Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 288 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: November 2016
No Little Women: Equipping All Women in the Household of God
Publisher's Description
Why are so many well-intentioned women falling for poor—even false—theology? The Devil has been effectively targeting women from the beginning, so why are they often left to fend for themselves in so-called women’s ministries?
Strengthening women in the church strengthens the whole church. Cultivating resolved, competent women equips them to fulfill their calling as Christ’s disciples and men’s essential allies. Writing to concerned women and church officers, Aimee Byrd pinpoints the problem, especially the commodification of women’s ministry. Aimee answers the hot-button issues—How can women grow in discernment? How should pastors preach to women? What are our roles within the church?—and points us in the direction of a multifaceted solution.
About the Author
Aimee Byrd is just an ordinary mom of three who has also been a martial arts student, coffee shop owner, and Bible study teacher. Author of Housewife Theologian, she now blogs about theology and the Christian life and cohosts The Mortification of Spin podcast.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Unfortunately, many of the answers offered to women today about their place in the church are the result of asking the wrong questions. Fortunately, Aimee Byrd is asking the right questionstough questions, to be sure, but questions that are much needed and long overdue. No Little Women steers the discussion about women and the church back to its rightful place by uniting a high view of Scripture and a high view of women.”
Karen Swallow Prior
professor of English, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia
“Aimee Byrd writes with wit and wisdom, biblical clarity and theological maturity. What she writes about here is a matter of urgent pastoral concern to every minister and elder. There are movements and ideas around that are offering solace and encouragement to those who would hold back our sisters in Christ from being all that they could be for him. Women are our most committed resource for doing the work of the kingdom, and they deserve our best thinking and support. It is our solemn duty to guard all the flock of God, to nurture and use their spiritual gifts, and Aimee helps us to identify and address the issues head on.”
Liam Goligher
Senior Minister, Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
“Aimee Byrd fearlessly takes on a range of problems that are not often addressed in the same work: womens ministries and women themselves who lack proper theological training; pastors who neglect the training and the gifts of the women who could be deployed in the kingdom to great effect; and the hyper-complementarianism that is itself bad theology. May all those who need to hear her message give it heed.”
Kathy Keller
author, Jesus, Justice, and Gender Roles: A Case for Gender Roles in Ministry
“Aimee Byrd calls for men and women in the church to take the discipleship of women seriously. Some pastors have a bad habit of failing to engage women in the church or scrutinize what they study, and male church leaders often fail to be open to contributions from women in the church. This book offers several practical ways for pastors to overcome the separating out of womens ministries, which has resulted in a sort of pink and flowery ghetto of theology.”
John McKinley
Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Biola University, La Mirada, California
“Aimee Byrd equips readers in the lost art of discernment. You dont need to agree with Aimee on all of the fine points in order to learn from her. Aimee provides practical tips for reading, learning, listening, and discerning.”
Rosaria Butterfield
author, Openness Unhindered and The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert
Product Description
Publisher's Description
Why are so many well-intentioned women falling for poor—even false—theology? The Devil has been effectively targeting women from the beginning, so why are they often left to fend for themselves in so-called women’s ministries?
Strengthening women in the church strengthens the whole church. Cultivating resolved, competent women equips them to fulfill their calling as Christ’s disciples and men’s essential allies. Writing to concerned women and church officers, Aimee Byrd pinpoints the problem, especially the commodification of women’s ministry. Aimee answers the hot-button issues—How can women grow in discernment? How should pastors preach to women? What are our roles within the church?—and points us in the direction of a multifaceted solution.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 288 Pages
- Publisher: P&R Publishing Company
- Publication Date: November 2016