Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 128 Pages
- Publisher: Free Grace Press
- Publication Date: June 2021
Seven Thoughts Every Christian Ought to Think Every Day
I have deliberately written this book in a simple, easy-to-understand style. Both new believers who are just beginning a life of prayer and nonreligious people ought to be able to understand it. In some sections of the book, I carefully explain how to become part of God's kingdom. I hope that this will help people who might be curious about how to become a Christian. I have also attempted to explain ideas that will benefit believers, regardless of their level of spiritual maturity, who are interested in learning how to live a more faithful life of prayer. I support every idea with Scripture, and many of the of the references are noted, but some Scripture passages I paraphrase or quote only briefly, and some are not noted. Again, this is part of my attempt to write in a simple, uncluttered style.
Each of the chapters is broken down into seven subsections identified by headings of Day 1, Day 2, and so on. The best way to make your way through the book is to carefully read one of the sections each day. If you do this, you will read through the entire book in less than two months. Every day, turn into prayer the information you have read that day.
– from the Author's Preface
Jim Scott Orrick is a former professor at Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky, as well as the author of A Year with George Herbert: A Guide to Fifty-Two of His Best Loved Poems.
Endorsements (${ productEndorsements.length })
“Perhaps the greatest compliment I can pay an author is to read his book to my wife and my five children, ages eleven to seventeen. This book on prayer, written by Dr. Jim Orrick, is not the first book by him that I have read to my family. That speaks to my high regard for him and his ministry. This book on kingdom prayer is no exception. This book, so well organized as to read as a personal or family devotion, is not the musings of a young Christian minister who is overly ambitious to get himself published. Actually, it’s the product—indeed, the fruit—of a man who has faithfully and as deeply as any man I know availed himself to the ordinary means of grace for five-plus decades. There is no one I know in the Christian world who has memorized more Scripture, hymns, catechisms, poems, and the like, which have all greatly benefitted his own prayer life. This is the work of a man who knows the triune God. But the genius of Orrick’s work is that he can take the deepest and most profound insights that would edify the most mature of Christians and communicate those very truths in such a way that a young Christian, even one who is not yet a Christian, could understand. In other words, this book is for everyone. ”
Brian Payne
Professor of Christian theology and expository preaching at Boyce College
“Searching for great resources to disciple new believers can be like Goldilocks tasting porridge. Too difficult, and it frustrates; too fluffy, and it misleads. Jim Orrick has that much sought-after gift of taking deep truths and bringing the tray to the common man. When a book can be handed to an unbeliever for evangelism, read through with a new believer to disciple, worked through with the family for worship, and also delight the soul of the seasoned in Christ, it is a helpful book. ”
Josh Lagrange
Church planter
“As Christians, we are a naturally sinful and forgetful people who consistently need to be reminded of the power of prayer. Following the outline of the Lord’s Prayer, Jim Orrick has written a profound yet practical resource detailing seven distinct ways in which prayer sanctifies the Christian on a daily basis. Seven Thoughts Every Christian Ought to Think Every Day encouraged me to depend even more fully on my Father’s sustaining grace in my life and ministry, and for that I am deeply thankful. ”
James H. Winfrey
Missionary mobilizer, Reaching & Teaching
“Christian prayer should not feel like a performance marked by a sense of pressure and failure. Instead, it’s an open invitation to speak with our heavenly Father. With his own fatherly wisdom, Jim Orrick helps us see how God gently uses prayer to change us. The book is flavored with pithy proverbs, colorful stories, and earthy illustrations that help the truth take root in our hearts. Over and over, I was refreshed and encouraged by Orrick’s many insights gleaned from decades of walking closely with God. ”
David Gundersen
Pastor, BridgePoint Bible Church
Product Description
I have deliberately written this book in a simple, easy-to-understand style. Both new believers who are just beginning a life of prayer and nonreligious people ought to be able to understand it. In some sections of the book, I carefully explain how to become part of God's kingdom. I hope that this will help people who might be curious about how to become a Christian. I have also attempted to explain ideas that will benefit believers, regardless of their level of spiritual maturity, who are interested in learning how to live a more faithful life of prayer. I support every idea with Scripture, and many of the of the references are noted, but some Scripture passages I paraphrase or quote only briefly, and some are not noted. Again, this is part of my attempt to write in a simple, uncluttered style.
Each of the chapters is broken down into seven subsections identified by headings of Day 1, Day 2, and so on. The best way to make your way through the book is to carefully read one of the sections each day. If you do this, you will read through the entire book in less than two months. Every day, turn into prayer the information you have read that day.
– from the Author's Preface
About The Author
Product Details
- Cover Type:
- 128 Pages
- Publisher: Free Grace Press
- Publication Date: June 2021