Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 154 Pages
- Publisher: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.
Meeting Jesus at the Feast: Israel's Festivals and the Gospel
Listen to a 14-part sermon series by John Sittema entitled Festivals of Israel. (Christ Church PCA)
Publisher's Description
This book aims to tell you more about Jesus. Much more. By unpacking and explaining the ancient feasts, it aims to give modern people a fuller vision of the good news of God, reveal just what it means that Jesus is the Messiah, and explain how and why his coming changed the world.
The Bible tells the unique story of the history of God's redemption, focusing on the central character - Jesus. It was difficult for the ancient people of Israel to put their faith and hope in a Messiah who would not make his appearance for more than a thousand years, so God gave them a series of feasts that provided a hint of the One who was coming. Today, we too must know something about the feasts that celebrate Jesus to truly comprehend that he is the Messiah. Join author John Sittema, and meet Jesus at the feasts!
154 Pages
Published 2010
About the Author
John R. Sittema serves as Senior Pastor of Christ Church (PCA) in Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to this ministry, he served in three congregations in Iowa and Texas. He is the author of With a Shepherd's Heart: Reclaiming the Pastoral Office of Elder.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“This book is filled with breathtaking insights into the Scriptures. These become sweet moments in which you will see the greatness of Jesus Christ as he is revealed in both the Old and New Testament Scriptures.”
Frank Reich
MDiv, President, Reformed Theological Seminary, pastor, and former NFL quarterback
“Clear and precise, Meeting Jesus is an insightful study into the festivals God himself instituted among His chosen people. Their universal significance and ultimate meaning would be revealed by the life, death, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ, bearing tremendous consequences for all of mankind. An essential read for new and long- time Christians alike for a deeper understanding and appreciation of our hopeless past, redeemed present, and the glorious future that awaits us.”
“B” leader in the Chinese house church movement (name withheld by request)
“Sittema's book presents in a fresh way the story of God's coming to us in Jesus Christ to mend the brokenness of human life under the power of sin. Jesus Christ fulfills all the biblical promises of shalom that God's renewed people and world already experience in this life, but not fully as in the life to come. Throughout his stimulating study, Sittema artfully weaves together the biblical story of redemption through Jesus Christ with the stories of believers who are experiencing the transforming power of the gospel.”
Dr. Cornel Venema
President, Mid-America Reformed Seminary and author of Christ and the Future: The Bible's Teaching on the Last Things
“Many see the name Jesus and immediately think of the New Testament, but his presence is the scarlet thread running through the pages of the Old Testament as well. In Meeting Jesus at the Feast, John Sittema pulls back the curtain on the Hebrew festivals of the Old Testament to reveal Jesus sitting at the head of the table. He brings to light how each of the God-ordained feasts and festivals point to a future manifestation of the person and work of Jesus Christ. By unveiling the purpose and passion behind each of the seven celebrations, John helps us grasp a deeper and richer understanding of God's redemptive plan through his Son.”
Sharon Jaynes
author of Building an Effective Women's Ministry and The Power of a Woman's Words
“For many the Old Testament is only a collection of stories about ancient individuals. What is lacking is the grand redemptive thread that ties those stories together in Christ. This book traces that thread through the feasts that shaped Israel's annual calendar, anticipated Jesus' coming, and defined his gospel. It will change the way you read the Bible. I strongly recommend this book for use by individuals, Sunday school classes, and small groups.”
Dr. Charles Dunahoo
Director of Christian Education and Publications, Presbyterian Church in America
“Seldom will you have heard the whole gospel more clearly than in this book. It's written with an artistry likely to move you to wonder and a passion directed to lead you to praise. The church needs this study for her recovery of Scripture's unity, of its cosmic storyline, and of its whole life-changing power. This work satisfies the reader on so many levels at once: straightforward Bible study, warm pastoral proclamation, careful cultural assessment, and a taste of rejoicing that only God's children know. What a gift for storytelling! What a pleasure to read! More, more, I say!”
Nelson D. Kloosterman
Professor of New Testament and Ethics, Mid-America Reformed Seminary
Product Description
Listen to a 14-part sermon series by John Sittema entitled Festivals of Israel. (Christ Church PCA)
Publisher's Description
This book aims to tell you more about Jesus. Much more. By unpacking and explaining the ancient feasts, it aims to give modern people a fuller vision of the good news of God, reveal just what it means that Jesus is the Messiah, and explain how and why his coming changed the world.
The Bible tells the unique story of the history of God's redemption, focusing on the central character - Jesus. It was difficult for the ancient people of Israel to put their faith and hope in a Messiah who would not make his appearance for more than a thousand years, so God gave them a series of feasts that provided a hint of the One who was coming. Today, we too must know something about the feasts that celebrate Jesus to truly comprehend that he is the Messiah. Join author John Sittema, and meet Jesus at the feasts!
154 Pages
Published 2010
About the Author
John R. Sittema serves as Senior Pastor of Christ Church (PCA) in Jacksonville, Florida. Prior to this ministry, he served in three congregations in Iowa and Texas. He is the author of With a Shepherd's Heart: Reclaiming the Pastoral Office of Elder.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 154 Pages
- Publisher: Reformed Fellowship, Inc.