The Passionate Intellect: Christian Faith and the Discipleship of the Mind

McGrath, Alister

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  • 2011 Christianity Today Book Award winner

Alister McGrath, one of the most prominent theologians and public intellectuals of our day, explains how Christian thinking can and must have a positive role in shaping, nourishing and safeguarding the Christian vision of reality. With this in our grasp, we have the capacity for robust intellectual and cultural engagement, confidently entering the public sphere of ideas where atheism, postmodernism and science come into play. This book explores how the great tradition of Christian theological reflection enriches faith. It deepens our appreciation of the gospel's ability to engage with the complexities of the natural world on the one hand and human experience on the other.

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  • Publisher
    IVP Books
  • Publication Date
    March 2014
The Passionate Intellect: Christian Faith and the Discipleship of the Mind - McGrath, Alister - 9780830836758
InterVarsity Press

The Passionate Intellect: Christian Faith and the Discipleship of the Mind

$15.99 $16.00

Alister McGrath, one of the most prominent theologians and public intellectuals of our day, explains how Christian thinking can and must have a positive role in shaping, nourishing and safeguarding the Christian vision of reality. With this in our grasp, we have the capacity for robust intellectual and cultural engagement, confidently entering the public sphere of ideas where atheism, postmodernism and science come into play. This book explores how the great tradition of Christian theological reflection enriches faith. It deepens our appreciation of the gospel's ability to engage with the complexities of the natural world on the one hand and human experience on the other.


  • Paperback


  • Single
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