Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: New Growth Press
God Made Me: 8-Book Set
The God Made Me series features beautifully illustrated children’s books created to help guide parents and caretakers toward important, gospel-centered conversations with their kids. The back of each book contains a special section just for parents and caregivers that will guide them in how to have biblical, loving conversations with children and give them additional information and resources to equip them in talking about this important subject.
Titles Included in This Set
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Jared Kennedy walks us through the gospel narrative that is enshrined in the different parts of the worship service, helping children—and adults as well—not only understand what worship is but what the gospel is. I’m thankful for this very helpful primer.”
Iain M. Duguid
Professor of Old Testament; dean of Online Learning, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA
“This book is a creative way for parents to talk with their children about what we do when we gather in worship. Reading this book together in the family room or at the bedside can help prompt a child to ask, and answer, on Sunday, ‘Why are we here?’ and ‘What are we doing?’ as well as, most importantly, ‘Whose are we?'”
Russell Moore
President, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
“The weekly habit of taking our children to church is one of the greatest blessings we can offer them. Church invites our children to a larger family of faith and provides a home away from home—a place to belong wherever they may go. Most importantly, the church teaches our children who and how to worship. God Made Me for Worship is a wonderful way to help children understand how all the elements of worship share the gospel story.”
Melissa Kruger
Director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition; author of Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood
“Parents shouldn’t assume their kids understand what is going on during their Sunday worship service. Through God Made Me for Worship, Jared Kennedy provides parents with an excellent tool they can use to help their kids understand church. It explains the components of a Sunday liturgy and connects them to the gospel story. Every Christian parent should add God Made Me for Worship to their family bookshelf.”
Marty Machowski
Pastor; author of The Ology, God Made Boys and Girls, Long Story Short, and other gospel-centered resources for church and home
“Jared Kennedy gets kids, and he has a firm grip on how to connect families to church life and liturgy. He brings keen pastoral and practitioner instincts as well as a distinctive writing style that sparks with clarity. My recommendation remains simple: If Jared is writing for kids and families, then it’s worth the time of any parent to read it.”
Dave Harvey
President of the Great Commission Collective; author of When Sinners Say I Do and I Still Do: Growing Closer and Stronger Through Life’s Defining Moments
“From the moment I opened this book I could not stop smiling. What a gift this is to each of us who has the joy-filled responsibility of teaching the next generation the centrality of the worship of God. This book will help children and adults alike come to a clearer understanding of the beauty and role of corporate worship in the Christian life.”
Matt Boswell
Hymn writer; pastor, The Trails Church; assistant professor of Church Music and Worship, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“God Made Me for Worship is an inviting, fun, and straightforward explanation of why we do what we do in corporate worship services. Children and parents will learn how each element of a church’s weekly service is specially designed to draw us to God in worship and demonstrate some aspect of the gospel message.”
Curtis Solomon
Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition
“A sweet, compelling, brilliantly sensitive invitation to teach your children the beauty of their body and the honor due to being made in the image of God. This glorious resource is an investment in care, protection, and honor. I am grateful I get to read this to my grandchildren.”
Dan B. Allender Professor of Counseling Psychology and Founding President
The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology; author of The Wounded Heart and The Healing Path
“This is a strange and beautiful book. Strange because its so unique: exploring Gods creation with a view to helping children protect themselves in an increasingly at-risk culture. Beautiful because it hits its mark: instilling practical wisdom in a way that teaches without terrifying. As a father of four, I highly recommend it.”
Michael Horton Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics
Westminster Seminary California
“What I love most about this amazing little book is how beautifully it conveys Gods love for little ones by wanting them to be safe. As a former child abuse prosecutor, I have no doubt this will be a major contribution to making our world safer for children.”
Boz Tchividjian Executive Director
GRACE; Professor of Law; and former prosecutor
“Children are bombarded by all kinds of sexual messages, and parents are in the most critical position to provide the first line of defense to protect and guide them to develop a positive and clear voice about their body and sexuality. God Made All of Me shows how to establish a healthy bond with your children to meet the increasing challenges of sexuality in childhood and adolescence.”
Dr. John T. Chirban Professor at Hellenic College; clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School; Senior Fellow at Harvard University; and author of How to Talk with Your Kids about Sex
“God Made All of Me is a helpful tool for parents who want to talk with their children about the wonders of the human body in the context of safe and healthy relationships. With a positive tone and clear illustrations, God Made All of Me offers helpful words and actions for children to keep their bodies safe, and to see themselves as Gods glorious creations.”
Amy Jule Becker author of Small Talk: Learning from My Children about What Matters Most
“What a delightful and desperately needed book to introduce our children to the wonder and richness of God’s kingdom in our midst! I know of no other book that teaches our children to follow through on Jesus’s commands from Luke 14 on including those affected by disability.”
Paul E. Miller
Director of SeeJesus; author of A Praying Life and J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life
“As a father of a child with a disability, I love the message of this book—both for kids with disabilities and their peers who welcome and embrace them. Of all the places where this message needs to be heard and taken to heart, there is none more important than the church itself.”
