Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 304 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway/Good News Publishers
- Publication Date: March 2016
Piper's Expository Trilogy
Expository Exultation
"God has appointed preaching in worship as one great means of accomplishing his ultimate goal in the world." --John Piper
John Piper makes a compelling claim in these pages about the purpose of preaching: it is intended not merely as an explanation of the text but also as a means of awakening worship by being worship in and of itself. Christian preaching is a God-appointed miracle aiming to awaken the supernatural seeing, savoring, and showing of the glory of Christ.
Distilling over forty years of experience in preaching and teaching, Piper shows preachers how and what to communicate from God's Word, so that God's purpose on earth will advance through Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, God-centered preaching--in other words, expository exultation.
Reading the Bible Supernaturally
Does it take a miracle to read the Bible?
God wrote a book, and its pages are full of his glory. But we cannot see his beauty on our own, with mere human eyes.
In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written Word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sightgiving power—a power that extends beyond the words on the page.
A Peculiar Glory
Ultimately, Piper shows us that in the seemingly ordinary act of reading the Bible, something miraculous happens: we are given eyes to behold the glory of the living God.
bject of the soul's happiness. Now, his burden in this book is to demonstrate that this same glory is the ground of the mind's certainty.God’s peculiar glory shines through his Word. The Spirit of God enlightens the eyes of our hearts. And in one self–authenticating sight, our minds are sure and our hearts are satisfied. Justified certainty and solid joy meet in the peculiar glory of God.
Titles Included in This Set
Reading the Bible Supernaturally
Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture
by John PiperSample | Find Out More
Peculiar Glory
How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness
by John PiperSample | Find Out More
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“A Peculiar Glory should be quickly established as a modern classic on the Bible. Clearly and methodically laying out the case for why we can have absolute confidence in the Bible as God’s own word, it gives to faith both muscle and joy. The day John Owen persuaded me that the Christian Scriptures are self–authenticating was a glorious moment of liberation. I hope and expect that John Piper will bring that same liberation to many with this book.”– Michael Reeves, President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Oxford, England; author, Delighting in the Trinity, The Unquenchable Flame, and Rejoicing in Christ
“John Piper has written a robust and pastoral defense of an orthodox doctrine of Scripture. Resisting any who would render well–grounded assurance of Scripture’s truthfulness the preserve of experts and academics, his emphasis upon the self–authenticating and life–transforming glory of God they bear is salutary and faith–affirming. We cannot properly regard Scripture without beholding its author. The greatest strength of Piper’s treatment lies precisely in the fact that his account of Scripture is so absorbed in the beauty of the one who inspired it.”– Alastair Roberts, blogger; participant, Mere Fidelity podcast
Michael Reeves
President and Professor of Theology, Union School of Theology, Oxford, England; author, Delighting in the Trinity, The Unquenchable Flame, and Rejoicing in Christ
“With passion, clarity, a believing respect for Scripture, and a burning desire for God’s glory, John Piper has written a robust defense of the complete trustworthiness of Scripture, with debts to Jonathan Edwards and the Westminster Larger Catechism. The language of the book is simple and accessible, but the ideas are deep and its coverage extensive. Scholarship is worn lightly, and the pastoral concern informing the work is pervasively evident. Whether the reader is educationally sophisticated or unsophisticated, the argument is that the peculiar glory of God is on view for all to see, if God gives the grace to do so. I hope this work finds a wide readership.”– Graham A. Cole, Dean and Vice President of Education and Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Alastair Roberts
blogger; participant, Mere Fidelity podcast
“In this spirited and tightly argued book, pastor–theologian John Piper seeks to ground our confidence in the Bible’s status as the Word of God by directing our attention to the ‘peculiar glory’ that is manifest through its message and across its pages: the glory of the ‘Lion–like majesty’ and the ‘Lamb–like meekness’ that radiates in the face of Jesus Christ. Here is a book on the authority and trustworthiness of Scripture that promises to strengthen our faith in the word of God and to expand our capacity for wonder before the glory of God.”– Scott Swain, Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
Graham A. Cole
Dean and Vice President of Education and Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“There are few questions more important than ‘How do I know the Bible is God’s Word?’ And there are few people who could address it as well as John Piper. Drawing from the deep theological well of Jonathan Edwards and with a practical eye for the average believer in the pew, Piper helps us recover the foundational importance of a self–authenticating Bible. This book will revolutionize the way you think about God’s Word.”– Michael J. Kruger, President and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte; author, Canon Revisited
Scott Swain
Associate Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, Florida
“It’s easy to take the Bible for granted. We know that it’s the Word of God, but do we really? We know which books belong to it and what distinguishes these texts from ordinary religious literature, right? Of course, we know why we trust Scripture and how to communicate that confidence to others, or do we? Rather than take for granted a high view of Scripture, A Peculiar Glory exposes another generation to the source, authority, reliability, and truthfulness of God’s written word. Dr. Piper has written another important, accessible, and wise account of the things that matter most.”– Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California; author, Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story
