Briarpatch Gospel: Fearlessly Following Jesus Into the Thorny Places
Wheeler, Shayne
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Publisher's Description
"Hasn't Jesus called us into the thorns and thistles with Him to love what we find there? What if we had the courage to follow him into the briarpatch and discover life as we were always meant to live it?" In "The Briarpatch Gospel," dynamic young pastor Shayne Wheeler presents a radical message of grace, one that won't allow you to remain comfortable merely sitting in a church pew. He shares his own heartbreaking personal journey through the briarpatch, and his church's remarkable experience of creating a community in which people walk through life's issues--even the darkest, most painful problems and questions--together. Unafraid. Like Jesus did.
Think about it: What is your (or your church's) briarpatch--the area where you're afraid to go, or feel unequipped to address? Is it sharing what you really think on controversial issues? Becoming friends with someone who's different from you? Confronting and overcoming your own pain, doubts, or fears? Bold and challenging, "The Briarpatch Gospel" provides a new vernacular for Christians to have open, honest conversations about what loving each other in Christ's name might look like in the briarpatches of their own communities.
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