Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers
Newheiser, Jim
Publisher's Description
Drawing on decades of counseling experience, Jim Newheiser explores forty crucial questions relating to the complexities of marriage, divorce, and remarriage—unpacking the answers given in God’s Word. This useful reference work for pastors, counselors, and personal study can also be read straight through for a scriptural overview of the topic or assigned in small sections to counselees.
Books at a Glance

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers
Cover TypePaperback
Page Count336
PublisherP&R Publishing Company
Publication DateJune 2017
Endorsements (15)
“In Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage, Jim Newheiser humbly tackles some of the tough issues often connected to marriage. He acknowledges that good people may differ and then encourages the reader to search the Scriptures, not rely on mans opinion. Jim doesnt stop there, however. He blesses the reader with the result of his own scriptural conclusions and provides wise guidance for those who want to please the Lord in their approach to this topic.”
See AllSteve Viars
Senior Pastor, Faith Church, Lafayette, Indiana
“Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage by Jim Newheiser brings needed clarity to contemporary confusion over this foundation of society. Newheiser evaluates fairly those with whom he disagrees, making this book a real treasure. He answers the knotty questions from Gods Word, making this volume valuable for a pastor bringing counsel, or a spouse caught up in a difficult marriage. Newheisers pastoral insight, lucid analysis, and biblical focus make this book a must-read for people with questions about marriage and a valuable resource for a pastors bookshelf.”
See AllTedd Tripp
Author, conference speaker
“Over the past forty years, I have counseled hundreds of couples who were struggling with questions that this book answers with clarity. But unlike most books that cover a similar subject, this volume by Jim Newheiser handles these questions with biblical precision and grace. When there has been passionate love in marriage, there is also the potential for passionate hate. When this is true, it is difficult for those involved to think objectively, much less biblically. This book will provide a clear direction as it unfolds Gods wonderful Word concerning marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Someone has wisely remarked, A good Christian wedding always involves two funerals. A husband and wife must first learn to die to self; then they are ready to do things Gods way. Anyone who has questions about marriage, divorce, or remarriage from a thoroughly biblical perspective must carefully study this book with the Bible alongside!”
See AllJohn D. Street
Professor, The Masters University and Seminary; President, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)
“With his astute biblical wisdom and his years of experience, Jim Newheiser provides for us an exceptional question-and-answer tool for growing in our knowledge of marriage and in the topics related to marriage. Since we hold the marriage relationship in honor (Heb. 13:4), we make every effort to grow in our knowledge of biblical marriage, to practice biblical marriage, and to help others do the same, leading to the cultivation of marriages that proclaim the excellencies of God. We do this well by knowing what questions to ask and how to answer them biblically. This book will help us do just that.”
See AllAndrew Rogers
Soul Care Pastor, College Park Church, Indianapolis, Indiana
“There may not be a more difficult set of questions for Christians than those raised regarding marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Complex issues in these incredibly important areas abound, yet in Jim Newheisers new book, these many questions receive fair, helpful, and, most importantly, biblical answers. My hat is off to the author for tackling so many questions and providing much-needed clarity in the midst of a fog of confusion surrounding these critical matters. The graciousness and skill with which he does so is a lesson for us all in handling what appear to be vexing uncertainties about, for instance, whom to marry, how to stay married, and what the bases are if you dont. As a pastor, I for one am always looking for helpful treatments on critical concerns for members of my congregation, and we surely have it here in this most valuable and eminently readable volume. May it receive wide acclaim as a trusted source for the churchs singles and couples alike.”
See AllLance Quinn
Senior Pastor, Bethany Church, Thousand Oaks, California
“Basic questions are comfortable questions. Jim Newheiser leads us beyond the comfortable basics of marriage to where real ministry often forces usthe unstable edges of this vital topic. Is abuse grounds for divorce? When is remarriage a bad idea? Does forgiveness always mean reconciliation? Newheiser answers risky questions such as these with delicacy and conviction, providing biblical footing for the edges.”
See AllJeremy Pierre
Associate Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; author, The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life
“Jim Newheiser has written an exceptional resource on marriage. It is carefully organized, thoroughly researched, and very well written. This book is going to be the gold standard for pastors, biblical counselors, and other Christians who want to glorify God on the issue of marriage. I highly recommend it.”
