Biblical and Theological Studies: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Princeton Theological Seminary

Product Details
  • Cover Type:
  • Publisher: Solid Ground Christian Books
  • ISBN: SPRI9781932474183

Biblical and Theological Studies: Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Princeton Theological Seminary

Princeton Seminary Faculty

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$35.00 MSRP
Professor Recommendation: The reprinting of this great work will be greeted with widespread enthusiasm by American Christians with any sense of appreciation for the tradition of biblical scholarship and evangelical faith which marked Princeton Seminary one hundred years ago. Here is scholarship at its best, written with a passion for the truth and a deep concern to instruct, nourish and guard the church of Christ. A 'must-have' addition to the bookshelves of thoughtful 21st century Christians! - Sinclair B. Ferguson, Professor of Systematic Theology

Publisher Description:

This rare volume was compiled to celebrate the completion of 100 years of faithful service to the Church of Jesus Christ in May of 1912. The faculty submitted essays that demonstrated the spiritual atmosphere that permeated that beloved and blessed institution that trained men for gospel ministry from the world over.

Table of Contents:

New Introduction by David B. Calhoun
Biographical Sketches by David B. Calhoun
Theological Encyclopaedia by Francis L. Patton
On the Emotional Life of Our Lord by B.B. Warfield
The Child Whose Name is Wonderful by John D. Davis
Jonathan Edwards: A Study by John De Witt
The Supernatural by William B. Greene
Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit by Geerhardus Vos
The Aramaic of Daniel by Robert Dick Wilson
The Place of the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus by William P. Armstrong
Modern Spiritual Movements by Charles Erdman
Homiletics as a Theological Discipline by Frederick W. Loetscher
Sin and Grace in the Biblical Narratives Rehearsed in the Koran by James O. Boyd
The Finality of the Christian Religion by Caspar W. Hodge, Jr.
The Interpretation of the Shepherd of Hermas by Kerr Duncan Macmillan
Jesus and Paul by J. Gresham Machen
The Transcendence of Jehovah, God of Israel by Oswald T. Allis
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
Professor Recommendation: The reprinting of this great work will be greeted with widespread enthusiasm by American Christians with any sense of appreciation for the tradition of biblical scholarship and evangelical faith which marked Princeton Seminary one hundred years ago. Here is scholarship at its best, written with a passion for the truth and a deep concern to instruct, nourish and guard the church of Christ. A 'must-have' addition to the bookshelves of thoughtful 21st century Christians! - Sinclair B. Ferguson, Professor of Systematic Theology

Publisher Description:

This rare volume was compiled to celebrate the completion of 100 years of faithful service to the Church of Jesus Christ in May of 1912. The faculty submitted essays that demonstrated the spiritual atmosphere that permeated that beloved and blessed institution that trained men for gospel ministry from the world over.

Table of Contents:

New Introduction by David B. Calhoun
Biographical Sketches by David B. Calhoun
Theological Encyclopaedia by Francis L. Patton
On the Emotional Life of Our Lord by B.B. Warfield
The Child Whose Name is Wonderful by John D. Davis
Jonathan Edwards: A Study by John De Witt
The Supernatural by William B. Greene
Eschatological Aspect of the Pauline Conception of the Spirit by Geerhardus Vos
The Aramaic of Daniel by Robert Dick Wilson
The Place of the Resurrection Appearances of Jesus by William P. Armstrong
Modern Spiritual Movements by Charles Erdman
Homiletics as a Theological Discipline by Frederick W. Loetscher
Sin and Grace in the Biblical Narratives Rehearsed in the Koran by James O. Boyd
The Finality of the Christian Religion by Caspar W. Hodge, Jr.
The Interpretation of the Shepherd of Hermas by Kerr Duncan Macmillan
Jesus and Paul by J. Gresham Machen
The Transcendence of Jehovah, God of Israel by Oswald T. Allis
  • Cover Type:
  • Publisher: Solid Ground Christian Books
  • ISBN: SPRI9781932474183