Imputation and Impartation: Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology

Evans, William B.

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". . . a welcome and useful contribution . . . in Reformed soteriology."- Dr. Richard B. Gaffin

Publisher's Description

This book explores the history of the theme of 'union with Christ' in the Reformed tradition. After chapters on the legacy of Calvin and Reformed Orthodoxy, the author uncovers three trajectories in American Reformed theology in which salvation as union with Christ is understood in remarkably different ways. The subsequent twentieth-century history of the these is also explored. This detailed examination of New England Calvinism, Princeton Calvinism, and the Mercersburg Theology highlights the historic diversity present in Reformed thought, and the implications of that diversity for contemporary Evangelical and Reformed thought.

296 Pages
Published 2008

About the Author

William B. Evans is the Younts Professor of Bible and Religion at Erskine College. He holds a B.A. from Taylor University; M.A.R., Th.M. Westminster Theological Seminary; and Ph.D., Vanderbilt University.

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    Authentic UK/Paternoster

Endorsements (2)

Wipf and Stock

Imputation and Impartation: Union with Christ in American Reformed Theology

From $38.00

". . . a welcome and useful contribution . . . in Reformed soteriology."- Dr. Richard B. Gaffin

Publisher's Description

This book explores the history of the theme of 'union with Christ' in the Reformed tradition. After chapters on the legacy of Calvin and Reformed Orthodoxy, the author uncovers three trajectories in American Reformed theology in which salvation as union with Christ is understood in remarkably different ways. The subsequent twentieth-century history of the these is also explored. This detailed examination of New England Calvinism, Princeton Calvinism, and the Mercersburg Theology highlights the historic diversity present in Reformed thought, and the implications of that diversity for contemporary Evangelical and Reformed thought.

296 Pages
Published 2008

About the Author

William B. Evans is the Younts Professor of Bible and Religion at Erskine College. He holds a B.A. from Taylor University; M.A.R., Th.M. Westminster Theological Seminary; and Ph.D., Vanderbilt University.


  • Paperback


  • Single
  • Imperfect
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