Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 221 Pages
- Publisher: Shepherd Press
- Publication Date: April 2011
Red Like Blood: Confrontations with Grace
Publisher's Description
This book is a picture of grace.
In it you will find story after story of brokenness and the grace that entered in. Some stories are from Joe, a pastor’s kid turned pastor. Some are from Bob, a prodigal come home. And some are from the many inspiring characters they have met along the way. The stories are often raw and always brutally transparent. Because wherever real grace flows, real brokenness was there first.
About the Authors
Joe Coffey is lead pastor of Christ Community Chapel, an independent, multi–campus, mega–church in Northeastern Ohio.
Bob Bevington has practiced optometry since 1980. His passion, however, is the message of the cross.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“I commend their book to you so you can see how grace works, how it transforms lives, how the story of these men is really the story of a loving and gracious God.”– Tim Challies: Book reviewer and blogger at and Author of The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion and Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys who are Sick of Porn
“In Red Like Blood Joe Coffey and Bob Bevington share stories of joy and sorrow, laughter and pain, grace upon grace. This book reminds us all that the grace of God is authentic, that it is powerful, that it is enough.”– Tullian Tchividjian
“Joe Coffey and Bob Bevington beautifully demonstrate that the gospel doesn’t just rescue us from our past and it doesn’t just rescue us for the future—it rescues us in the present by regularly reminding us that in the economy of grace, brokenness always precedes usefulness.”– Tullian Tchividjian, Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; Author of Surprised by Grace: God’s Relentless Pursuit of Rebels and Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different
“More and more Christians are rediscovering the fact that when God saves us he doesn’t move us beyond the gospel, but rather more deeply into the gospel. And this is radically reorienting the church to the gospel’s “now–power.” Red Like Blood is a powerful reminder that while our daily sin reaches far, God’s daily grace reaches farther.
“Read this book and you will ‘rise up and call me blessed’ for having told you about it.”– Steve Brown, Professor Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; Author; Teacher, “Key Life” radio program
“Authenticity–incredible honesty–leaps off every page, and truth–life changing Biblical truth–stands up and salutes. These guys smell like Jesus.
“What a wonderful book! I’m a cynical old preacher and sometimes have to see the ‘real deal’ to keep on doing what I do. This book is enough “real deal” to last a very long time.
“It is difficult to exaggerate the usefulness of this book in communicating what grace means in the lives of individuals.”– Derek Thomas, Author of twelve titles including A Biblical Guide to Love, Sex and Marriage; Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary/Jackson; Editorial Director, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
“Every now and then, a book emerges that challenges and informs in ways that seem fresh and stimulating. Employing captivating stories, Coffey and Bevington speak to an audience otherwise deaf to more standard forms of communicating the gospel. The stories are thrilling in themselves, but woven into the telling of them is a gospel–thread that both entices and captivates.
“Red Like Blood is real. Through the humble stories of two uncomfortably honest men you’ll see the depth of your own need and you’ll celebrate the Savior who meets, forgives and transforms you too.”– Paul David Tripp, Pastor, Author of many books on practical issues of Christian living including, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands and A Quest for More: Living for Something Bigger Than You
Tim Challies: Book reviewer and blogger at and Author of The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion and Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys who are Sick of Porn
“So much of what purports to be Christianity fails to be real. It is faux Christianity: man–centered, self–atoning, conscience–easing religious therapy for those who don’t want to feel needy or broken.
Tullian Tchividjian
“These are guys who have seen sin up close and personal, and cannot get over being amazed by a bloody and risen and reigning Savior. Expect to be changed by reading it.”– Justin Taylor, Managing Editor, ESV Study Bible; Blogger at Between Two Worlds
Tullian Tchividjian
Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; Author of Surprised by Grace: God’s Relentless Pursuit of Rebels and Unfashionable: Making a Difference in the World by Being Different
“But be forewarned: this isn’t a typical ‘Christian book’ where the authors wear sanitized masks and explain how to live the good life. It’s an exercise in earthy honesty and gritty grace.
Steve Brown
Professor Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; Author; Teacher, “Key Life” radio program
“Bob and Joe shouldn’t be friends. They have different backgrounds, different personalities, different stories. But in these pages you’ll read the true story of a stunning event in the past that made them blood brothers for life.
Derek Thomas
Author of twelve titles including A Biblical Guide to Love, Sex and Marriage; Professor of Systematic and Practical Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary/Jackson; Editorial Director, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
“Both believers and non–believers will enjoy and profit from this book.”– Jerry Bridges, Best–selling author of The Pursuit of Holiness and Trusting God
Paul David Tripp
Pastor, Author of many books on practical issues of Christian living including, Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands and A Quest for More: Living for Something Bigger Than You
“This book is the story of two men; one a preacher and the other an obvious sinner, who both learned to drink deeply from the gospel and to experience the amazing grace of God. Red Like Blood is captivating, challenging, and encouraging.
Justin Taylor
Managing Editor, ESV Study Bible; Blogger at Between Two Worlds
“’Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.’ These memorable words from the pen of ex–slave trader, John Newton, could well be the sub–title of Red Like Blood.
Jerry Bridges
Best–selling author of The Pursuit of Holiness and Trusting God
Product Description
Publisher's Description
This book is a picture of grace.
In it you will find story after story of brokenness and the grace that entered in. Some stories are from Joe, a pastor’s kid turned pastor. Some are from Bob, a prodigal come home. And some are from the many inspiring characters they have met along the way. The stories are often raw and always brutally transparent. Because wherever real grace flows, real brokenness was there first.
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 221 Pages
- Publisher: Shepherd Press
- Publication Date: April 2011