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Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon

Breimaier, Thomas; Larsen, Timothy (Foreword by)

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Tethered to the Cross unveils the deeply rooted philosophy of the "Price of Preachers Charles H. Spurgeon. For nearly forty years, Spurgeon commanded the pulpit at London's bustling Metropolitan Tabernacle, where his sermons became legendary. But what made his scriptural insights so transformational? The renowned theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier takes us on an enlightening exploration of Spurgeon's profound interpretative technique. Breimaier reveals how Spurgeon, with unwavering focus, read every passage of Scripture through the lens of the cross of Christ. This cross-centered approach was not merely a method but a mission--a passionate crusade to convert unbelievers through the power of the gospel. With Breimaier as our insightful guide, we are invited to experience the enduring impact of Spurgeon's teachings, learning how to anchor our own understanding of Scripture in the life-changing power of the cross.

Spurgeon's commitment to preaching Christ and Him crucified extended beyond the walls of his church making his life a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of Christianity's central message. Through Tethered to the Cross, we are inspired to pursue a similar depth of conviction, influencing your community with the same passion and purpose that characterized Spurgeon's ministry.

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  • Publisher
    IVP Academic
  • Publication Date
    September 2024

About the Author

Thomas Breimaier (PhD, University of Edinburgh) lectures in systematic theology and history at Spurgeon's College in London. Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, he holds degrees from Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College Graduate School and is a book review editor for the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology.
Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon - Breimaier, Thomas; Larsen, Timothy (Foreword by) - 9781514013007
InterVarsity Press

Tethered to the Cross: The Life and Preaching of Charles H. Spurgeon

$39.98 $39.99

Tethered to the Cross unveils the deeply rooted philosophy of the "Price of Preachers Charles H. Spurgeon. For nearly forty years, Spurgeon commanded the pulpit at London's bustling Metropolitan Tabernacle, where his sermons became legendary. But what made his scriptural insights so transformational? The renowned theologian and historian Thomas Breimaier takes us on an enlightening exploration of Spurgeon's profound interpretative technique. Breimaier reveals how Spurgeon, with unwavering focus, read every passage of Scripture through the lens of the cross of Christ. This cross-centered approach was not merely a method but a mission--a passionate crusade to convert unbelievers through the power of the gospel. With Breimaier as our insightful guide, we are invited to experience the enduring impact of Spurgeon's teachings, learning how to anchor our own understanding of Scripture in the life-changing power of the cross.

Spurgeon's commitment to preaching Christ and Him crucified extended beyond the walls of his church making his life a testament to the enduring strength and relevance of Christianity's central message. Through Tethered to the Cross, we are inspired to pursue a similar depth of conviction, influencing your community with the same passion and purpose that characterized Spurgeon's ministry.


  • Paperback


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