Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: Ligonier Ministries
Long Line of Godly Men, 12 Volumes
Publisher's Description
From Spurgeon to Luther, certain lives throughout church history are remembered as special testaments of God’s faithfulness. Through preaching, teaching, hymnody, and their courageous choices, they illustrate what God’s grace can accomplish through a life submitted to His purposes. With Dr. Steven J. Lawson as the series editor, the Long Line of Godly Men Profile series offers readers an opportunity to learn from these exemplary lives.
Titles Included in This Set
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Here is a profile of Luther the preacher in all his red-blooded roughness and desperate, dogged faithfulness. Steven Lawson has captured the spirit of this volcanic Reformer superbly, and the result is deeply stirring. This is a most welcome book for today, when the church is in such desperate need of reformation. May it help to rouse a generation of Luthers.”
Dr. Michael Reeves
head of theology, Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship, UK. Author, UK. Author
“With the quincentenary of the Reformation just around the corner, the publication of Steven Lawson’s The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther could not be more timely. Indeed, with the modern church very much in need of the very kind of preaching Dr. Lawson portrays here, this book’s message is perhaps more vital than at almost any time since the days of Luther. Highly recommended.”
Dr. George Grant
pastor, Parish Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Tennessee. Author, Tennessee. Author
“In The Heroic Boldness of Martin Luther, I found a Luther of whom little is told: a Luther who loved an inerrant Scripture, a Luther who preached a glorious gospel, a Luther who was passionate for God’s glory and God’s people, a Luther who was willing to suffer for the cause. I am convinced that Steve Lawson has come closer to capturing the heart of Luther’s passions and desires as a gospel minister than anyone else. Here I found encouragement for my heart as I carry out my weekly ministry: read this and find encouragement for yours.”
Dr. Sean Michael Lucas
senior minister, First Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Author, Mississippi. Author
?For more than thirty-six years, Steve Lawson has had an intense interest in the ministry of Charles Spurgeon. In April 1976, he wrote a paper on Spurgeon’s theological controversies for a Bap- tist history class at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In that paper, Lawson said about Spurgeon, ?He magnified God’s grace and glorified God’s Son.’ Lawson has shown in this book how those traits of Spurgeon’s ministry, plus his thorough com- mitment to the infallibility of Scripture, his fervent grace-centered evangelism, his utter dependence on the work of the Holy Spirit, and his personal courage, make Spurgeon transcend the ages as a model for church-centered gospel ministry. Every Christian will be encouraged by Lawson’s description of Spurgeon’s life and his analysis of Spurgeon’s driving commitments to the whole counsel of God. Loaded with pungent quotes from Spurgeon and punc- tuated with helpful and pertinent exhortations from Lawson, this is a book for us all.?
Dr. Thomas J. Nettles Professor of historical theology The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, Louisville
?Steve Lawson provides a succinct and captivating analysis of the heart of one of the greatest preachers of all time. Spurgeon’s min- istry is legendary, but what animated and motivated his life and ministry is often overlooked. With ample extracts from Spurgeon’s own writings and sermons, this book reveals how the gospel of Jesus Christ provided both the power and content of his preaching. Far from being a distraction to the gospel, those doctrines that are historically known as Calvinism caused Spurgeon to understand the person and work of Jesus more clearly and preach Christ more passionately. While some who do not hold to Spurgeon’s view of the doctrines of grace might wonder how he could be a Calvin- ist and yet be evangelistic, Lawson clearly demonstrates that the prince of preachers was a bold evangelist precisely because of his Calvinism. There is much wisdom in this book both for preachers and for those who value preaching.?
Dr. Thomas K. Ascol Lead pastor
Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, Cape Coral
?I own at least three dozen different biographies of the prince of preachers, but Steve Lawson’s new book on Charles Spurgeon will from now on have a key place of prominence in my short list of favorites. Dr. Lawson understands what made the great preacher’s heart beat: it was the gospel, charged with a passion for the souls of lost people and kept steady by the doctrines of grace. The clear rhythm of that pulse reverberates through this book, and it’s a catchy beat. I’m profoundly glad for that, and I hope countless readers will be moved to get in step with the cadence.?
Phil Johnson Executive director
Grace to You Curator, Grace to You Curator
?Charles Spurgeon was a model pastor-theologian. His theology came to life in his plea for sinners to be reconciled to God. Law- son points us to the necessity of a theology fueled by fervor for evangelism in this excellent primer on the prince of preachers.?
