Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 256 Pages
- Publisher: Broadman and Holman Publishers
- Publication Date: February 2015
Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement: 3 Views (Perspectives)
Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement presents a point-counterpoint exchange concerning God's intention in sending Christ to die on the cross. All three contributors recognize a substitutionary element in the atoning work of Christ, but disagree over the nature and objects of that substitution.
About the Contributors
Carl Trueman (Westminster Theological Seminary) argues that Christ's atoning work secured the redemption of his elect alone. While infinite in value, Christ's death was intended for and applied strictly to those whom the Father had elected unconditionally in eternity past.
John Hammett (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) argues that Christ's atoning work had multiple intentions. Of these intentions two rise to the fore: (1) the intention to accomplish atonement for God's elect and (2) the intention to provide atonement for all mankind.
Grant Osborne (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) argues that Christ's atoning work provided atonement generally for all mankind. The application of that atoning work is conditioned, however, on each person's willingness to receive it.
About the Editors
Andrew David Naselli is assistant professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Bethlehem College and Seminary, research manager for D. A. Carson, and administrator of Themelios.
Mark A. Snoeberger is associate professor of Systematic Theology at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“The extent of the atonement has been debated by Christian theologians from the early Reformation through contemporary evangelical theology. This volume offers compelling presentations by outstanding representatives of three leading views; definite atonement, general atonement, and multi-intentions views of the atonement. The multiviews format of this book allows readers to come to a more well-informed understanding of their own perspective.”
Steve W. Lemke
provost, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
“Here is a first-order discussion of a second-order doctrine. The contributors to this volume agree that the question of the extent of the atonement falls short of being placed in the top tier of doctrines central and non-negotiable to the Christian faith, yet they also rightly see the importance of this doctrine for faith and practice. Hence, the discussion here is spirited yet charitable, firm yet gracious. The quality of the discussion throughout is simply superb, as exegetical, historical, and theological considerations are put forth with clarity and scholarly acuteness. I strongly recommend a careful reading of this book, in light of the continued controversy surrounding this doctrine, and for the sake of our souls, as we seek to understand better the glory of Christs atone ment for sinners.”
Bruce A. Ware
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“At one theological institution where I studied, we spoke of a certain style of debate: thesis, followed by antithesis, followed by personal abuse. This book does not adopt that style. The first obligation in serious theological polemics must be understanding both your own position and your opponents positions as thoroughly as possible, the more so if the topic is sensitive. That is the first strength of this book. The second is that it shows how, in debates over the extent (or intent!) of the atonement, the principal options are not two, but three, and how this third position, often connected with Amyraut, turns on the difficult notion of God having more than one will. In one sense this book breaks no new ground; it does not intend to. But I know no book that handles this subject with more scrupulous attention to fairness and accuracy in debate.”
D. A. Carson Research Professor of New Testament
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; President, The Gospel Coalition
Product Description
Perspectives on the Extent of the Atonement presents a point-counterpoint exchange concerning God's intention in sending Christ to die on the cross. All three contributors recognize a substitutionary element in the atoning work of Christ, but disagree over the nature and objects of that substitution.
About the Contributors
Carl Trueman (Westminster Theological Seminary) argues that Christ's atoning work secured the redemption of his elect alone. While infinite in value, Christ's death was intended for and applied strictly to those whom the Father had elected unconditionally in eternity past.
John Hammett (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) argues that Christ's atoning work had multiple intentions. Of these intentions two rise to the fore: (1) the intention to accomplish atonement for God's elect and (2) the intention to provide atonement for all mankind.
Grant Osborne (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) argues that Christ's atoning work provided atonement generally for all mankind. The application of that atoning work is conditioned, however, on each person's willingness to receive it.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 256 Pages
- Publisher: Broadman and Holman Publishers
- Publication Date: February 2015