As for Me and My House: Crafting Your Marriage to Last

Wangerin, Walter, Jr.

$15.41 $15.99
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Recommended by John Bettler of Westminster Theological Seminary. See all of Dr. Bettler's recommendations.

Publisher Review:

In this repackaged bestselling classic, award-winning storyteller Walter Wangerin, Jr., offers a personal and pastoral look at marriage, told with the fine narrative style that has become his trademark.

Most books on marriage offer ten easy steps and twenty-five proven principles for achieving marital bliss. But Walter Wangerin side-steps such easy answers and offers us instead an intimate portrait of his own courtship and thirty-two year marriage—and a pastoral view of married life that inspires readers to view their own marriages with new honesty and hope. Wangerin’s six tasks of marriage encourages couples to better understand and happily live out the vows they made, giving them tools to nurture and maintain a strong marital relationship. In his endorsement, Philip Yancey accurately describes this book as “an enduring classic and a book of wisdom, beauty, compassion, and piercing honesty.”

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    Thomas Nelson, Inc
Harper Collins Publishers

As for Me and My House: Crafting Your Marriage to Last

From $15.41 $15.99
Recommended by John Bettler of Westminster Theological Seminary. See all of Dr. Bettler's recommendations.

Publisher Review:

In this repackaged bestselling classic, award-winning storyteller Walter Wangerin, Jr., offers a personal and pastoral look at marriage, told with the fine narrative style that has become his trademark.

Most books on marriage offer ten easy steps and twenty-five proven principles for achieving marital bliss. But Walter Wangerin side-steps such easy answers and offers us instead an intimate portrait of his own courtship and thirty-two year marriage—and a pastoral view of married life that inspires readers to view their own marriages with new honesty and hope. Wangerin’s six tasks of marriage encourages couples to better understand and happily live out the vows they made, giving them tools to nurture and maintain a strong marital relationship. In his endorsement, Philip Yancey accurately describes this book as “an enduring classic and a book of wisdom, beauty, compassion, and piercing honesty.”


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