Michael J. Kruger
President and Professor of New Testament, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte; author, Canon Revisited
“The classic doctrine of Scripture’s self–attestation suffers when it is used as a short–cut method of scoring evidential points or winning an argument without doing any work. But it unfolds its wings and soars to the heavens when handled by somebody who shows that when we read the Bible, we are dealing with God himself in his own holy words. In this book, John Piper throws everything he’s got at the message of how God illuminates the mind and gives firm conviction to the heart through the Bible.”– Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University
Michael Horton
J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California; author, Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story
“Piper points us to Scripture—its authority, its historical accuracy, its total truthfulness, and especially its beauty and power. The Scriptures are beautiful and powerful because they disclose to us, as the Spirit opens our hearts, the loveliness and glory of Jesus Christ. Here we find compelling arguments for the truthfulness of the Scriptures and profound meditations on the stunning glory of God. The book captures and expresses the truth of Peter’s words in John 6:68, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”– Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean of the School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Fred Sanders
Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University
“A Peculiar Glory is a solid theological and exegetical treatment of biblical authority, but much more. Besides the standard arguments, Piper has developed (with the help of Jonathan Edwards) a profoundly original yet biblical approach to the question. It raises the traditional arguments to an exponential level of cogency. Piper says that our most definitive persuasion comes from actually seeing the glory of God in his Word. Theologians have traditionally called this the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit, but that theological label does little justice to the experience, the awareness of the glory of God as we meet Jesus in Scripture. That really happens. It is astonishing and powerful. And it explains the difference between an observers merely theoretical faith and a true disciples delighted embrace of Christ. This doctrine of Scripture is worthy of the overall emphasis of Pipers writings, the desire for God, Christian hedonism, and the dangerous duty of delight. Perhaps only Piper could have written this book, and Im delighted that he has done so”– John M. Frame, J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
Thomas R. Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Associate Dean of the School of Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“A Peculiar Glory is not just another book defending the reliability of the Scriptures, although it does do that. It is a reminder that without the internal witness of the Spirit, no amount of evidences will ever lead to faith. And that witness works most directly as we read and understand Scripture itselfas it attests itself to usparticularly as we focus on Jesus and the gospel message. Part apologetics, part church history, part almost lyrical poetry, Pipers book should inspire every reader back to the Bible, to its core and to the Jesus whom it reveals, who loves us beyond measure despite all that we are and domore than enough reason for being his disciples..”– Craig L. Blomberg, Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary
John M. Frame
J. D. Trimble Chair of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando
“No book has inspired me to approach Scripture with as much anticipation as Reading the Bible Supernaturally. Read this book at your own risk, for it will ignite your devotional life. You will find yourself actively hunting for treasure in the Bible, looking carefully at each passage, praying and trusting that God himself will open your eyes to see and savor his glory. Dont let the length of this book fool you; it is clear, accessible, and inspiring. In fact, it is the most practical, passionate, and motivating book on reading the Bible I have ever read. Read it. Apply it. Test it. It will transform your approach to Gods Word.”– Vaneetha Rendall Risner, author, The Scars That Have Shaped Me
Craig L. Blomberg
Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary
“If you disconnect the Bible from Gods glory, you lose your grip on both. What terrible things we hear people say about each of them, taken in isolation. John Piper puts them together, and finds himself preaching an astonishingly high doctrine of Scripture, right alongside an intimately experiential doctrine of Gods glory. Reading the Bible Supernaturally is not just one of the helpful activities that make up the Christian life. Kept in proper context, seen in full perspective, and received in wide-awake recognition of the living voice of the triune God, reading the Bible is the central act of Christian existence. This book, a kind of extended Christian hedonist gloss on Psalm 119, is an invitation to the miracle of Bible reading.”– Fred Sanders, Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University; author, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything
Vaneetha Rendall Risner
author, The Scars That Have Shaped Me
“Reading the Bible Supernaturally is a thorough and compelling wake-up call to lethargic, passive, resistant, mechanical Bible readers (which is all of us at one point or another) to become hungry, eager, inquisitive, aggressively observant miners for the treasure in the textfully expectant that God will bring us from death to life, from foolishness to wisdom, from damning despair to glorious hope through his Word.”– Nancy Guthrie, Bible teacher; author, Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow
Fred Sanders
Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University; author, The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything
