Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 208 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: 2007
Election and Free Will: God's Gracious Choice and Our Responsibility (Explorations in Biblical Theology)
Listen to an interview with Dr. Robert Peterson entitled Election and Freewill. (Iron Sharpens Iron)
Publisher's Description
The first book in the Explorations in Biblical Theology series, Election and Free Will helps those who believe in a Reformed view of predestination to better understand their faith. It traces Scripture's teaching on election through the Bible and explains biblically the doctrine of free will. It tackles objections to predestination and concludes with applications of this neglected biblical teaching.
It is clear, strongly biblically based, and solidly Reformed. This book gives special attention to free will and seeks to apply election to contemporary culture.
About the Author
Robert A. Peterson (PhD, Drew University) is professor of systematic theology at Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis. Among his books are Adopted by God, Hell on Trial, and Getting to Know John's Gospel. He is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
Explorations in Biblical Theology is a gift to God's people. Biblicaltheology was never meant to be reserved for academics.When the verities of the Reformed faith are taken from the -ivyhalls- of academia and placed in the hearts and minds of the covenantpeople of God, reformation and revival are the inevitableresult. I believe God will use this series as a mighty tool for theKingdom.
Steve Brown
Reformed Theological Seminary
Explorations in Biblical Theology is a valuable new series of bookson doctrinal themes that run through Scripture. The contributorsare competent scholars who love to serve the church andhave special expertise in the Bible and its theology. Followinga thematic approach, each volume explores a distinctive doctrineas it is taught in Scripture, or else introduces the variousdoctrines taught in a particular book of the Bible. The resultis a fresh and unique contribution to our understanding of theBible's own theology.
Philip Ryken
Wheaton College
The message of a God who loved us before he formed the earth,called us his own before we could respond to him, died for us while we were dead in our transgressions and sins, made us alivewhen we were incapable of serving him, unites us to himself sothat we can be forever holy, and now loves us more than we loveourselves sparked a Reformation of hope and joy that transformedthe world of faith. Re-declaring that hope and reclaimingthat joy is the ambition and delight of this series. Able and godlyscholars trace the golden thread of grace that unites all Scriptureto make the wonders of our God's redeeming love shine and winhearts anew. The writing is warm, winsome, and respectful ofthose who differ. The motives are clearly to reveal truth and exposeerror by glorifying the message and manner of the Savior.
Bryan Chapell
Covenant Theological Seminary
There are many misconceptions today about systematic, biblical,and applicatory theology. One sometimes gets the impression thatthese are opposed to one another, and that the first two, at least,are so obscure that ordinary people should avoid them like theplague. The series Explorations in Biblical Theology seeks to correctthese misunderstandings, to bring these disciplines togetherin a winsome, clear unity, edifying to non-specialists. The authorsare first-rate, and they write to build up our faith by pointing usto Christ. That's what biblical and systematic theology at theirbest have always done, and the best application of Scripture hasalways shown us in practical ways how to draw on the rich blessingsof Jesus" salvation. I hope that many will read these booksand take them to heart.
John Frame
Neither superficial nor highly technical, this new series of volumeson important Christian doctrines is projected to teach Reformedtheology as it is most helpfully taught, with clear grounding inScripture, mature understanding of theology, gracious interactionwith others who disagree, and useful application to life. I expectthat these volumes will strengthen the faith and biblical maturity ofall who read them, and I am happy to recommend them highly.
Wayne Grudem
Phoenix Seminary, author of Systematic Theology
This is a singularly helpful book in what promises to be a usefulseries. It is helpful for three reasons: its attempt to groundits thesis in Scripture, the courtesy with which it engages thosewho disagree, and the crisp clarity of the writing. Beyond thesethings is the importance of the subject. Books on this subjectoften become merely polemical, but this one is full of the majestyand grace of God.
D. A. Carson
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Product Description
Listen to an interview with Dr. Robert Peterson entitled Election and Freewill. (Iron Sharpens Iron)
Publisher's Description
The first book in the Explorations in Biblical Theology series, Election and Free Will helps those who believe in a Reformed view of predestination to better understand their faith. It traces Scripture's teaching on election through the Bible and explains biblically the doctrine of free will. It tackles objections to predestination and concludes with applications of this neglected biblical teaching.
It is clear, strongly biblically based, and solidly Reformed. This book gives special attention to free will and seeks to apply election to contemporary culture.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 208 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: 2007