Rev. Steve Bundy
Sr. Vice President, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“Today’s children are keenly aware of social diversity, yet they often miss the God-connection. In the colorful book God Made Me Unique by Joni and Friends, readers meet a delightful cast of characters and discover God’s loving design for all people, including those with disabilities and special needs. Parents and teachers will appreciate the skillful use of God’s Word woven into the story and teaching aids. I highly recommend God Made Me Unique for every home, church, and school library.”
Pat Verbal
Recipient of the Top 20 Influencers in Children’s Ministry awarded by Children’s Ministry Magazine; coauthor/editor of Real Families, Real Needs (Focus on the Family) and Special Needs Ministry for Children (Group Publishing)
“Absolutely charming! This is the happiest little book with the very biggest message . . . every life is precious!”
Emily Colson
Speaker and author of Dancing with Max
“This book is a gift to parents as they raise reflective and compassionate children. What a spectacular application of the doctrine of creation: the teaching that we are all made in the image of God! These teachings are significant for how we interact with people of all different types of abilities. This book highlights our value as God’s creatures and celebrates the different gifts God has given to each member of his family.”
Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb
Authors of God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies; Rid of My Disgrace: Hope and Healing for Victims of Sexual Assault; and Is It My Fault? Hope and Healing for Those Suffering Domestic Violence
“In writing God Made Me Unique, Joni and Friends have created a helpful tool for parents to use to equip their children to welcome kids with disabilities. I would encourage all parents to add this book to their family library. With growing numbers of children living with special needs, it is essential that we teach our children to value every person as uniquely created by God to bring him glory.”
Marty Machowski
Family pastor and author of God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender; The Ology; Long Story Short, and other gospel-rich resources for church and home
“As a pastor, I appreciate this book because it will help us equip our church family to better serve each person the Lord brings to our services and associated ministries. As a parent of a child with special needs, I appreciate the spirit and biblical nature of the way this material is presented. We all have special needs and the gospel compels us to love and serve one another in ways that are thoughtful and wise. This book cam help us do that in a more Christ-like way.”
Steve Viars
Senior Pastor, Faith Church, Lafayette, IN; author of Your Special Needs Child
“This is a wonderful resource for teaching our children about God’s heart for the nations. Shai rightly reminds us that we are all united in Adam and that we ought to rejoice in ‘saints of all colors.’ Diversity, rightly understood, is not a PC slogan; it’s a biblical hope and expectation. I’m excited to share this book with my own kids.”
Kevin DeYoung
Author; senior pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, NC; assistant professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, NC
“O what a difference it would make if every family would pick up this book and take to heart its message, starting at a young age! This is biblical theology for kids—and all of us!—on God’s beautiful design of ethnicity, as winsomely told and displayed through creative and faithful artist theologians. I recommend it with great gratitude and enthusiasm!”
Justin Taylor
Managing Editor, ESV Study Bible
“Thoughtfully-written and whimsically-illustrated, this resource will help children (and those who love and lead them) learn to identify thinking and behavior that diminish humans made in the image of God, see ethnic and other differences through gospel eyes, and celebrate the diversity he has created for his glory.”
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Author; teacher; host of Revive Our Hearts
“Shai Linne has given us a beautiful story that will not only captivate little hearts and minds, it will help parents clearly explain biblical reasons for why we can and should celebrate God’s design for ethnic diversity. But don’t think the story is all Linne has for you—read the back to be inspired to continue the conversation when the book is closed. Well done!”
Trillia Newbell
Author of God’s Very Good Idea: A True Story of God’s Delightfully Different Family
“The reality that all people—with their vast array of diversity—are made in the image of God is foundational for how children will relate to others and calls them to respect the dignity of all people. Shai and Trish have captured beautifully God’s design for ethnic diversity. Children will be drawn to this book.”
Justin S. Holcomb and Lindsey A. Holcomb
Authors of God Made All of Me: A Book to help Children Protect Their Bodies
“Shai Linne poetically guides us through the biblical pattern of creation, fall, redemption and glorification,unfolding the grand story of the Bible. As he reveals each step in bite-sized chunks, he also teaches the character of an infinitely creative God—One who delights in building a diverse and set-apart people to live with Him forever. This is a great addition to every child’s bookshelf.”
J. A. Ellis
Cannada Fellow for World Christianity, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Shai Linne is a pastor at heart. And it shows on every page as he brings all of his talent as a theological wordsmith to bear on this simple story of God’s delightfully diverse design. Get this book to remind yourself and the little ones you love of the glorious message of Jesus that is bringing together people from every tribe and tongue.”
Dan DeWitt
Author of Life in the Wild; associate professor of Applied Theology and Apologetics at Cedarville University; director of the Center for Biblical Apologetics and Public Christianity
“God Made Me AND You by Shai Linne is a theologically sound resource for parents and teachers to raise a new generation who will honor God’s gift of human diversity. With his poetic gift, Shai wonderfully displays the glory of God right where we need to see it afresh—in how he made me and you!”
Ray Ortlund
Pastor of Immanuel Church, Nashville, TN; author of The Gospel: How the Church Portrays the Beauty of Christ
“We read this book to our four daughters. They loved it. So did we! It’s biblically driven, pastorally careful, lyrically beautiful, and, frankly, just inspiring. Use this book to establish good foundations for your children in how to think about God's plan for diversity and then to praise him for it.”