“Reading the Bible Supernaturally reminds us why we cannot rest until every person on earth has access to the Bible in their own tongue. Tribes, languages, peoples, and nations are perishing without access to, or opportunity to know, this glorious God through this glorious book. John Piper stokes the urgency of our calling as the church of Jesus Christ to deepen our appreciation for the Word that God uses toward a missional endhis global and eternal glory.”– Michael Oh, Global Executive Director, The Lausanne Movement
Nancy Guthrie
Bible teacher; author, Hearing Jesus Speak into Your Sorrow
“The seemingly mundane topic of reading the Bible ushers us into a world of supernatural grace for sinners. With constant reference to the Holy Scriptures, John Piper shows us how to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and to read by the light of Christ. Yet Piper commends no passive mysticism, but studious labor over the best of books; he is thorough, practical, and engaging throughout. Take up and read!”– Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Michael Oh
Global Executive Director, The Lausanne Movement
“Stunning. Profound. Powerful. Reading the Bible Supernaturally will move you to captivated and awestruck worship at the Divines plan for his Word as an instrument to magnify his unrivaled glory. Seeing and savoring the God of the Scriptures is an extraordinarily high calling every believer must pursue, and no man can move us to that place quite like John Piper. This book, accessibly written and weighty in content, is so much more than a manual or study guide to the Scriptures. Rather, its an invitation to the experience God intended we have with his Wordan experience that is Spirit dependent, faith building, and worship inciting.”– Louie Giglio, Pastor, Passion City Church, Atlanta; Founder, Passion Conferences; author, The Comeback
Joel R. Beeke
President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“I have been reading the Bible daily for thirty-five years. Reading the Bible Supernaturally challenged my motives, effort, and enjoyment. I doubt I will read the Scriptures the same way again. I look forward to deeper and more wonderful times alone in the Word in the days ahead. This book is a must read for anyone wanting to take Bible study seriously.”– Francis Chan, New York Times best-selling author, Crazy Love and Forgotten God
Louie Giglio
Pastor, Passion City Church, Atlanta; Founder, Passion Conferences; author, The Comeback
“Not many books should be recommended for both beginning Bible readers and mature Bible readers, but this is one of them. Utilizing brief and pointed expositions of often overlooked Bible verses, John Piper helpfully explains why we should be reading the Bible, the work of the Spirit in our Bible reading, and the fundamental skills and habits of faithful Bible reading. I cannot imagine a serious Christian who would not benefit from a thoughtful reading of this book.”– D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Cofounder, The Gospel Coalition
Francis Chan
New York Times best-selling author, Crazy Love and Forgotten God
“It is a refreshing change to read a book on preaching that contains almost nothing about technique but rather focuses on the Bibles teaching about the nature and awesome privilege of the taskand, above all, on the majesty of God, whose servants we are and whose glories we are called to proclaim. Many preachers will be spurred on by these pages, as I have been, to keep giving themselves to the solemn and joyful tasks of explaining Scripture and exulting in God.”– Vaughan Roberts, Rector, St Ebbes, Oxford, England; Director, The Proclamation Trust; author, God's Big Picture
D. A. Carson
Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; Cofounder, The Gospel Coalition
“The first time I heard John Piper preach the Bible, I was in my early twenties and had never experienced anything like the passion and power that proceeded from a zeal rooted and tethered to the text. This became for me a blueprint to be emulated. I am grateful that he has written the great lessons of over thirty years of expository exultation for the generations to come. There is gold in these pages, and I am eager for the next group of those who will herald the good news of the gospel to be shaped by it. We are in desperate need of serious preaching in these serious days.”– Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author, The Mingling of Souls and The Explicit Gospel
Vaughan Roberts
Rector, St Ebbes, Oxford, England; Director, The Proclamation Trust; author, God's Big Picture
“John Pipers Expository Exultation is fittingly dedicated to Martyn Lloyd-Jones, because it may well do for the present generation what Preaching and Preachers did uniquely for previous onesinstruct, humble, challenge, and inspire. Here are heat and light combinedwhat Lloyd-Jones called logic on fire. All the emphases we have come to expect from Piper are here: God-centered, Christ-focused, Spirit-imbued, with rigorous attention to the text of Scripture and passionate theological conviction. Piper displays a take-you-by-the-throat honesty and a sense of the weight of glory that marks true worship. Here is a book about preaching in which God himself takes center stage. Expository Exultation is a stunning utterance, a leave-you-wanting-more kind of book. It prostrates us in the dust, then sets us on our feet, and thus makes us want to be and do better for God. It is simply a must-read for every preacher of the gospel. Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellors Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary; Teaching Fellow, Ligonier Ministries
Matt Chandler
Lead Pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; President, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author, The Mingling of Souls and The Explicit Gospel
“Piper has written more than fifty books, so there is something a bit outrageous in suggesting that Expository Exultation is his best. But such a case can be made. Perhaps that is because I, like John, am a preacher, and was profoundly instructed, rebuked, encouraged, and given even greater hope for my ministry through the insights he provides in this book. I trust John has many more volumes to come, but for my money, this is the culmination of his contribution to pastoral ministry. If youre not a pastor or preacher, read it anyway. If you are in full-time ministry, dig deeply into this immense treasure trove of homiletical insight. Im confident that if you do, it will radically transform your approach to Gods Word and the passion with which you preach it.”
