Everyday Worship: Our Work, Heart and Jesus

Wilkerson, Trisha

$13.08 $14.99
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At home or in the office, we’re all working. Do we see that it’s not about us? Do we see our work as an opportunity to worship Jesus? More than an instruction manual on how to be a good Christian woman, this is a passionate challenge to savor the Savior as the one who makes sense of our work as the object of our worship.

Publisher's Description

As women busy about our work, we often leave God to the spiritual categories of our lives, seeing our daily occupations as just work. In Everyday Worship, biblical counselor Trisha Wilkerson addresses the underlying heart issues that keep us from seeing all of life lived for God's glory. The challenge of connecting work to worship is as old as the story of Mary and Martha, Wilkerson teaches. The solution, though, is not to choose between worship and work, but rather to worship in our work. As we depend on God, find our confidence in Him, and work as stewards by his grace, our hearts are filled with joy.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    Christian Focus
  • Publication Date
    September 2013

Endorsements (6)

About the Author

Trisha Wilkerson is a blogger for The Resurgence, and a biblical counselor and women’s leader at Mars Hill Church. She is the wife of Pastor Mike Wilkerson who oversees Redemption Groups at Mars Hill. They are the parents of four young children and make their home in Seattle, Washington.

Christian Focus [Bookmasters]

Everyday Worship: Our Work, Heart and Jesus

From $13.08 $14.99

Publisher's Description

As women busy about our work, we often leave God to the spiritual categories of our lives, seeing our daily occupations as just work. In Everyday Worship, biblical counselor Trisha Wilkerson addresses the underlying heart issues that keep us from seeing all of life lived for God's glory. The challenge of connecting work to worship is as old as the story of Mary and Martha, Wilkerson teaches. The solution, though, is not to choose between worship and work, but rather to worship in our work. As we depend on God, find our confidence in Him, and work as stewards by his grace, our hearts are filled with joy.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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