Jonathan and Shannon Leeman
Author; editorial director of 9Marks; elder at Cheverly Baptist Church
“Shai Linne’s new book, God Made Me AND You: Celebrating God’s Design for Ethnic Diversity, is a gift. It teaches kids that God making people different is something we can delight in, not fear. More importantly, it shows how our differences are for the purpose of magnifying Jesus, who died to save all kinds of people. Beautifully illustrated and creatively written, I can’t wait to read this to my grandkids.”
Bob Kauflin
Director of Sovereign Grace Music
“The first time I heard Shai Linne’s song ‘Penelope Judd,’ I knew he had a beautiful father’s heart and a keen ability to communicate deep ideas in simple ways to children. God Made Me AND You applies these gifts to the vitally important topic of race. It is biblically grounded, and therefore God- and gospel-centered, and provides a joyful and unifying perspective on a divisive topic. I want every child and adult I know to read this book!”
Erik Thoennes
Professor, Biola University; author of Life’s Biggest Questions: What the Bible Says about the Things That Matter Most
“God Made Me AND You is a book for every family bookshelf. This colorful, poetic presentation of ethnic diversity shouts the truth of God’s creative design as found in Scripture. God Made Me AND You is more than a storybook; it is a teaching tool designed to bring a biblical worldview of humankind into your living room.”
Marty Machowski
Family Pastor; author of The Ology, Long Story Short, and other gospel-centered resources for church and home
“The rhythm of words and the magic of rhyme will open your child’s eyes to the beauty of race in God’s good design. In God Made Me AND You, Shai Linne has created a masterpiece of biblical truth that your child will love and all of us need. I look forward to reading it with my own family. It’s the perfect gift to spread the unifying message that Jesus brings to our divided culture.”
Champ Thornton
Pastor, author of The Radical Book for Kids and Pass It On: A Proverbs Journal for the Next Generation
“Are you watching the culture's rapid departure from biblical principles and wondering how to address these sensitive issues with your precious children? Marty Machowski has provided a timely resource to help you in that crucial task, his new book takes a gentle and scriptural look at what God's Word tells us about his design for the two genders. This volume offers parents a terrific way to initiate important discussions with their kids.”
Jim Daly
President of Focus on the Family
“This helpful book hits all the crucial talking points in an engaging and humorous story that connects with kids (including my own). Since even young children are bombarded with confusing messages, Marty gives needed clarity on the blessing and permanence of gender. He includes vital discussion on rejecting gender stereotypes and loving those with differing world views. In fact, the parents' 'cheat sheet' alone is an invaluable resource for your home.”
David White
Director of Discipleship at Harvest USA; pastor; author of Sexual Sanity for Men and God, You, & Sex
“The message that God made boys and girls is much needed in our day. Marty Machowski does an excellent job of communicating that maleness and femaleness isn't about stereotypes but about embracing the design that our Creator has encoded into every cell of our bodies. What a tremendous resource for children!”
Mary A. Kassian
Author of Girls Gone Wise
“In our current day, children can easily become confused about all kinds of issues that are clearly presented in the Scriptures, particularly if their home, church, and school do not provide a consistent biblical foundation. Gender issues rank high on the list of areas that children can become untethered from the Bible's teaching. This beautiful book gently teaches children to cherish their God-given gender and to love their neighbor as themselves, a timely word on a sensitive issue.”
Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
“In a culture that is increasingly accepting of gender-fluid identities, it's so important to teach our kids that gender is part of their personhood. God Made Boys and Girls is a wonderful tool for that task. It reminds children (and parents!) that being a man or woman is a gift we receive from God.”
Jared Kennedy
Pastor of Operations and Families at Sojourn Church Midtown in Louisville, KY, Author of The Beginner's Gospel Story Bible
“The sin of Babel was that human beings sought to fashion society and identity on their own terms, in denial of the loving purposes and rule of our Creator God. The current cultural challenges around sex and gender are similar attempts to deny what God has given and his purposes for human flourishing. God Made Boys and Girls: Helping Children Understand the Gift of Gender is a timely resource to equip parents to explain God's good gift of gender to their children, and to prepare children to meet a world that is bent on denying how wonderful it is to be made in the image of God, male and female, boys and girls.”
Claire Smith
Author, God's Good Design: What the Bible Really Says about Men and Women
“Clear, careful, and unashamed, God Made Boys and Girls is a great tool to help children learn from their early years the truth of God's design for them, and to help both parents and children celebrate the wonder of that design. Let this book help ground your family in the deep goodness of God's gifts.”
Mike Bullmore
Senior Pastor, CrossWay Community Church, Bristol, Wisconsin
Product Description
The God Made Me series features beautifully illustrated children’s books created to help guide parents and caretakers toward important, gospel-centered conversations with their kids. The back of each book contains a special section just for parents and caregivers that will guide them in how to have biblical, loving conversations with children and give them additional information and resources to equip them in talking about this important subject.
Titles Included in This Set
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: New Growth Press