Dr. Ed Stetzer Vice president of research and ministry development LifeWay Christian Resources
Nashville, Nashville
?Steve Lawson, a great preacher in his own right, has emerged as our generation’s finest biographer of great preachers. His works on John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards are both masterpieces. Steve has a knack for pointing out and explaining the out- standing traits that made each of these unique preachers truly important and influential. This work on Charles Spurgeon is likewise brilliant, highlighting Spurgeon’s Calvinistic convictions alongside his evangelistic zeal—showing why those two characteristics are perfectly harmonious and equally essential characteristics of any truly biblical ministry. A riveting work, this book will fuel your enthusiasm for both sound doctrine and earnest evangelism.?- Dr. John MacArthur Pastor
Grace Community Church Sun Valley, Grace Community Church Sun Valley
“I heartily recommend this book by Steven Lawson as an impetus to the recovery of expository preaching. It is an especially good gift for pastors and seminary students.”? R.C. Sproul
“The cure for the "dys
exposition" that afflicts today's pulpits has been available for five hundred years
as Steve Lawson so clearly documents in The Expository Genius of John Calvin. Preachers reading this book will be moved to take to heart Calvin's encompassing belief in the sovereignty of God's Word?as to its total sufficiency and massive potency. Further, they will be inspired to pursue the deep, enriching paths of lectio continua. This is a beautifully written, powerful, and convincing book. It is a must read for all who aspire to preach the word.? R. Kent Hughes, Senior pastor emeritus, College Church, Wheaton, Wheaton
“An infectious appreciation of the preaching of John Calvin from the pen of Steven Lawson. No one reading this volume can fail to appreciate the debt we owe to the Genevan Reformer. Lawson has consulted the best of current scholarship and has produced a comprehensive distillation of the contours of the Reformer's preaching and, with it, a compelling advocacy of consecutive expository preaching. A magnificent achievement.”? Derek W. H. Thomas, Professor of systematic and practical theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Miss.
“There is little doubt that George Whitefield is one of the most remarkable preachers in the history of Christianity: his preaching was central to the Great Awakening that refashioned British society on both sides of the Atlantic; it gripped the mind and imagination of so many in his era, and led to the conversion of thousands; and most importantly, it set forth plainly and faithfully the biblical gospel. To be reminded of all of this and much more by Dr. Lawson’s new study of Whitefield as a preacher is vital in our day, when far too many professing Christians disparage preaching and are questioning key facets of the gospel of Christ that Whitefield preached.”
Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryLouisville, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality The Southern Baptist Theological SeminaryLouisville
“When Whitefield came to town, everything stopped, everyone listened. And what did they hear? As Dr. Steven Lawson makes clear, they heard the gospel plainly, powerfully, and persuasively proclaimed. Read this book and you’ll learn the amazing story of George Whitefield—and then pray that God will use this book to raise up Whitefields in our day.”
Dr. Stephen J. Nichols
Research Professor of Christianity and Culture Lancaster Bible College Lancaster, Research Professor of Christianity and Culture Lancaster Bible College Lancaster
“Effective evangelism is humanly impossible. To take truth from the Bible, get it into your heart, cause it to burst into flames of love, and then carry its living coals into another heart-no man has the power to do this. It requires an anointing from heaven. God gave that anointing to George Whitefield and used him to ignite thousands of souls. Steven Lawson draws us close to feel the fire in this stirring and informative book. May many read it and cry up to heaven for the flame to descend again!”
Dr. Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Grand Rapids, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Grand Rapids
“What I love about Steve Lawson’s books is that he writes as a preacher, with a keen eye and ear for details that show what a vital role great preaching has played in the advance of the gospel, the growth and strengthening of the church, and the collective testimony of the Evangelical movement. This volume on George Whitefield is another superb example of Dr. Lawson’s approach to history and biography. He highlights the key doctrinal nuances, character qualities, natural talents, and spiritual gifts that help explain why Whitefield was such a powerful preacher and such a monumental figure in church history. The book is written in an engaging, personal way that brings Whitefield to life. It’s hard to put a book like this down.”
