Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 357 Pages
- Publisher: Ligonier Ministries
- Publication Date: March 2014
Everyone's a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology
Books at a Glance
Publisher's Description
Who would want to be a theologian?
Many people react negatively to the word theology, believing that it involves dry, fruitless arguments about minute points of doctrine. They prefer to focus on the basic truths of Scripture and may even decleare, “No creed but Christ.”
That is precisely what Dr. Sproul does in Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology. This book is anything but a dry discussion of minute points of doctrine. Instead, Dr. Sproul, again demonstrating his trademark ability to make complex subjects easily understood, surveys the basic truths of the Christian faith, reminding us once more of what God is like and of what He has done for His people in this world and the next.
R. C. Sproul (1939-2017) served as Senior Minister of Preaching and Teaching at Saint Andrew's Chapel, and was Founder and President of Ligonier Ministries. He was Chancellor of Reformation Bible College, wrote more than one hundred books, and was heard daily on Renewing Your Mind. He earned degrees from Westminster College, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the University of Amsterdam.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“R.C. Sproul has written a brief, comprehensive summary of systematic theology that I intend to recommend to my classes for years to come. It is biblically faithful, solidly Reformed, grounded in the two-thousand-ear-old Christian tradition, and up to date on questions crucial to the minds of people in our secularized culture. He writes with his typical clarity and economy of words. As always, he hold the reader's attention. For a long time I have recommended to students Berkhof's Summary of Christian Doctrine as a reliable and succinct source of Reformed systematic theology. It is still very useful, but I suspect I shall now be recommending Sproul's Everyone's a Theologian ore than anything else in this this category. Trinity, predestination, creation, sin, the extent of the atonement, justification, speaking in tongues, angels and demons, heaven and hell: all of these, and many another topic, are fairly and responsibly set forth in a way that honors the Word of God written, and will edify those who are open to its truth.”
Douglas F. Kelly
Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
“R.C. Sproul is a consummate teacher, especially skilled at explaining difficult theological concepts in uncomplicated terms. Here, he tackles every major category of systematic theology in a succinct, lucid, evenhanded fashion. this is a tremendously valuable resource for everyone from the newest believer to the most seasoned pastor. It is quite true that we are all theologians. Dr. Sproul helps us all be better theologians.”
John MacArthur
Pastor, Grace Community Church; President, The Master's College and Seminary, Sun Valley, CA
“Have you ever wanted Christian theology made simple? R.C. Sproul has the gift of making things simple without dumbing them down. Like a father teaching his child to swim, he can bring us into waters too deep for us to touch bottom, but he wont' let us drown. So I invite you to jump into this pool of the knowledge of God. Whether you want to learn more about what makes the Bible different, who God is, why Christ died, how the Holy Spirit works in a person's soul, or what happens on judgment day, in these pages you will ifnd clear answers from a wise teacher.”
Joel R. Beeke
President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
Product Description
Books at a Glance
Publisher's Description
Who would want to be a theologian?
Many people react negatively to the word theology, believing that it involves dry, fruitless arguments about minute points of doctrine. They prefer to focus on the basic truths of Scripture and may even decleare, “No creed but Christ.”
That is precisely what Dr. Sproul does in Everyone’s a Theologian: An Introduction to Systematic Theology. This book is anything but a dry discussion of minute points of doctrine. Instead, Dr. Sproul, again demonstrating his trademark ability to make complex subjects easily understood, surveys the basic truths of the Christian faith, reminding us once more of what God is like and of what He has done for His people in this world and the next.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 357 Pages
- Publisher: Ligonier Ministries
- Publication Date: March 2014