Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 141 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: December 2013
By Faith, Not by Sight: Paul and the Order of Salvation
Proponents of the “New Perspective” on Paul generally reject or minimize the concept of an ordo salutis (“order of salvation”) in his writings. Building on the biblical–theological groundwork of the Reformed tradition, Richard B. Gaffin Jr. explores Paul’s understanding of how individuals receive salvation. Gaffin clearly explains the central elements of Paul’s teaching by exploring Paul’s focus on Christ’s death and resurrection and the essence of his ordo salutis.
Richard B. Gaffin Jr. (ThM and ThD, Westminster Theological Seminary) is Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is also the author of Resurrection and Redemption: A Study in Paul’s Soteriology.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Richard Gaffin brings together a lifetime of reflection on Paul’s letters with his expertise in the field of systematic theology to produce this encouraging study.”
David Peterson
Principal, Oak Hill College, London
“This is a very good book—one of the best books on soteriology I’ve read.... masterfully shows the centrality of union with Christ in his death and resurrection and the eschatological impact of those key gospel events on the believer’s salvation.”
Brian Hedges
author, Christ Formed in You; Lead Pastor, Fulkerson Park Baptist Church, Niles, MI
“How, in the apostle Paul’s writings, does the individual receive salvation? The answer to that question must be articulated anew in every generation. This book attempts a fresh conceptualization flowing from careful exegesis, the history of interpretation, Reformed and other confessions, and challenges to historic Christian understanding arising from (but not limited to) the New Perspective...Gaffin succeeds in presenting a compelling synthetic portrait of central features of Paul’s—and God’s—saving gospel message.”
Robert W. Yarbrough
Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis
“The gospel, union with Christ, justification by faith alone, and sanctification have occupied center stage in recent evangelical discussion. I am therefore especially grateful for Dr. Gaffin’s masterful and penetrating survey of Paul’s teaching on the application of redemption. . . . Should be in the hands of every minister of the Word and student of Scripture.”
Guy Prentiss Waters
Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson
“Rather than playing off historia salutis, the historical accomplishment of redemption through the person and work of Christ, against ordo salutis, the application of redemption to believers by the Spirit of Christ, Gaffin grounds the latter in the former. In so doing, he confirms the fundamental importance of union with Christ to the believer’s simultaneous participation in all the saving benefits of Christ’s saving work.”
Cornelis Venema
President, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
“Richard Gaffin applies discerning exegetical observation and carefully nuanced theological insight to the significant and much controverted issues of union with Christ, justification, sanctification, faith, works, and their various relationships in Pauline soteriology. This study brings clarity and precision to recent discussions concerning the content of the divinely revealed gospel proclaimed by the apostle Paul.”
Dennis E. Johnson
Professor of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California
“One could find no better guide through the current maze of conflicting perspectives on Paul and the order of salvation than Professor Gaffin. This book contains the mature conclusions, distilled from volumes of close exegetical work, of a mind thoroughly steeped in Pauline and general biblical theology, and fully informed by Reformation and modern–critical debates.”
Charles E. Hill
Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“Having recommended this book since its initial release for its accessible and comprehensive—yet mercifully brief—overview of an undeniably important and central biblical concern, I’m delighted to see it is now available again. Readers should settle in and prepare for a rich feast. They will not be disappointed.”
Mark A. Garcia
author, Life in Christ: Union with Christ and Twofold Grace in Calvin’s Theology
“Not many books are worthy of a slow and meticulous reading. This one is.”
John Piper
Chancellor, Bethlehem College and Seminary; Founder,
Product Description
Proponents of the “New Perspective” on Paul generally reject or minimize the concept of an ordo salutis (“order of salvation”) in his writings. Building on the biblical–theological groundwork of the Reformed tradition, Richard B. Gaffin Jr. explores Paul’s understanding of how individuals receive salvation. Gaffin clearly explains the central elements of Paul’s teaching by exploring Paul’s focus on Christ’s death and resurrection and the essence of his ordo salutis.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 141 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: December 2013