Dr. John MacArthur
Pastor, Grace Community Church President, The Master’s College and Seminary Sun Valley, The Master’s College and Seminary Sun Valley
“In the history of the Christian faith among English-speaking peoples, it was William Tyndale’s translation of the Bible that made of them a people of the Book. His life was poured out even to the point of death to achieve this goal, and every generation of believers needs to hear the story of his life and death afresh. And one of the best guides to his story and its lessons for our day is this new study by Steve Lawson. Highly recommended!”
Michael A.G. Haykin
Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Louisville
“Much more than a biography, this thrilling chronicle quickens the Christian heart and stokes the fires of resolve to courageously defend and proclaim the truth. Dr. Lawson’s diligent work on William Tyndale should be considered essential reading for every English-speaking believer, as it carefully unfolds the forgotten legacy of God’s faithfulness in using one man, against all odds, to bring us the gospel in the English language.”
David Parsons
Founder Truth Remains Granada Hills, Founder Truth Remains Granada Hills
“Few people reading the Bible in English today understand the debt they owe to the martyr William Tyndale. Even among those who know the name of the fountainhead of modern English Bible translation, few realize that Tyndale fervently stood for the doctrines of justification by faith alone and salvation by grace alone. This little gem of a book reveals Tyndale’s labors for the truth, his sufferings for the truth, and his love for the truth. May God use Steven Lawson’s book to cause such love to burn in many others.”
Dr. Joel R. Beeke
President Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Grand Rapids, President Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Grand Rapids
“Let me begin by echoing Sinclair Ferguson s own story: John Owen, more than any other theologian of the past, has profoundly shaped my vision of the triune God and what it means to live in the wonder of the gospel. In this delightful little book, Ferguson offers a sort of expert paraphrase and appreciation of Owen s classic volume Communion with God. Along the way, he gives us a great gift: in your hands is now a beautifully accessible tour of Owen s approach to the spiritual life, by which he means a life secure in the love of the Father, the grace of the Son, and the strong fellowship of the Spirit. Read, savor, and be refreshed, for neither Owen nor Ferguson will disappoint.”
Kelly M. Kapic
Professor of Theological Studies Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Lookout Mountain
“Some of us who fell in love with John Owen s writings did so, to some significant measure, because of the enthusiastic endorsement given by Sinclair Ferguson. For me, after more than thirty-five years of gospel ministry, it would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of Owen s theological and pastoral insights. But we have long been in need of an updated biography not simply one that narrates the significant details of his life, but one that analyzes the contours of his theological insights and how they shaped and defined him. And no one is better placed to do that than Sinclair Ferguson. I suspect that many of us, when engaging in word-association, provide the name Ferguson when John Owen is mentioned. I cannot overstate the importance of this volume. I fully expect it to become a best-seller among those who appreciate Owen and deservedly so.”
Derek W.H. Thomas
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Columbia S.C. Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology Reformed Theological Seminary, Columbia S.C. Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology Reformed Theological Seminary
“Reading this book is like listening in on a conversation between one of the most trusted voices from the past and one of the most trusted voices in the present. In fact, that's exactly what this book is. And as you listen in, you will hear the arc of the conversation bend in one constant direction. You will hear these two voices remind you of the glorious truth that the Christian life is communion with the Triune God.”
Stephen J. Nichols
President, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Fla. Chief Academic Officer, Fla. Chief Academic Officer
“We all know and love ’Joy to the World,‘ ’Jesus Shall Reign,‘ ’Alas and Did My Savior Bleed,‘ ’When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,‘ ’O God, Our Help in Ages Past,‘ and a host of his other compositions. And yet, most Christians know precious little about the author of these great hymn texts - the man history has dubbed as the ’Father of English Hymnody.‘ At least, until now. Thanks to the prolific and eloquent pen of Douglas Bond, we now have an insightful glimpse into the life, the faith, and the poetic wonder of this remarkable servant of the church: Isaac Watts. This delightful book needs to be put at the top of your must-read list.”
Dr. George Grant
Pastor, East Parish Presbyterian Church, Franklin, Franklin
“Who among us has not had heart and mind stirred by a Watts hymn? Here we learn the story behind the hymns, We learn of a Christ-centered life, a doxological life. And from that wellspring has come the hymns we love to sing. Watt's hymns are a gift for the church, and so is this biography by Douglas Bond.”