See AllMartha Peace
Biblical counselor, conference speaker, bestselling author of The Excellent Wife
“This book about marriage is different from most other books about marriage. It is different in that it provides biblically based answers to a great variety of current questions that are not answered in any other marriage book that I have ever read. In that sense it is unique, and I recommend it wholeheartedly. And it is also unique in that Dr. Newheisers answers are not just his opinion or the opinion of certain so-called experts, but drawn from an exegesis of Scripture. Jim seeks to ground all his answers in what God says in his Word, the Bible. As a pastor and marriage counselor, I am glad to have such a book to which I can refer people for solid information on critical questions that are being asked in this twenty-first century.”
See AllWayne Mack
Director, Professor, Counselor, Strengthening Ministries Training Institute; Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC), Member of the Academy; Director, ACBC Africa
“Sooner or later, marriage touches all our lives. It is therefore one of the most important and most debated realities in the universe. That fact makes Jim Newheisers book one of the most crucial for Christians to read. I am aware of no resource on marriage that is as comprehensive and yet as accessible as this book. Every issue addressed here is debated by someone, but Newheisers careful and compassionate arguments require thoughtful engagement from everyone. I am happy to commend it to any scholar, pastor, or layperson seeking to understand the biblical teaching on marriage.”
See AllHeath Lambert
Assistant Professor of Biblical Counseling, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Executive Director, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC)
“As I read the table of contents for Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage, I couldnt wait to read Jims answers. Then when I actually started reading Jims rich engagement with each of these forty vital questions, I had to waitto slow down, ponder, reflect, and learn from the wisdom of a seasoned pastor and biblical counselor. Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage is an excellent book for pastors and counselorsnot simply for its thorough and relevant answers, but perhaps even more for its example of how to relate Gods Word to the tough issues of daily life.”
See AllBob Kellemen
Chair, Biblical Counseling Department, Crossroads Bible College; author, Gospel-Centered Counseling
“Jim Newheiser combines careful biblical thinking, decades of marriage counseling experience, and practical pastoral sensitivity to bring thorough wisdom to a surprisingly wide number of questions and subquestions, including thorny and painful ones. While not every reader will agree with every aspect of every answer, the reader hungry to think carefully and practically about these matters will be richly rewarded with this concise yet comprehensive resource.”
See AllRobert D. Jones
Biblical Counseling Professor, Southern Seminary; author, Uprooting Anger and Pursuing Peace
“Jim Newheiser has had decades of counseling experience, much of it in the field of marriage, divorce, and remarriage. He is now my valued colleague at Reformed Theological Seminary. His book is the most thorough and cogent treatment I know on these subjects. I cannot think of any question in this area that he has not discussed with biblical wisdom, applied to real-life situations. I hope that many couples will use this book in their premarital counseling and that churches will use it in dealing with marriage problems in their congregations.”
See AllJohn M. Frame
Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida.
“Not many people have spent as many hours opening the Bible to help couples experiencing difficulties as my friend Dr. Jim Newheiser. The answers he offers in this very helpful guide flow out of years of experience and a deep love for Christ and his church. I heartily recommend it!”
See AllElyse Fitzpatrick
Author, Counsel from the Cross
“Jim Newheiser offers wise biblical counsel and tackles very difficult (but sadly common) issues in a way that pastors, elders, and those preparing to serve in the church will benefit from and greatly appreciate. I wish I had had a copy of Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers before I started out in ministry in the local church. I would have been better equipped to help and better prepared for the kinds of issues I would encounter. Above all, Dr. Newheiser seeks to be faithful to Scripture and summons us to a caring fidelity, even when it means that we have to deny self and take up our cross (Luke 9:23). We find here a call and plan to support Gods grand design for marriage through the counseling ministry of the church.”
See AllLigon Duncan
Chancellor/CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary; John E. Richards Professor of Systematic Theology, RTS Jackson
“Jim Newheiser continues to be a wealth of biblical wisdom. Whatever he writes I buy because I know it will be wise, insightful, biblical, and fleshed out in the trenches of real ministry with real people. As a pastor and counselor myself for over thirty years, Im always looking for biblical resources like this. Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage will serve the church well because the questions that leaders face today have become increasingly complicated. Jim cuts through the fog with the light of Gods Word and the heart of a real shepherd that has been forged side by side with people who are hurting and looking for answers. This little book can be the guide that takes you by the hand and leads you through the forest of winding, twisting turns, plowing through the underbrush of todays questions about sex, marriage, divorce, and remarriage. Get a copy to read and reread, as well as one to give to any church leader or counselor who is working with people today.”
See AllBrad Bigney
Pastor, Grace Fellowship, Florence, Kentucky; author, Gospel Treason
About the Author
Jim Newheiser (MA, DMin, Westminster Theological Seminary) is director of the Christian Counseling program and associate professor of practical theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. He a fellow of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and a board member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals.