On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations

Habermas, Gary

$63.63 $69.99
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While evidence for Christ's resurrection abounds, there are still those who posit alternative explanations for the empty tomb. In On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations, Gary Habermas offers detailed analyses and rebuttals of the alternate theories surrounding Jesus's resurrection.

Comprehensive in scope, On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations addresses topics such as:

  • Second-century texts that seem to challenge the resurrection
  • Hume's arguments against miracles
  • The naturalism and skepticism of nineteenth-century German liberalism
  • Alternative theories such as the disciples or others stealing the body, the "swoon" theory, hallucinations, and mythological understanding
Habermas engages critically with the arguments and offers a comprehensive apologetic for the reality of Christ's resurrection.

  • Cover Type
  • ISBN
  • Page Count
  • Publisher
    B&H Publishing Group
  • Publication Date
    September 2024

About the Author

Gary R. Habermas (PhD, Michigan State University) is distinguished research professor of apologetics and philosophy at the John W. Rawlings School of Divinity at Liberty University.
On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations - Habermas, Gary - 9781087778624
Broadman and Holman Publishers

On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations

$63.63 $69.99

While evidence for Christ's resurrection abounds, there are still those who posit alternative explanations for the empty tomb. In On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations, Gary Habermas offers detailed analyses and rebuttals of the alternate theories surrounding Jesus's resurrection.

Comprehensive in scope, On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations addresses topics such as:

Habermas engages critically with the arguments and offers a comprehensive apologetic for the reality of Christ's resurrection.


  • Hardcover


  • Single
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