Dr. Stephen J. Nichols
Professor at Lancaster Bible College and Graduate School, Lancaster, Lancaster
"Another volume appears in the Long Line of Godly Men Profiles series, this time a profile of John Knox by Douglas Bond. To this very interesting book about a very interesting man, Bond brings his compelling narrative style, honed in his previously written novels. The preface (?John Knox: A Weak Man Made Mighty’) sets the tone for the volume, as Bond demonstrates in a variety of ways how God took Knox’s several weaknesses to make him one of the Reformation’s strongest figures. Citing Knox’s greatest strength in his submission to Christ, Bond then traces ?power’ in Knox’s life, whether it be power of prayer, pen, or predestination, or power in Knox’s preaching. For those wondering whether the Pauline mystery of strength in weakness can become true for them, Bond’s portrait of Knox will prove as edifying as it is instructive."? Dr. T. David Gordon, Professor of religion and Greek, Grove City College, PA
"Though I love John Knox, I rarely enjoy reading about John Knox. Most biographers leave me feeling like a pathetic worm beside this mighty lion of Scotland. But to my great surprise, this book lifted my spirits and even inspired me. Why? Because Douglas Bond has captured and communicated the secret of John Knox’s power?a genuinely felt and openly confessed weakness that depended daily and completely on the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. Mighty weakness?what an encouraging message for all worms who want to be lions."? Dr. David P. Murray, Professor of Old Testament and practical theology, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI
"I am delighted to recommend Douglas Bond’s latest book, The Mighty Weakness of John Knox. Bond has written many, mainly children’s, books on sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Scottish church history. He writes with the passion of a man who believes that the church today needs, for its spiritual good and sanity, to learn about the church of yesterday. In choosing to write a book on John Knox, Bond has done the church today a great service. Knox was the towering figure of the Scottish Reformation. In many ways, he was a reluctant hero, conscious as he was of his own weaknesses. However, as the title of the book makes plain, Knox’s sense of weakness was overwhelmed by his sense of God’s greatness. Indeed, as Bond shows us throughout his book, it was Knox’s constant sense of his own weakness that enabled the Lord to use him so mightily in His service. When Knox was asked to account for the wonderful success of the Scottish Reforma- tion, he replied, ?God gave his Holy Spirit in great abundance to simple men.’ Read this book. Learn from this book. Thank God for men like John Knox. Above all, pray that God would raise up like-minded and like
hearted men in our own day
and once again give His Holy Spirit in great abundance to men who are deeply conscious of their own weakness."? Rev. Ian Hamilton, Pastor, Cambridge Presbyterian Church, Cambridge, Cambridge
"In the compass of this small volume, Douglas Bond somehow manages to corral all the mysterious paradoxes of John Knox: the thunderous pulpit and the closet intercessions, the soaring intellect and the humble home life, the boldness and the meekness, the might and the weakness. In other words, Bond has captured the very essence of this remarkable model for reformational ministry."? Dr. George Grant, Pastor, East Parish Presbyterian Church, TN
“The growing embrace of Reformed thought in the past quarter of a century has been very encouraging to those of us who delight in this most biblical expression of Christianity. And the remarkable writings of Jonathan Edwards have, by the grace of God, played no little part in this expansion of Reformed theology. This new volume by Steve Lawson helps to locate the root of Edwards’ thinking in his close walk with God. It serves as a powerful reminder that Reformed orthodoxy and Reformed piety belong together, and that to focus on the former at the expense of the latter is not only un-Edwardsean, but also un-biblical.”
Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin
Professor of church history and biblical spirituality, Professor of church history and biblical spirituality
“Tired of going at the Christian life in piecemeal fashion? Tired of half-hearted pursuits? Then you’ve come to the right book. Here Steven Lawson artfully points you to Jonathan Edwards, a model for pursuing holiness, humility, and love, and for the forsaking of sin-all driven by a relentless passion ‘to glorify God and enjoy him forever.’ When Edwards wrote his ‘Resolutions,’ he likely had no idea how much they would impact his life. Beware, they’ll do the same for you.”
Dr. Stephen J. Nichols
Research professor of Christianity and culture, Research professor of Christianity and culture
“The pursuit of a regimented godliness is not unique to Christianity, but it is rare. Unlike popular versions of the Christian faith, Jonathan Edwards did not seek the disciplines of godliness for utilitarian ends, the self-help preoccupation of Western Christianity. He saw conformity to Christ as a means, the only means, to glorify God. Steve Lawson has done a wonderful service, producing in a tactful and pastoral manner Edwards’ pious resolutions, thereby helping us understand the inner life, the spiritual struggles and goals, of perhaps America’s greatest intellect.”
