Angels: When Heaven Meets Earth

Chester, Tim

$11.34 $12.99
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A simple guide to what we really know about angels

Nearly eight in ten Americans believe in angels. Even among those who never attend church it's four out of ten. In the United Kingdom one in three people believe they have a guardian angel. You may well be one of them. Every tenth person in your street or workplace thinks they may have seen or heard an angel in some way. Books telling the story of angelic encounters are best sellers. Despite the widespread rejection of Christianity in our culture, many people are still fascinated by angels.

But what we can know for sure about angels? Are we dependant on second-hand accounts? Are we left with conjecture and guess work? This book goes back to the most reliable source we have for information about angels - God Himself speaking through the Bible.

Tim Chester delves into the mysterious world of angels and shows us what the Bible says about what angels are, what they do, and where they lead us.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus Publications
  • Publication Date
    July 2022
Angels: When Heaven Meets Earth - Chester, Tim - 9781527108868
Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

Angels: When Heaven Meets Earth

$11.34 $12.99

A simple guide to what we really know about angels

Nearly eight in ten Americans believe in angels. Even among those who never attend church it's four out of ten. In the United Kingdom one in three people believe they have a guardian angel. You may well be one of them. Every tenth person in your street or workplace thinks they may have seen or heard an angel in some way. Books telling the story of angelic encounters are best sellers. Despite the widespread rejection of Christianity in our culture, many people are still fascinated by angels.

But what we can know for sure about angels? Are we dependant on second-hand accounts? Are we left with conjecture and guess work? This book goes back to the most reliable source we have for information about angels - God Himself speaking through the Bible.

Tim Chester delves into the mysterious world of angels and shows us what the Bible says about what angels are, what they do, and where they lead us.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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