, The James M. Baird Jr. Chair of Pastoral Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary
"First Corinthians is a book that has long been neglected by Reformed commentators. That is why I am so glad that Kim Riddlebarger has provided the church with this exegetically-sensitive and doctrinally-sound exposition. Riddlebarger handles the letters difficult issues with care and pastoral sensitivity. In addition, he models for the Church what faithful exposition should be. This second installment in the Lectio Continua series is a welcome addition to any Christians shelf!"
Guy Prentiss Waters
Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, MS
"Having shared and sat under the ministry of Kim Riddlebarger for many years, I am delighted to see the fruit of his faithful labors reach a wider audience. Combining attention to exegetical detail with decades of pastoral experience, this commentary will reward generously with its unique insights into this wonderful epistle."
Michael S. Horton
Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California; Host, White Horse Inn talk show; Editor-in-Chief, Modern Reformation magazine
Product Description
Related Media
Source: Christ Reformed Church
Publisher's Description
The city of ancient Corinth in its day was like Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and New York all rolled into one. Sexual immorality, pagan idolatry, materialism, superficiality, and individualism marked the Corinthian culture and plagued the Corinthian church. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to address these issues to teach Corinthian Christians how to live undefiled lives, in harmony with one another, in order to impact a fallen and depraved culture for Christ.
The same controversies, temptations, and divisions that rocked the Corinthian church are no less prevalent in the daily life of our modern Christian churches today. Yet there are very few contemporary commentaries on 1 Corinthians.
That is why The Lectio Continua Commentary on 1 Corinthians by Kim Riddlebarger is so timely.About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 476 Pages
- Publisher: Tolle Lege Press
- Publication Date: April 2013