Dr. John D. Hannah
Research professor of theological studies and distinguished professor of historical theology, Research professor of theological studies and distinguished professor of historical theology
“Michael Haykin's The Missionary Fellowship of William Carey is among the best I have read on William Carey. Haykin calls our attention to a dimension that ought to be seriously considered, remembered, and fostered in the context of any Christian ministry. And William Carey's successful but stressful life is an outstanding illustration of it. What would have happened to Carey, the work in India, and his influence worldwide without his friends? This book ought to be read and discussed not only among missionaries, mission agencies, and mission organizations worldwide; it should be studied in any ecclesiastical and ministerial context.”
Dr. Elias Dos Santos Medeiros
“Christian fellowship, friendship, and mission are inexorably linked. One cannot claim to be on God's mission and live in isolation; in fact, any missional effort devoid of a community of friends and coworkers is vanity. I am thankful for Michael Haykin's work reminding us--as Westerners--of the beauty of friendship with like-minded people and how this principle was visible in the life of William Carey, the father of modern mission. This book will be a blessing to those who are students of history, and there are many lessons to be learned in its pages that will help Christians be multipliers of God's mission and ministry.”
Dr. Ed Stetzer
“Pioneers such as William Carey gave birth to the modern missionary movement. It was Carey's sense of evangelistic passion, set upon a clear foundation of biblical truth and confidence in the gospel, that compelled him to leave the safe confines of England and go to India. The full harvest of William Carey's ministry will be known only in eternity. This new biography of Carey is a compelling presentation of the man, his theology, and his deep love for the nations. Haykin's treatment is compelling, is warm-hearted, and will point beyond Carey to the Savior he loved so deeply.”
Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
“There has been a terrible misreading of modern missions, and it's this: our heroes on the mission field were lone rangers who pulled themselves up by their spiritual bootstraps to take the gospel to the lost. Finally, that caricature has exploded thanks to Michael A.G. Haykin, who demonstrates that the founder of modern missions himself, William Carey, depended not only on God but on close friendships to bring the good news to unreached peoples. Through the art of biography, Haykin reminds Christians today that fellowship is not only key to the Christian life but is essential to the Christian mission. The devil can take down a solo Christian, but he cannot penetrate a band of Christian brothers who link arms to advance the gospel.”
Dr. Matthew Barrett
“Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once called Richard Sibbes 'an unfailing remedy' for the troubled of soul. Sibbes was, he wrote, 'balm to my soul at a period of life when I was overworked and badly overtired, and therefore subject in an unusual manner to the onslaughts of the devil.' And that has been my own experience of 'the heavenly Doctor Sibbes': his heart-melting sermons seem, without fail, to draw my affections to Christ. I am delighted, then, to see this helpful and accessible introduction to Sibbes. May God use it to put many more in the way of Sibbes' rich and affecting ministry.”
Michael Reeves
“Richard Sibbes, once called 'the sweet dipper of grace,' is an important, but sadly neglected Puritan writer. Mark Dever's fine book helpfully puts Sibbes into context and the vitality of his theology for his day and for ours”
Dr. W. Robert Godfrey
President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History, Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, Escondido
“Mark Dever introduces us to a Christian who was a faithful friend to many in his day and whose writings have instilled spiritual comfort in many more in succeeding generations, including the great preacher Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Richard Sibbes soaked strong theology in sweet love for Christ and tender mercy to broken-hearted sinners, making him a stellar example of Reformed experiential Christianity. In an age of division and discord, Sibbes strove for unity while seeking spiritual renewal in the Church of England. Dever's thorough historical research illuminates the life of this moderate Puritan, of whom it was said, 'Heaven was in him before he was in heaven.'”
Dr. Joel Beeke
President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids
Product Description
Publisher's Description
From Spurgeon to Luther, certain lives throughout church history are remembered as special testaments of God’s faithfulness. Through preaching, teaching, hymnody, and their courageous choices, they illustrate what God’s grace can accomplish through a life submitted to His purposes. With Dr. Steven J. Lawson as the series editor, the Long Line of Godly Men Profile series offers readers an opportunity to learn from these exemplary lives.
Titles Included in This Set
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- Publisher: Ligonier Ministries