Sam Storms
Senior Pastor, Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
“John Pipers new book on preaching is a dream come true. I have personally been waiting for this book for nearly twenty years. Pipers first book on preaching was monumental. This book is even better. It was worth the wait.”
Jason C. Meyer
Pastor for Preaching and Vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
“John Piper writes with the expository conviction we expect, encouraging preachers not only to say what is true but also to show how the Bible establishes that truth. He writes beyond our expectations, however, when putting his pastoral finger on the chief expository errors within our ranks: the moralistic error (Just do it!) and the replacement error (You cant do it, so merely enjoy justification by imputed righteousness). Finally, he advocates for the preaching we need, urging that in all our expositions we would make a beeline from the cross to the resurrection to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the giving of Scripture to the blood-bought miracle of new birth to the mystery of Christ in you, the hope of glory, to the beauties of Christ-permeating, Christ-exalting self-control and sober-mindedness and love. This is great writing to exult the glorious power of the gospel that pervades all of Scripture.”
Bryan Chapell
Pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois
“Piper shows how true preaching and true worship go hand in hand in the most natural way. This takes place when the preacher works carefully to exegete the text through the anointing of the Spirit and comes to the pulpit under the same influence. The goal is to bring out the spiritual reality behind each text of the Scriptures to honor the intention of the human writer, but especially to exalt the glory of the divine author who inspired the text. This is what this book is all about. Read it slowly, digest its content carefully, and then bring its principles into practice piously.”
Miguel Nez
Senior Pastor, International Baptist Church of Santo Domingo; President and Founder, Wisdom and Integrity Ministries
Product Description
Expository Exultation
"God has appointed preaching in worship as one great means of accomplishing his ultimate goal in the world." --John Piper
John Piper makes a compelling claim in these pages about the purpose of preaching: it is intended not merely as an explanation of the text but also as a means of awakening worship by being worship in and of itself. Christian preaching is a God-appointed miracle aiming to awaken the supernatural seeing, savoring, and showing of the glory of Christ.
Distilling over forty years of experience in preaching and teaching, Piper shows preachers how and what to communicate from God's Word, so that God's purpose on earth will advance through Bible-saturated, Christ-exalting, God-centered preaching--in other words, expository exultation.
Reading the Bible Supernaturally
Does it take a miracle to read the Bible?
God wrote a book, and its pages are full of his glory. But we cannot see his beauty on our own, with mere human eyes.
In Reading the Bible Supernaturally, John Piper aims to show us how God works through his written Word when we pursue the natural act of reading the Bible, so that we experience his sightgiving power—a power that extends beyond the words on the page.
A Peculiar Glory
Ultimately, Piper shows us that in the seemingly ordinary act of reading the Bible, something miraculous happens: we are given eyes to behold the glory of the living God.
bject of the soul's happiness. Now, his burden in this book is to demonstrate that this same glory is the ground of the mind's certainty.God’s peculiar glory shines through his Word. The Spirit of God enlightens the eyes of our hearts. And in one self–authenticating sight, our minds are sure and our hearts are satisfied. Justified certainty and solid joy meet in the peculiar glory of God.
Titles Included in This Set
Reading the Bible Supernaturally
Seeing and Savoring the Glory of God in Scripture
by John PiperSample | Find Out More
Peculiar Glory
How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness
by John PiperSample | Find Out More
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 304 Pages
- Publisher: Crossway/Good News Publishers
- Publication Date: March 2016