Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 448 Pages
- Publisher: Mentor
- Publication Date: September 2023
Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans: Hints and Helps for Preachers and Teachers
The book of Romans is rich in doctrinal truth. In Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans Rob Ventura mines these truths and offers quick, accessible, expository nuggets for preachers and teachers. With a thoroughly Reformed view, Ventura has taken each passage of Romans and helps pastors prepare sermons that will help congregations dig deep into this excellent book. The exegesis of the original Greek is beneficial without being highly technical, and readers are aided on their journey by some of church history's finest, including Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, and Lloyd Jones.
For each section Ventura highlights:
- A central theme
- A homiletical outline
- Exegetical and practical insights
- Applications for the church
- Applications for non-believers
An excellent addition to any preacher's bookshelf, this book will not only enrich your preaching, but also cause your own heart to marvel anew at the grace of God.
Rob Ventura (MDiv, Reformed Baptist Seminary) is one of the pastors of Grace Community Baptist Church of North Providence, Rhode Island. He is a co–author of ‘A Portrait of Paul’ and ‘Spiritual Warfare’, and is the general editor of ‘Going Beyond the Five Points’, ‘Lectures in Systematic Theology’ and ‘A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689’. He has also contributed articles to journals, periodicals, and ‘The Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible’.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Rob Ventura’s thoroughly Reformed exposition of Paul’s greatest epistle is packed full of insights for preachers and teachers of God’s Word. His approach strikes an excellent balance. He discusses the details of each verse without getting overly technical. He quotes great theologians of the Augustinian/Reformed tradition while letting the Scriptures speak for themselves. His commentary is exegetical, doctrinal, and warmly practical, containing helpful applications for both believers and unbelievers at the end of every section. This is a reliable and highly recommended exposition for people who want to be like Ezra in studying, obeying, and teaching God’s Word (Ezra 7:10). ”
Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“As readers, as ministers, as pastors, we can never get to the bottom of Romans. Rob Ventura in his study of the letter particularly assists those who preach and teach the epistle. This commentary is carefully outlined with helpful exegetical comments along with theological reflection. It especially stands out for its focus on application and for quotes from luminaries from the past. ”
Tom Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
“If preachers around the world were to expound on Romans, as Steven J. Lawson in his foreword to this commentary wishes they would, they might think it too daunting a task. The sheer number of commentaries on Romans is overwhelming, and they are often aimed at the academy of scholars rather than the pastor of a local church. Rob Ventura has mined these resources, includes a list of his favorite evangelical commentaries for preaching through Romans, and provides his own solid and theologically grounded insights in a way that is most helpful for those who have the weekly charge to proclaim God’s Word. For each section, he lays out the general theme, provides a homiletical outline, a summary, key exegetical and practical insights (the latter are often alliterative). What is unique is his inclusion of suggested applications from the text for the non-Christian. His diligent research covering the long history of the interpretation of Romans and his own discerning reading of the text will be a most welcome resource for pastors. I highly recommend it.”
David E. Garland
Professor of Christian Scriptures, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University
“With flair but no fluff, this well-organized study models how to think through Romans from the ground up. It will aid preachers and teachers in grasping both the stately trees (verses) and magnificent forest (the whole epistle) of the sublime gospel presentation called Romans. Notable features include (1) effective citation of dozens of commentators from previous centuries, (2) careful attention to the Greek text, and (3) the author's zeal to see people saved through Jesus the Messiah whom Romans presents. We all need Him. This book skillfully unpacks, and packages for the reader, the power of God for salvation contained and explained in Romans.”
Robert W. Yarbrough
Professor of New Testament, Covenant Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO
“This is a splendidly rich and extremely useful volume, written in a style reminiscent of Spurgeon's Treasury of David. It abounds with pithy outlines of the biblical text, insightful exegetical analysis, select quotations from classic commentaries, and suggested points of application. From now on, this will be the first resource I'll turn to when studying any passage from Romans. ”
Phil Johnson
executive director, Grace to You
“In Rob Ventura’s commentary on the book of Romans, he states that Paul’s purpose in writing this letter to this church was fivefold: biographical, theological, practical, pastoral, and missional. The same can be said about this new work. Furthermore, its deep insights and simplicity make it useful to all believers — the seasoned expositor, the Sunday school teacher, the parent leading family devotions, and the recent convert. ”
Paul Washer
Founder and Director of HeartCry Missionary Society
“There are few books of Scripture more important to understand and expound than Paul's great epistle to the Romans. Its doctrinal exposition of the gospel is unique in Scripture. But it is crucially important to communicate its profound teachings practically, popularly, and passionately. This is the value of Rob Ventura's exposition of the book. He provides the student and the preacher with a clear and straightforward exposition and also potent and timely application of the letter. May God give Rob's work wonderful usefulness in spreading Romans life-changing gospel truths. ”
Sam Waldron
President, of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary and One of the Pastors of Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Owensboro, KY
“Rob Ventura is an author, scholar, and pastor-preacher with the gift of expressing New Testament theology in clear, elegant prose. Reading him in full flow in his new commentary on Romans affords the simple pleasure of watching an expert do what they do best. He has plundered the finest commentators on this letter giving the book a delightful fragrance, and so, has put every succeeding expositor and preacher of Romans in his debt. In this fine achievement, he clothes conservative evangelical proclamation with a refreshing intellectual rigor. For everyone whose task and delight it is to explain the meaning and relevance of the Word of God, this book is an indispensable resource. Not only does it help us understand the meaning of this mighty letter but, from the manifested principles of interpretation and application, it illumines all of Scripture's relevance to us. Tolle Lege! Take up and read!”
Geoff Thomas
former pastor for over fifty years of Alfred Place Baptist Church (Independent), Aberystwyth, Wales
Product Description
The book of Romans is rich in doctrinal truth. In Expository Outlines and Observations on Romans Rob Ventura mines these truths and offers quick, accessible, expository nuggets for preachers and teachers. With a thoroughly Reformed view, Ventura has taken each passage of Romans and helps pastors prepare sermons that will help congregations dig deep into this excellent book. The exegesis of the original Greek is beneficial without being highly technical, and readers are aided on their journey by some of church history's finest, including Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon, and Lloyd Jones.
For each section Ventura highlights:
- A central theme
- A homiletical outline
- Exegetical and practical insights
- Applications for the church
- Applications for non-believers
An excellent addition to any preacher's bookshelf, this book will not only enrich your preaching, but also cause your own heart to marvel anew at the grace of God.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 448 Pages
- Publisher: Mentor
- Publication Date: September 2023