Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 656 Pages
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Publication Date: October 2021
Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate Questions about Life and the Cosmos
Science and Faith Can--and Do--Support Each Other
Science and Christianity are often presented as opposites, when in fact the order of the universe and the complexity of life powerfully testify to intelligent design. With this comprehensive resource that includes the latest research, you'll witness how the findings of scientists provide compelling reasons to acknowledge the mind and presence of a creator.
Featuring more than 45 entries by top-caliber experts, you'll better understand...
- how scientific concepts like intelligent design are supported by evidence
- the scientific findings that support the history and accounts found in the Bible
- the biases that lead to scientific information being presented as a challenge--rather than a complement--to Christianity
Whether you're looking for answers to your own questions or seeking to explain the case for intelligent design to others,
The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
is an invaluable apologetic tool that will help you explore and analyze the relevant facts, research, and theories in light of biblical truth.
Joseph M. Holden (PhD, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, Wales) is the President of Veritas International University in Southern California ( He is the general editor of The Harvest Handbook of Apologetics and coeditor of The Harvest Handbook of Bible Lands. He is also the producer of the documentary Archaeology and the Bible: The Top 10 Amazing Discoveries.
Casey Luskin is a scientist and attorney, with a PhD in geology from the University of Johannesburg and a law degree from the University of San Diego. He is Associate Director of Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, and cofounded the Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness (IDEA) Center.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith is an essential reference for your personal library. The most valuable sections are those dealing with intelligent design, with contributions by the stellar specialists in this area--William A. Dembski and Stephen C. Meyer at the head of the list. The issues discussed cover a very wide range and the scholarship is impeccable.”
John Warwick Montgomery PhD (Chicago), DThéol (Strasbourg, France), LLD (Cardiff, Wales, UK)
Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire, England; Director, International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism and Human Rights (Strasbourg, France)
“Anyone who desires to make sense of the world around them should read this book and follow the reasoning of these serious thinkers who have grappled with major questions about meaning and life. The existence of objective truth demands that there will be a coherence between the empirical and the theoretical, between facts and meaning. This compilation of essays provides an opportunity to view the world from a Judeo-Christian viewpoint that is both rational and empirically coherent.”
Donald Ewert
who received his PhD in microbiology at the University of Georgia
“This book is a wonderful guide to the range of important issues at the heart of the intersection of science and faith. From artificial intelligence to theistic evolution, the editors have put together a top-rate team who explore the biggest issues being discussed today. If you're looking for an introductory book that also has some depth, then The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith is for you.”
Sean McDowell
PhD, professor of apologetics, at Biola University; author, coauthor, or editor of 20+ books, including Understanding Intelligent Design
“This is a fascinating book. Christians who read it--or even a few chapters--will find themselves rejoicing in the amazing consistency between God's words in the Bible and the most recent scientific discoveries. And any non-Christians who read it will likely be surprised to learn of the remarkable congruence between the Christian faith and numerous scientific findings. I am glad to recommend this book to Christians and non-Christians alike.”
Wayne Grudem
PhD, Distinguished Research Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies, Phoenix Seminary
“This is a heroic encyclopedic work by some of the world's top thinkers on the topics of science, faith, and the cosmos, and the God who created them all. If anyone thinks that the study of science and faith should be disparate disciplines, here are more than 656 reasons why they're wrong. What is clear from this massive volume is that the alignment of science and faith is far closer to parallel than orthogonal, and it spans as far as from east to west across the tangents of science, life, and eternity.”
James Tour
Professor of Chemistry, Computer Science, Materials Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University
Product Description
Science and Faith Can--and Do--Support Each Other
Science and Christianity are often presented as opposites, when in fact the order of the universe and the complexity of life powerfully testify to intelligent design. With this comprehensive resource that includes the latest research, you'll witness how the findings of scientists provide compelling reasons to acknowledge the mind and presence of a creator.
Featuring more than 45 entries by top-caliber experts, you'll better understand...
- how scientific concepts like intelligent design are supported by evidence
- the scientific findings that support the history and accounts found in the Bible
- the biases that lead to scientific information being presented as a challenge--rather than a complement--to Christianity
Whether you're looking for answers to your own questions or seeking to explain the case for intelligent design to others,
The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith
is an invaluable apologetic tool that will help you explore and analyze the relevant facts, research, and theories in light of biblical truth.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 656 Pages
- Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
- Publication Date: October 2021